Configuring Data Providers

You configure data providers to define the input and output parameters.

  1. From the Studio menu, select Show Design Perspective.

  2. Click the Studio Projects tab.

  3. Double-click any data provider entity.

    The Data Provider editor opens and displays the data provider.

  4. In the Settings tab, configure any values that you would like to change for your implementation.

    If you are configuring a custom data provider, you must enter a value in the Provider Class field.

  5. Click the Interface tab.

    If you are using a built-in data provider type, the required parameters for your type have been included automatically in the Parameter field. Parameters with an asterisk after the name must be configured with values.

  6. For each of the provided parameters, click on the parameter name and do the following:

    1. Select either XPATH or XQUERY in the Default Value drop-down list, depending on the format of the value you are going to provide.

    2. Enter the value of the parameter in the Default Value field.

    See OSM Modeling Guide for more information about the required parameters for each data provider type.

  7. (Optional) Specify a value in the Results Documents field. If you do not provide an XML structure, the system will not display the parameters on the Data Instance Behavior Properties tab.

    If you do not provide an XML structure, the system will not display the parameters on the Data Instance Behavior Properties tab.