Enabled Extension Point Editor

Use to define the specification entity class on which a specification-based extension point can be used.

Field Use

Specification Class Name

Select the fully qualified entity specification Java class.

Nearly all Inventory entities are recognizable by their Java class name. For example, the Telephone Number Specification entity appears in the list as oracle.communications.inventory.api.entity.TelephoneNumberSpecification, and the Equipment Specification entity appears in the list as oracle.communcations.inventory.api.entity.EquipmentSpecification.

The only exceptions to this recognizable naming convention are the configuration specifications, which are:

  • Flow Interface Configuration specification

  • Logical Device Configuration specification

  • Logical Device Account Configuration specification

  • Network Configuration specification

  • Pipe Configuration specification

  • Place Configuration specification

  • Service Configuration specification

To enable an extension point for a configuration specification, you must select the oracle.communications.inventory.api.entity.InventoryConfigurationSpec class, which enables the Configuration Version Instance Type list.

Configuration Version Instance Type

The Configuration Version Instance Type list is enabled only when you select oracle.communications.inventory.api.entity.InventoryConfigurationSpec from the Specification Class Name field.

(Optional) To enable an extension point for a specific entity configuration specification, select the configuration version DAO class for the configurable entity, which is recognizable by its Java class name. For example, the Logical Device Configuration specification entity appears in the list as oracle.communications.platform.entity.impl.LogicalDeviceConfigurationVersionDAO, and the Service Configuration specification entity appears in the list as oracle.communications.platform.entity.impl.ServiceConfigurationVersionDAO.

If enabled, and you do not select a value for Configuration Version Instance Type, the extension point is enabled for all entity configuration specifications.


Displays the name of the selected extension point. Click Point to create a new extension point.


Click to select an existing extension point.


Click to remove a previously selected extension point.