Calculate Behavior Properties View Calculation Tab

On the Properties view Calculations tab, you can define the expression that will produce the calculation.

Field Use

XPath Expression

Enter a mathematical expression or an XPath Expression.

You can select a data node from the Order Template tab (when working in the Order editor), or from the Task Data tab (when working in a Task editor) and drag the selected data node into the XPath Expression field to define the XPath expression. To drag a data node into the Properties view Calculation tab, press and hold the Alt key before you select and drag the data node to the XPath Expressions field.

Note: XPath uses path expressions to select data nodes in XML documents. A path expression with a single dot (.) represents the current node. Two dots (..) represents the parent of the current node. A slash (/) represents the root node.

XPath and XQuery fields are limited to 4000 characters.