In-Service Response Codes for a Session Agent

You can configure the ping-in-service-response-codes parameter in the session agent configuration to refine how the OECB monitors agent status. You define one or more response codes that keep a session agent in service when sent as response to the OECB’s ping request in this parameter. The OECB takes the session agent out of service if the session agent sends a response code that is not on this list. The exception to this is a 200 OK response, which, by default, always keeps the agent in-service. This behavior applies to both single and multi-hop pings.

Some session agents ay respond to the ping with, for example, a 4xx message instead of a 200 OK even though it can service the request. To alleviate issues like this, you configure this session agent with the 4xx messages as acceptable responses using the ping-in-service-response-codes parameter.

Addition configuration required to support these codes include:
  • Ping Method
  • Ping Interval
  • Ping All Addresses

When the OECB receives a session agent’s response to its ping request that is not a 200 OK, it checks to see if there is an in-service list of responses configured for that session agent. If the list is configured and the OECB determines that there is a match, the session agent is deemed in service. If there is no match, the OECB takes the session agent out of service.

Important detail on specific configured response codes includes:

  • Create a list of codes by separating each entry with a comma.
  • If you configure for the 3xx response code, the OECB makes its in-service decision based on the redirected options response.
  • You cannot configure a 6xx response as an in-service response code because it is a global error response. If you do this, the OECB displays an error message.