Task Editor Jeopardy Polling Tab

Use the Jeopardy Polling tab to select the interval at which the OSM server evaluates the condition that triggers the jeopardy notification. You can define the polling so that the system checks for the condition only once, or you can define the polling at hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly intervals.

Field Use


Select the interval at which the OSM server evaluates the condition that triggers the jeopardy notification. Select Once if you want the system to check for the condition only once when the order is received. When you select Once, the system disregards the Next Start field.

Use the Hours, Days, and Months fields to define a specific interval at which the OSM server evaluates the condition that triggers the jeopardy notification. For example, if you want the system to check for the condition every two days, select the Day(s) option and from the drop-down list select 2.

Next Start

Select the date and time that you want the notification to begin checking. You can specify a date for any polling interval. The system uses the current date and time as the default value.