Defining the Network Type and Technology

When you create a Network specification, you must select a network type and a technology. The network type is not displayed in Network entities in UIM, but is used to configure the network.

There are three types of network, defined by selecting a value for the Entity Type data element:

  • Use the Network type for physical and logical transport networks, such as SDH, Frame Relay, MetroE, or MPLS.

  • Use the Service Network type for networks that provide a unified view of a service that delivers packet connectivity. Service networks include service locations, network access connectivity, and supporting virtual networks. Network specifications of this type require that you associate a Network Configuration specification.

  • Use the Packet Virtual Network (PVN) type for virtual networks, such as Ethernet Virtual Circuits (EVCs), that support packet-based services. A PVN can include flow interfaces, packet network connectivity, and cross connects. Network specifications of this type require a Network Configuration specification.

The network type and the network technology (defined by selecting a value for the Technology data element) are interdependent:

  • The Undefined technology is available for Network and Service Network types.

  • Packet technologies, such as ATM, Frame Relay, MPLS and Ethernet, are available for Packet Virtual Network and Service Network types.

  • All other technologies are available for the Network type.

To define the network type and technology:

  1. Open a Network Specification entity in the Network Specification editor.

    See "Creating New Specifications" for information about creating new Network specifications.

  2. Click the Network Properties tab.

  3. In the Entity Type field, select a network type.

  4. In the Technology field, click Select.

    The Select Technology dialog box appears. Only the technologies applicable to the Entity Type value are included.

  5. Select a technology and click OK.

    The Technology field is updated.

  6. From the File menu, select Save.