Add a Session Agent

You can enable and configure a variety of constraints that the Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker (OECB) applies to regulate session activity with the session agent.

Configure the following before you configure a session agent.

  • Out Translation ID
  • TLS profile
  • SIP header manipulation IDs
  • LDAP
  • One or more target groups

The following procedure lists all of the possible parameters that you can set on a session agent. The parameters that the OECB allows you to set depends on your deployment configuration, the licenses that you own, whether or not you configured the prerequisite that a particular parameter requires, and whether or not you enabled a requisite function. Within those conditions, you can choose which parameters that you want to set for your deployment.

  1. Access the Agent configuration object.
    Configuration tab, Service Provisioning section, Agents, Session Agent.
  2. On the Agents page, click Add, and do the following:

    Table 5-1 Fields in the Agents Page

    Field Description
    Hostname Enter the name of the host associated with the agent in host name, FQDN, or IP address format. This field is required and the name cannot include blank spaces. The value entered here must be unique to this agent because no two agents can use the same host name.
    • If you enter the host name as an IP address, you do not have to enter an IP address in the optional IP address parameter.
    • If you enter the host name in FQDN format, and you want to specify an IP address, enter it in the optional IP address parameter.
    IP address (Optional) Enter the IP address for the host name that you entered in FQDN format if you want to specify the IP address. Otherwise, you can leave this parameter blank to allow a DNS query to resolve the host name.
    Port Enter the number of the port associated with this agent.
    • 0. If you enter zero, the OECB cannot initiate communication with this agent (although it will accept calls).
    • 1025-65535.
    • The default value is 5060.

    If the transport method value is TCP, the OECB will initiate communication on the TCP port of the agent.

    State Select State to enable this agent.
    RURI with Hostname
    • Select to resolve all outgoing requests to the Session Agent to the Session Agent name in the RURI.
    • Deselect to resolve all outgoing requests to the Session Agent to the Session Agent IP address in the RURI.
    Default: deselected.
    Transport method Select the transport protocol for communicating with this agent. Valid values:
    • UDP - Default
    • UDP+TCP
    • Dynamic TCP
    • Static TCP
    • Dynamic TLS
    • Static TLS
    TLS profile Select a TLS profile from the drop-down list.
    Realm ID Enter the name of the realm in which this agent resides.
    Description Enter descriptive text to identify this agent.
    Source context Select the dialing context the OECB uses when receiving a call from this agent.
    Egress URI mode Select the method you want for sending the outbound call from this agent. Default: no-conversion. Valid values:
    • no-conversion—The OECB adds only the IP address of the Home Agent in the outbound call.
    • convert-to-aor—When the incoming URI is a number, the OECB replaces it with the configured address of record in the outbound call.
    • convert-to-number—When the incoming URI is an Address of Record, the OECB replaces it with the configured number in the outbound call.
    Egress number translation mode Select a number translation code from the drop-down list. Default: E164. Valid values:
    • E164—Example: +14445551234
    • E164 no plus—Example: 14445551234
    • no country code—Example: 4445551234
    • pattern only—Use only the portion matching the dial pattern. Example: 1234
    • n digit dialing—Use the specified number of digits. Example: 5551234
    Number of digits for n digit dialog Specify the number of digits to use for translation mode (n-digit dialing). Default: 4. Range: 0-25.
    Prepend prefix on egress Specify the characters to prepend to the outbound number after translation. Valid values: Telephony characters 0-9, start, hash sign, and A-D. Maximum: 25 characters.
    Outbound translate from number Select to apply outbound translation to the FROM number in addition to the request-URI. Default: Disabled.
    Stop recurse Enter one or more response codes that you want to cause this session agent to stop route recursion. Default: 401,407. Valid range: 300-599. You can enter individual response codes separated by a comma, such as 301,305 or a range such as 300-380.
    Constraints Check to enable the use of constraints on this agent.
    Max Sessions Set the maximum number of sessions (inbound and outbound) allowed by the session agent. The default value is zero (0). The valid range is:
    • Minimum—0
    • Maximum—4294967295
    Max Inbound Sessions Enter the maximum number of inbound sessions allowed from this session agent. The default value is zero (0). The valid range is:
    • Minimum—0
    • Maximum—999999999
    Max Outbound Sessions Enter the maximum number of concurrent outbound sessions (outbound from the OECB ) that are allowed from this session agent. The default value is zero (0). The valid range is:
    • Minimum—0
    • Maximum—4294967295


