About the Process Editor Activities Drawer

An activity is a unit of work that the system performs. Activity types include processes, subprocesses, and tasks.

Field Use


A task is an activity that cannot be broken into a finer level of detail. To place a task activity within the Process editor, click Task, then click inside of the Process editor. The Create Task wizard appears, where you can define attributes for a new task or select an existing task.


A subprocess is an activity that is included within a process. Subprocesses can be broken into a finer level of detail (a process) through a set of activities. To place a subprocess activity in the Process editor, click the Subprocess button, then click inside of the Process editor. Right-clicking the subprocess activity lets you edit the display name and assign an order.


Rules are tasks that evaluate data to determine if a specified condition exists. Rule tasks are evaluated by the system and have completion statuses of true or false.

Note: Before you create a rule task, you must first define the data elements in the Order editor Order Templates tab.

To place a rule activity in the Process editor, click the Rule button, then click inside of the Process editor. Right-clicking the rule activity lets you edit the display name, assign an order, and create an activity reference.

Timer Delay

A timer delay pauses an operation until a specified order rule evaluates as true.

Timer delays and event delays work identically, but differ in how the rule evaluation is triggered:

  • A timer delay is evaluated at specified time intervals.

  • An event delay is evaluated only when the data referenced in the rule changes.

To place a timer delay activity in the Process editor, click the Timer Delay button, then click inside of the Process editor. Right-clicking the timer delay activity lets you edit the display name, assign an order, or create an activity reference.

By default, timer delays use the null_rule. Oracle recommends using a custom order rule instead. See "Designing Timer Delays" for more information.

Note: The frequency at which the OSM server evaluates a delay rule is determined by your OSM server configuration. See "Installing OSM in GUI Mode" in OSM Installation Guide for more information.

Event Delay

An event delay pauses an operation until a specified order rule evaluates as true.

Timer delays and event delays work identically, but differ in how the rule evaluation is triggered:

  • A timer delay is evaluated at specified time intervals.

  • An event delay is evaluated only when the data referenced in the rule changes.

To place an event delay activity in the Process editor, click the Event Delay button, then click inside of the Process editor. Right-clicking the event delay activity lets you edit the display name, assign an order, or create an activity reference.

See "Designing Event Delays" for more information about event delays.


Enables you to combine a set of flows into a single flow. The unified flow can join based on all transitions completing or any one transition completing.

To place a join activity in the Process editor, click the Join button, then click inside of the Process editor. Right-clicking the join activity lets you edit the display name, assign an order, or create an activity reference.


An event is an occurrence during the course of a business process. Events affect the flow of the process and usually have a cause (trigger) or an impact (result). The end event indicates where a process will end.

To place an end event in the Process editor, click the End button, then click inside of the Process editor. Right-clicking the end event lets you edit the display name, assign an order, or create an activity reference.


A redirect activity describes a mechanism used to redirect an operation to a different process.

To place a redirect activity in the Process editor, click the Redirect button, then click inside of the Process editor. Right-clicking the redirect activity lets you edit the display name, assign an order, or create an activity reference.