In Progress Compensation Complete XQuery Expressions

You can determine when the compensation for an in progress task is complete by writing an XQuery expression in the Design Studio Task Editor Compensation tab.


If the XQuery expression is invalid OSM logs the error and includes the in progress task in the compensation plan as it defaults the expression to true.

This section refers to the Design Studio OSM Automated Task or Manual Task editor, Compensation tab, In Progress Compensation Complete Expression XQuery field for dynamically defining when in progress tasks completes compensation activities. This XQuery expression runs whenever data changes on the compensating task:

  • Context: The context for this XQuery is the current task order data. You can get the current task order data using the XML API GetOrder.Response function.

  • Prolog: You can declare the XML API namespace to use the GetOrder.Response function in the XQuery body to extract the order information.

    For example:

    declare namespace osm = "urn:com:metasolv:oms:xmlapi:1";
    declare namespace log =  "java:org.apache.commons.logging.Log";
    declare variable $log external; 
    declare variable $context external;
  • Body: Based on task context data, the body must return true if the in progress task has completed all compensation activities or false if it has not.

For example:

declare namespace osm = "urn:com:metasolv:oms:xmlapi:1";
declare namespace log =  "java:org.apache.commons.logging.Log";
declare variable $log external; 
let $inputDoc := self::node()
let $value := $inputDoc/GetOrder.Response/_root/data
return (
    if (fn:contains($value, "compensationDone")) then