    The number you enter here cannot be larger than the number you entered for max-sessions.
    Max Burst Rate Enter a number to set how many SIP session invitations or H.323 SETUPs this session agent can send or receive (per second) within the configured burst rate window value. The default value is zero (0). The valid range is:
    • Minimum—0
    • Maximum—4294967295

    For the sustained rate, the OECB maintains a current and previous window size. The period of time over which the rate is calculated is always between one and two window sizes.

    For example, if you enter a value of 50 here and a value of 60 (seconds) for the burst rate window constraint, no more than 300 session invitations can arrive at or leave from the session agent in that 60 second time frame (window). Within that 60-second window, any sessions over the limit of 300 are rejected.

    Max Inbound Burst Rate Enter the maximum burst rate (number of session invitations per second) for inbound sessions from this session agent. The default value is zero (0). The valid range is:
    • Minimum—0
    • Maximum—999999999
    Max Outbound Burst Rate Enter the maximum burst rate (number of session invitations per second) for outbound sessions to this session agent. The default value is zero (0). The valid range is:
    • Minimum—0
    • Maximum—999999999
    Max Sustain Rate Enter a number to set the maximum rate of session invitations (per second) this session agent can send or receive within the current window. The default value is zero (0). The valid range is:
    • Minimum—0
    • Maximum—4294967295

    The number you enter here must be larger than the number you enter for max-burst-rate.

    For the sustained rate, the OECB maintains a current and previous window size. The period of time over which the rate is calculated is always between one and two window sizes.

    For example, if you enter a value of 50 here and a value of 36 (seconds) for the sustain rate window constraint, no more than 1800 session invitations can arrive at or leave from the session agent in any given 36 second time frame (window). Within that 36 second window, sessions over the 1800 limit are rejected.

    Max Inbound Sustain Rate Enter the maximum sustain rate (of session invitations allowed within the current window) of inbound sessions from this session agent. This value should be larger than the max-inbound-burst-rate value. The default value is zero (0). The valid range is:
    • Minimum—0
    • Maximum—999999999
    Max Outbound Sustain Rate Enter the maximum sustain rate (of session invitations allowed within the current window) of outbound sessions to this session agent. This value should be larger than the max-outbound-burst-rate value. The default value is zero (0). The valid range is:
    • Minimum—0
    • Maximum—999999999
    Session Max Life Limit Enter the maximum interval in seconds before the SBC must terminate long duration calls. The value supersedes the value of session-max-life-limit in the sip-interface and sip-config configuration elements and is itself superseded by the value of session-max-life-limit in the session-agent configuration element. The default value is 0 (off/ignored). The valid range is:
    • Minimum—0
    • Maximum—999999999
    Time To Resume

    Time in seconds after which the SIP proxy resumes sending session invitations to this session agent. This value only takes effect when the SIP proxy stops sending invitations because a constraint is exceeded. The valid range is:

    • Minimum—0
    • Maximum—4294967295
    In Service Period

    Amount of time in seconds the session agent must be operational (once communication is re-established) before the session agent is declared as being in-service (ready to accept session invitations). This value gives the session agent adequate time to initialize. The valid range is:

    • Minimum—0
    • Maximum—4294967295
    Burst Rate Window Enter a number to set the burst window period (in seconds) that is used to measure the burst rate. The term window refers to the period of time over which the burst rate is computed. The default value is zero (0). The valid range is:
    • Minimum—0
    • Maximum—4294967295
    Sustain Rate Window Enter a number to set the sustained window period (in seconds) that is used to measure the sustained rate. The default value is zero (0), which disables the functionality. The valid range is:
    • Minimum—0
    • Maximum—4294967295

    The value you set here must be higher than or equal to the value you set for the burst rate window.


    If you are going to use this parameter, you must set it to a minimum value of 10.
    Ping Method SIP only. Indicate the SIP message/method to use to ping a session agent. The ping confirms whether the session agent is in service. If this field is left empty, no session agent will be pinged.

