Task Editor Jeopardy Conditions Tab

Use the Jeopardy Conditions tab to select the conditions under which the jeopardy should be raised. For example, you can raise a jeopardy when this task exceeds the expected or a given duration.

Field Use

Raise a Jeopardy when Process Duration Exceeds

Raise a jeopardy if the process to which the task is associated has exceeded the Expected Duration of the order (defined on the Order editor Details tab) or Given Duration, specified by the time interval defined in the adjacent field.

Raise a Jeopardy when Task Duration Exceeds

Raise a jeopardy if the task has exceeded the Expected Duration (defined on the Task editor Details tab) or Given Duration, specified by the time interval defined in the adjacent field.

Raise a Jeopardy when the order is received within

Raise a jeopardy if the order has been received and the time interval defined in the adjacent field has been exceeded.

Multiple events per Task instance

When a task has multiple instances, select this option if, when a jeopardy notification is triggered, you want a notification triggered for every task instance.