Populating a Drop-Down list with Static Values

You can populate a drop-down list with values that do not change.

To populate a drop-down list with static values:

  1. From the Studio menu, select Show Design Perspective.

  2. Click the Dictionary tab.

  3. Select the data element that you want to tag as a characteristic.

    The Data Element tab appears in the Data Schema editor.

  4. Click the Settings tab.

  5. In the Control Type field, ensure that the DropDown value is selected.

    See “About Control Types" for more information.

  6. Click the Characteristics tab.

    The fields on this tab are read-only if the data element is not tagged as a characteristic. See "Tagging Data Elements as Characteristics" for more information.

  7. In the Data Values area, select Enumerations.

  8. Click the Enumerations tab.

  9. Click Add.

    Design Studio creates a new row in the Included table and uses placeholder text for the Code and Description values.

  10. Click the placeholder text in the Code or Description columns.

    The placeholder text becomes editable.

  11. Edit the placeholder text.

    The contents of these fields are stored in the database, but only the Description field is displayed to the user in UIM. For example, you may want Red as the label displayed to the user, but 1 as the value stored in the database.

    You can enter text in the Code field without entering text in the Description field. In this case, the Code text is displayed.

  12. (Optional) To make the enumeration the default value in the run-time environment, click inside the Default column and select Yes.

  13. (Optional) To remove a value from the table, select any value and click Remove.

  14. From the File menu, select Save.