    Setting this field value to the OPTIONS method might produce a lengthy response from certain session agents and could potentially cause performance degradation on your system.

    Ping Interval (SIP only) Set the time, in seconds, for how often to ping the session agent. Range: 0-4294967295. Default: 0.
    Ping All Addresses Enable to allow DNS load balancing.
    Ping in Service Response Codes Define the response codes that keep a session agent in service when they appear in its response to the ping request. Furthermore, the OECB takes the session agent out of service if it receives a response code that does not appear on this list The exception to this is a 200 OK response. Separate multiple entries with a comma.

    The OECB displays a configuration validation error if your include a 6xx response as an in-service response code. These global error responses do not apply.


    For configured 3xx response codes, the OECB makes the in-service decision based on the redirected options response.
    Load Balance DNS Query Specifies the type of load balancing the system uses to perform A record resolution. The valid entries include:
    • Empty—(Default)
    • Hunt—Use the hunt method to resolve A queries from this agent
    • Round-Robin—Use the round robin method to resolve A queries from this agent
    SPL options You can add features or parameters here.

    For example:

    • feature=<value feature>

      You can include the original address in the SIP message from the ECB to the proxy in the Via header parameter by entering the following option:


      The original parameter is included in the Via of the requests sent to the session agent. The via origin feature can take a value that is the parameter name to include in the Via. If the value is not specified for via origin, the parameter name is origin.


    If the feature value is a comma separated list, enclose it in quotation marks.
    Apply outbound manipulation on Specify when to apply outbound header manipulation. Default: next-hop-only. Valid values: last-hop-only, next-and-last-hop.
    Ping Response Enable to allow the OECB to respond to OPTIONS pings.
    In manipulation ID Enter the name of the SIP header manipulation configuration that you want to apply to the traffic entering the OECB through this session agent. No default.
    Out manipulation ID Enter the name of the SIP header manipulation configuration that you want to apply to the traffic exiting the OECB through this session agent. No default.
    Manipulation String Support SAG based source routing by configuring an applicable manipulation-string to your Session-Agent configuration. This HMR should replace the configured string with the user-portion of the From URI. This configuration only applies if you have configured HMR for the applicable flows.
    Early media inhibit Select to inhibit early media. Default: disabled. Valid values: Disabled, enabled.
    Enable options ping Select to enable the use of OPTIONS pings to determine the status of this agent.
    LDAP Select the name of the ldap-group or ldap-config-group that you want this agent to use.
    Additional target group Select an additional target group from the drop-down list.
    Fork group Enter the number for the fork group number, which determines this session agent's priority in a target list. The lower the number, the higher the priority. Default: 1.
    Refer call transfer

    Specifies whether and how to execute a REFER

    • Disabled—Proxy the REFER (default)
    • Enabled—Issue a Re-INVITE to the transfer destination
    • Dynamic—Refer to the target realm to determine whether to proxy or issue a Re-INVITE
    Refer notify provisional
    KPML2833 IWF on Haripin

    Specifies whether and how to support KPML to 2833 interworking on hairpin calls

    • Disabled—Do not support the interworking.
    • Enabled—Support the interworking.
    • Inherit—Refer to the inbound sip-interface to determine how and whether to support the interworking.
    Reuse Connections Set the protocol that can use the SIP Connection Reuse feature.
    • None—Do not support the SIP Connection Reuse feature.
    • TCP—Support the feature for TCP.
    • UDP—Support the feature for UDP.
    TCP Keepalive Enable or disable standard keepalive probes to determine whether or not connectivity with a remote peer is lost. The default value is none. The valid values are:
    • None (default)
    • Disabled—Do not support the interworking.
    • Enabled—Support the interworking.
    TCP Reconn Interval Enter the amount of time in seconds before retrying a TCP connection. The default for this parameter is 0. The valid range is:
    • Minimum—0
    • Maximum—300
    Monitoring filters lick Add to add one or more monitoring filters.
    Send TCP Fin Check to Enable or uncheck to disable the system from sending TCP FIN messages when the session agent is Out of Service. The default is disabled.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Save the configuration.