About Wait Delay Date and Time XQuery Expressions

This topic describes how to use one of the following fields:

  • Orchestration Fulfillment Pattern editor, Orchestration Plan tab, Dependencies subtab, Wait Condition subtab, Wait Delay area, Duration Expression area XQuery subtab for the Date Time Expression selection

  • Orchestration Dependency editor, Wait for Condition tab, Wait Delay area, Duration Expression area XQuery subtab for the Date Time Expression selection

to write an expression that specifies the date and time, based on an order item property, for starting a waiting order component after all dependencies have been resolved.

  • Context: The Date Time Expression XQuery input document is the entire set of order items included in the order contained in the toOrderComponent element. You can use the requestedDeliveryDate order item property to determine the date and time that the XQuery should start after all blocking items have resolved. For example:

    <toOrderComponent xmlns="">
     <osm:orderItem [35 lines]
     <osm:orderItem [37 lines]
     <osm:orderItem [42 lines]
     xmlns:osm="http://xmlns.oracle.com/communications/ordermanagement/model" id="5678">
     <osm:name>Broadband Bundle [Add]</osm:name>
      <osm:properties xmlns:im="http://oracle.communications.ordermanagement.unsupported. centralom">
       <im:lineItemName>Broadband Bundle [Add]</im:lineItemName>
       <im:productClass>Broadband Bundle Class</im:productClass>
       <im:lineItemPayload> [34 lines]
       <im:region>Sao Paulo</im:region>
     <osm:orderItem [57 lines]
     <osm:orderItem [57 lines]
     <osm:orderItem [42 lines]
     <osm:orderItem [37 lines]
     <osm:orderItem [37 lines]
     <osm:orderItem [57 lines]
  • Prolog: You can declare the order item namespace and the OSM namespace in the XQuery prolog. For example:

    declare namespace osm="http://xmlns.oracle.com/communications/ordermanagement/model";
    declare namespace im="http://oracle.communications.ordermanagement.unsupported.centralom";
  • Body: The XQuery body returns a date and time value based on the requestedDeliveryDate order item property:

    osm:toOrderComponent[1]/osm:orderItem[1]/osm:properties[1]/*[namespace-uri()='http://oracle.communications.ordermanagement.unsupported.centralom' and local-name()='requestedDeliveryDate'][1]/text() 

    osm:toOrderComponent: returns the entire set of order items included in the order and returns the requested delivery date of all order items for the wait delay date and time.

The following example shows the sample XQuery to return a date time value.

declare namespace osm="http://xmlns.oracle.com/communications/ordermanagement/model"; 
declare namespace im="http://oracle.communications.ordermanagement.unsupported.centralom"; 
osm:toOrderComponent[1]/osm:orderItem[1]/osm:properties[1]/*[namespace-uri()='http://oracle.communications.ordermanagement.unsupported.centralom' and local-name()='requestedDeliveryDate'][1]/text()