Properties View XQuery Tab

Use the XQuery tab to specify your XQuery file so the predefined automation plug-in can access it. This tab appears for XQuery type plug-ins only.


XQuery automation types cannot be implemented when using releases prior to OSM 7.0.

Field Use


Specify which method to use to retrieve the XQuery file. Select from the following options:

  • Bundle in: Select this option, then click the XQuery field Select button to identify the file from the resources directory. Design Studio will bundle this file with the PAR file during the build.

  • Absolute path: Select this option and enter the physical location of the file. At run time, OSM retrieves the file from the server.

  • URL: Specify a URL to access the file.

Note: Oracle recommends that you select Bundle in for production mode, as this mode pulls the files into the OSM PAR file. As a result, you can deploy the EAR file (which contains the PAR file) to any server and, at run time, the application can locate the files. If you select Absolute Path or URL for production mode, you can deploy the EAR file (which contains the PAR file) to any server but are responsible for ensuring the files reside in specified location on the server.

Conversely, Absolute Path or URL are optimal for testing mode because they do not require a rebuild and redeploy to pick up changes to the XQuery.

Maximum Number in Cache

Specify the maximum number of XQuery files that can be maintained in the cache at any one time.

Cache Timeout

Enter the number of seconds before the OSM server refreshes the cache.


Select the exit status that the plug-in should use if it throws an exception. Status options include any status values you assigned to the task.

Note: This field does not apply to an automation plug-in for an order milestone automation event notification (at the order level); it applies to setting up an automation at the task level.

Update Order

Select this option if you want to update (add, change, or delete) the OSM order data with the data retrieved from an external system. This field appears for Automator automation plug-ins only.