Supported Playback Scenarios

This section discusses playback scenarios the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller supports and identifies triggers for playback. When more than one trigger appears, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller acts on the one closest to the playback endpoint.

These scenarios are defined by the SPL options parameters you configure for realms, session agents, and SIP interfaces. For more information about configuring these options, see Chapter 23, Session Plug-in Language (SPL).

  • playback-on-183-to-originator—Playback enabled upon the receipt of a 183 Session Progress destined for the originator and stops when a either a (200-299 or 400-699) final response is sent.
  • playback-on-183-from-terminator—Playback enabled upon the receipt of a 183 Session Progress response is received from the terminator and stops when a (200-299 or 400-699) final response is received.
  • playback-on-refer—Playback enabled for the caller being transferred when the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller receives a REFER message that is locally terminated (i.e., processed on the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller on REFER completion).
  • playback-on-header—Starts or stops playback based on the presence of the P-Acme-Playback header and its definitions.


    The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller supports a maximum of 100 simultaneous playbacks.

Playback on 183 Session Progress

This scenario is triggered by setting the SPL options parameter to either playback-on-183-to-originator or playback-on-183-from-terminator in realms, session agents, or SIP interfaces. When both options trigger, playback-on-183-to-originator takes precedence. This scenario triggers only for 183 Session Progress responses to initial INVITEs, not for re-INVITEs.

  • playback-on-183-to-originator—Starts playback upon the receipt of a 183 Session Progress destined for the originator and stops when a either a (200-299 or 400-699) final response is sent. When you configure this option, every call sent from the originator triggers this playback.
  • playback-on-183-from-terminator—Starts playback upon the receipt of a 183 Session Progress response is received from the terminator and stops when a (200-299 or 400-699) final response is received. When you configure this option, every call sent to the terminator triggers this playback.
Logic diagram on the effect of the playback-on-183-to-originator and playback-on-183-from-terminator settings being enabled.

A call flow for the playback-on-183-from-terminator scenario looks like this:


Setting the SPL options parameter to playback-on-refer enables a REFER message to trigger playback. You configure this option for the realm, session agent, or SIP interface for the transferrer, not for the transferee or the REFER target.

The REFER scenario requires that the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller performs local REFER termination, i.e., that it terminates the REFER locally. The SPL options you configure do not implement this behavior: You must configure local REFER termination separately. Proxying a REFER message is not a trigger.

Playback begins when the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller receives the REFER message, and stops when the REFER operation is deemed complete with a final response (200-299 or 400-699).

The ESBC supporting playback to the proper station after a REFER.

A call flow for the playback-on-refer scenario looks like this:

Playback Header

Setting the SPL options parameter to playback-on-header triggers in the presence of the P-Acme-Playback header. You can configure the option on either the side receiving the header message or the side from which the message will be sent. If both trigger, then the configuration closest to the playback direction takes precedence.

This header can be part of any request or response, but playback can only start once media has been established. Playback stops automatically with a final response (200-299 or 400-699), unless explicitly turned off or another playback header requesting it to stop is received.

The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller deletes the P-Acme-Playback after processing if the SPL option is configured for the call (either incoming or outgoing).

The appropriate playback headers are added for each realm, session-agent, or sip-interface.

The header looks like this:

P-Acme-Playback: start
Header Element Description
<start|stop> Required

Defines starting and stopping playback.

  • start: starts playback
  • stop: stops playback
[;media=<media-name>] Optional

Defines the name of the playback configuration to play. If unspecified, the playback configuration that was triggered by the header will play.

[;duration=<ms-value|once|continuous>] Optional

Defines the duration of playback. If unspecified, the value will be taken from the playback-config that was triggered.

  • ms-value: time value in milliseconds
  • once: plays playback media one time
  • continuous: loops the playback media
[;direction=<originator|terminator|both>] Optional

Defines the direction from which to play media. If unspecified, playback will begin in the realm, session agent, or SIP interface from which the header was received.

  • originator: plays in the west flow (original caller)
  • terminator: plays in the east flow (original callee)
  • both: plays in both directions
[;stop-on-final-resp=<true|false>] Optional

Defines whether or not to stop playing media upon the final response. If unspecified, this parameter is true.

  • true: stops playback automatically on a final response
  • false: stop only after a stop header is received or media terminated