Processing Signal Specification Editor Details Tab

Use the Details tab to review details about a Processing Signal specification, including its type and rate code. This information is read-only.

Field Use


Displays the name of the processing signal specification.

Transmission Signal Type

Displays the physical nature of the transmission signal, such as Optical or Electrical.

Processing Signal Type

Displays the name of the processing signal. Processing signal types for SDH are:

  • ADMINISTRATIVE_UNIT_GROUP (AUG): Groups a set of Administrative Unit (AU) signals.

  • ADMINISTRATIVE_UNIT (AU): A pointer with alignment to a Virtual Container (VC) signal.

  • TRIBUTARY_UNIT_GROUP (TUG): Groups a set of Tributary Unit (TU) signals in the STM-1 frame signal.

  • TRIBUTARY_UNIT (TU): A pointer with alignment to a Virtual Container (VC) signal in the STM-1 frame signal.

  • VIRTUAL_CONTAINER (VC): Adapts (maps to) a Container (C) signal.

Processing signal types for SONET are:

  • VIRTUAL_TRIBUTARY_GROUP (VTG): Groups a set of Virtual Tributary (VT) signals within the STS-1 frame signal.

  • VIRTUAL_TRIBUTARY (VT): A pointer with alignment to a Synchronous Payload Envelope (SPE) signal within the STS-1 frame signal.

  • SYNCHRONOUS_TRANSPORT_SIGNAL (STS): A pointer with alignment to a Synchronous Payload Envelope (SPE) signal.

Rate Code

Displays the rate code that identifies the technology and bit rate for the processing signal.