Data Provider Editor Settings Tab

Use the Data Provider editor Settings tab to configure the external system settings for data providers.

Field Use

Provider Type

Select a built-in data provider or a custom data provider that you will create.

You can switch between one provider type and another. If at least one parameter value already exists for the provider type you are changing, a warning message appears indicating that the parameters of the new provider type will replace the existing provider type parameters.

Provider Class

If you select Custom in the Provider Type field, you must provide a class name.


Specify how OSM should cache external data instances. Select one of the following cache levels from the Scope field:

  • System (the default): The system caches and reuses external data instances system-wide. Use this scope level if retrieving the external instance is expensive and performed frequently. The system reuses the cached instance results only if the actual resolved values of all parameters are identical and the lookup adapter class is the same.

  • Node: The system caches external data instances at the node level. This level of cache is specific to the user, session, and task. For example, the system retrieves any given external instance when a view node on an order is instantiated. The system reuses the external instance across all instances of the node regardless of how many instances of that view node exist in the order. Use this setting if it is moderately expensive to retrieve the external instance and the field referencing the external instance is a multi-instance node. The system only re-uses cached instances across multi-instance nodes if the actual resolved values of all parameters are identical and the lookup adapter class is the same.

  • None: The system retrieves external data instances for each instance of the field on the order and they are not cached.

Maximum Time, Maximum number cached

If you select System or Node in the Scope field, specify the following cache settings:

  • In Maximum Time, specify the maximum time (in milliseconds) for which a cached external instance is valid. For example, enter 5000 to define the <timeout> as 5 seconds.

  • In Maximum number cached, specify the maximum number of actual entries in the cache that is maintained at any one time for this defined external instance.

For information about building a custom Data Provider, see the OSM Modeling Guide.