About Importing Design Studio Cartridges

You can import into Design Studio existing OSM models. When importing OSM models, Design Studio generates a new cartridge project and maps the metadata for each order into an equivalent Design Studio directory structure.


Cartridge dependencies must exist in the workspace before importing a cartridge project. For example, when importing an OSM project that has a dependency on a Model project, you must import the Model project first to avoid problem markers during the project build. Also, when importing cartridges that have specific languages defined in the OSM model, you must add those languages to your language preferences. See "Defining Language Preferences" for more information.

Creating Design Studio Projects

When you import XML models into a workspace, Design Studio creates the following projects to contain the data:

  • A common data model project.

    The default name is OracleComms_OSM_CommonDataDictionary. This project contains the data schemas associated with the imported cartridges, as well as behaviors and data providers defined at the Data Dictionary level.

  • An OSM project for the cartridge.

    These projects contain orders, processes, tasks, order life cycle policies, custom automation plug-ins, and data providers.

For example, consider that you are importing an XML model that contains a cartridge called DSLService. Upon import, Design Studio creates the following projects:

  • A Data Dictionary project.

  • A cartridge project for DSLService.


Design Studio does not import entities that are defined in the import model but not associated with any orders. For example, if the import model contains a task that is not used in any processes or referenced by any of the orders, Design Studio will not import the task. Additionally, Design Studio does not import entities that are not supported (such as test categories or rules), even if they are associated with orders.

Design Studio logs all entities it does not import in the Import Summary report.

Importing Data Types

In Design Studio, you can define numeric data elements as type int, double, float, or decimal. OSM does not directly support these data types. When you deploy a cartridge containing these data types, OSM converts them to numeric. Conversely, when you import numeric types into Design Studio, they are converted to decimal.


Importing cartridges originally created in Design Studio, but exported from OSM using the XML Import/Export application is not supported.

Improving Design Studio Performance

To improve Design Studio performance during import and during modeling, you can separate large cartridges into multiple projects that exist in different workspaces. During the first import, you create the common Data Dictionary that all of the smaller projects will reference and select a subset of orders to add to the first project. Create a new workspace for subsequent imports and continue to add subsets of orders. When you are finished, Design Studio will include multiple projects in multiple workspaces, each sharing the same Data Dictionary, each with different subsets of orders from the original cartridge. For example, you might include all VoIP orders in a single workspace, all Internet orders in another, and so forth.