20 Local Media Playback

Commonly, ringback is the media playback of a certain tone informing callers that their calls are in progress. In typical deployments, remote endpoints or media servers handle ringback generation, leaving the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller (E-SBC) to proxy RTP. When endpoints or media servers do not support ringback generation, the E-SBC becomes the producer.


The E-SBC supports a maximum of 100 simultaneous play backs.

You can configure the E-SBC to generate ringback locally, meaning it can produce RTP media on a media flow. The most common use for enabling the system to produce RTP on a media flow is to support locally generated ringback. Because you can also use this capability for music-on-hold, announcements, and interrupting media for notifications, this E-SBC capability is referred to as local playback.

Local playback is controlled through the ACLI using the Local Media Playback SPL plug-in.