Working with Entity Identification Specifications

Using Design Studio, you can configure business entities so that when instances are created in Oracle Communications Unified Inventory Management (UIM), the entity IDs are generated automatically. By default, the ID is a numeric sequence number. You can also customize the ID generation by defining an Entity Identification specification and associating it to an entity specification.

Entity Identification specifications enable you to define alphanumeric prefixes and suffixes, which are added to numeric sequence values to form ID values for entities.

An Entity Identification specification must be associated with a Sequence specification. The Sequence specification defines the minimum, maximum, and increment values that UIM uses to generate the numeric sequence value segment of the entity ID. See "Working with Sequence Specifications" for more information.

You can associate an Entity Identification specification to one or multiple entity specifications to define how UIM creates entity IDs when you create an entity using those specifications.

When working with Entity Identification specifications, see the following topics: