Properties View Details Tab

Use the Properties view Detail tab to define information that is common to all types of automation plug-in and event receiver types.

Field Use


Enter a plug-in name. The name must be unique among plug-in entities in the same namespace.

Note: While plug-in names can be any arbitrary name that you assign to the automation, Oracle recommends that you use a consistent naming pattern for all of the automations that you create.

EJB Name

Edit the system-provided default EJB name. The default value with which Design Studio initially populates this field depends on where the automation is defined:

  • If the automation is defined for a task (automated task, task state-based event notification, task jeopardy notification), the EJB name defaults to TaskName.AutomationName, where TaskName is the name you provided when defining the task, and AutomationName is the name you provided when defining the automation.

  • If the automation is defined for an order (order milestone-based event notification, order data changed event notification, order jeopardy notification), the EJB name defaults to OrderName.AutomationName, where OrderName is the name you provided when defining the order, and AutomationName is the name you provided when defining the automation.

  • If the automation is defined for a process (task state-based event notification, task status-based event notification), the EJB name defaults to ProcessName.AutomationName, where ProcessName is the name you provided when defining the task, and AutomationName is the name you provided when defining the automation.

Note: The EJB name must be unique per OSM server. However, as there is no method for predicting to which OSM server the cartridge will be deployed, you should ensure uniqueness across all automation plug-ins defined for a cartridge. The default EJB name guarantees this uniqueness; therefore, Oracle recommends that you do not change the defaulted EJB name.

See "Working with Jeopardy and Event Notifications" for more information jeopardy and event notifications.

Run As

Enter the OSM user name (security principal) whose credentials are used to execute this automation plug-in. A password is not necessary to authenticate this user because only an administrator has the authority to deploy components into the server.

The value of this field must reflect the user ID that is used to run the automation:

  • The user ID must be set up in the WebLogic Server Administration console. See the discussion of setting up security in OSM System Administrator's Guide for more information.

  • The user ID must be defined in the OSM Administration area of the Order Management web client (a workgroup in OSM Administration is a role in Design Studio). See "Working with Roles" for more information.

  • The user ID must be assigned to the workgroup in the OSM Administration area of the Order Management web client that corresponds to the role defined on the Permissions tab of the Design Studio task, order, or process that defines the automation.

Note: Oracle recommends using the DEFAULT_AUTOMATION_USER cartridge model variable in the Run As field. See "Defining Model Variables" for more information.

Event Type

This field is enabled only for automations defined for automated tasks. Select one of the following:

  • External Event Receiver if the plug-in will receive data from external systems via topics or queues.

    Automations defined as external event receivers receive incoming JMS or XML messages from external systems, and can automatically convert and correlate message data. Additionally, Sender plug-ins defined as external event receivers can generate new outbound messages based on received messages.

  • Internal Event Receiver if the plug-in receives data from the OSM order data.

    Automations defined as internal event receivers receive messages from an internal queue to which the automation framework subscribes. Messages sent by OSM to the internal queue are triggered by internal events.

Note: If you intend to secure automations such that different user IDs have access to run different automations, Oracle recommends that you incorporate these changes after you ensure that the automations are working successfully.

Changing a plug-in's automation event type may result in the loss of any data that is not common between the event receiver types.

Fail Task on Automation Exception

Select this check-box to fail the task if an exception occurs when running the automation plug-in. The plug-in can throw any exception and OSM retries the plug-in as many times as configured on the JMS destination retry. On the last retry attempt OSM fails the task and logs the exception message as the failure reason.