About Activation Tasks

The interaction between OSM and the activation system is established through a service request and response, which you configure by mapping OSM task data to system parameters.

For ASAP, the OSM data is transformed to an OSS/J or web services order and sent to ASAP to activate the specified services.

For IP Service Activator, the OSM data is transformed to a web services order that is sent to IP Service Activator to activate the specified services.

The activation system returns event responses or exceptions, depending on the result of the activation.

Using the activation task, you can:

  • Update OSM orders with data from all events and exceptions returned by the activation system (either ASAP or IP Service Activator).

  • Map OSM data to Activation order headers, global parameters, and service action parameters.

  • Automatically map OSM data to global or service action parameters with the same name.

  • Define conditional transition states and statuses for completion events and completion exceptions returned by the activation system.

  • Enter Map and Key security credentials for web services orders.

Mapping OSM data to ASAP and IP Service Activator parameters ensures:

  • That OSM sends the data that the activation system requires for service actions (the request)

  • That OSM orders are updated with the right information returned from the activation system (the response)

  • That the OSM activation task transitions properly when the integration is complete

See the following topics for more information on service action requests: