About IP Address Resource Extensions

You create IP Address Resource Extension specifications by extending inventory entities. See "Extending Predefined Specifications" for more information.

When extending an IP resource entity, you select an IP resource type of:

  • IPv4Network

  • IPv4Subnet

  • IPv4Address

  • IPv6Network

  • IPv6Subnet

  • IPv6Address

UIM also provides the following base specifications in the ora_uim_basespecifications cartridge. If IP resources are not extended through the IP address resource extension specifications and deployed into UIM, the base specifications are deployed into UIM by default.

  • IPv4NetworkBase

  • IPv4SubnetBase

  • IPv4AddressBase

  • IPv6NetworkBase

  • IPv6SubnetBase

  • IPv6AddressBase

The IPv4NetworkBase and IPv6NetworkBase base specifications define a unique set of characteristics that pertain to an IPv4 and IPv6 network respectively. The IPv4Network and IPv6Network resource extension specifications define the same unique set of characteristics, but also provide the ability to extend the specification by adding custom characteristics. Both types of specifications (base and resource extension) are used to define IPv4Subnet and IPv6Subnet entities in UIM.


Both IP networks and IP subnets are defined in the UIM database as IPv4Subnet or IPv6Subnet entities, but are differentiated with the isIPNetwork boolean attribute; when set to true, the entity is an IP network, and when set to false, the entity is an IP subnet.

The IPv4SubnetBase and IPv6SubnetBase base specifications define a unique set of characteristics that pertain to an IPv4 and IPv6 subnet respectively. The IPv4Subnet and IPv6Subnet resource extension specifications define the same unique set of characteristics, but also provide the ability to extend the specification by adding custom characteristics. Both types of specifications (base and resource extension) are used to define IPv4Subnet and IPv6Subnet entities in UIM.

The IPv4AddressBase and IPv6AddressBase base specifications define a unique set of characteristics that pertain to an IPv4 and IPv6 address respectively. The IPv4Address and IPv6Address resource extension specifications define the same unique set of characteristics, but also provide the ability to extend the specification by adding custom characteristics. Both types of specifications (base and resource extension) are used to define IPv4Address and IPv6Address entities in UIM.