About Task States and Statuses

A task state determines the milestone of a task in a process. The default states are:

  • Received: The task has been received in the system and is waiting to be accepted.

  • Accepted: The assigned user (or system) has accepted the task. The task is locked so that it cannot be modified or completed by other users and systems.

  • Completed: The task is finished.

  • Assigned: (manual tasks only) The task has been assigned to a user.

  • Create Activation Work Order Failed: (activation tasks only) The task attempted to create a work order in the activation system but work order creation failed.

These states are mandatory and cannot be removed. You can define additional states (user-defined states) to support your business processes. If a task cannot be completed on time, you can change the task state to Suspended.

A task status describes how a task was completed and determines the next task in the process. Several default statuses are given for each task type. For example, the default statuses for a manual task are Back, Cancel, Finish, and Next. The default statuses for an automated or transformation task are Failure and Success. The default statuses for activation tasks are Success, Activation Failed, and Update OSM Order Failed. You can select from the set of additional predefined statuses (Delete, False, Rollback, Submit, Failed, and True), and you can also define your own.


A status represents a transition between tasks. The statuses that you define in the Task editor States/Statuses tab appear as task transition options in the Task web client. Statuses that you define for a task but fail to use in the process still appear in the Task web client as transition options. If a user selects one of these unmapped options, the OSM server terminates the process.

Related Topics

Assigning Task States and Statuses

About Task Rollback Status

Task Editor States/Statuses Tab