A Keyboard Commands and Shortcuts for the ESBC Web GUI

You can use the following keyboard commands and shortcuts to navigate and operate the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC) Web GUI.

Navigate between screen elements

Action Keyboard Command Behavior
Navigate forward between screen elements. Tab Navigate top to bottom and left to right between tab groups.
Navigate backwards between screen elements. Shift+Tab Navigate bottom to top and right to left between tab groups.

Navigate within screen elements

Action Keyboard Shortcut Behavior
Navigation within a tab group. Up Arrow or Down Arrow Highlight the component in the direction of the arrow.

Navigate drop-down lists

Action Keyboard Shortcut Behavior
Trigger a drop-down list. Up Arrow or Down Arrow Highlight the option item in the direction of the arrow. When the drop-down is not open, expand the drop-down list.
Select a drop-down element Enter Select the highlighted choice from the drop-down list.
Close the drop-down list Esc Collapse the drop-down list. When the drop-down is closed, do nothing.
The focus on drop-down list Tab In Move the focus to the previous or next selected item.

Select many

Action Keyboard Shortcut Behavior
Select box in a select many component. Left Arrow or Right Arrow Move the focus to the previous or next selected item.
Selected item with remove icon in a select many component. Backspace or Delete Remove the selected item.

When the focus is on a table column header

Keyboard Shortcut Behavior
Tab Navigate to next the focusable element on the page (outside table).
Shift+Tab Navigate to previous the focusable element on the page (outside table).
Down Arrow Move the focus to the first row.
Left Arrow Move the focus to the previous column header. When there is no previous column, do nothing.
Right Arrow Move the focus to the next column header. When there is no next column, do nothing.
Home Move the focus to the first column header.
End Move the focus to the last column header.

When the focus is on a cell in a table

Keyboard Shortcut Behavior
Tab When the focus is on a row and the row is actionable, Tab moves the focus to the next the focusable element within the row. When the focus is already on the last the focusable element, the focus wraps to the first the focusable element in the row.
Shift+Tab When the focus is on a row and the row is actionable, Shift+Tab moves the focus to the previous the focusable element within the row. When the focus is already on the first the focusable element, the focus wraps to the last the focusable element in the row.
Down Arrow Move the focus to the next row.
Shift+Down Arrow Select and move the focus to the next row, if the row is selectable.
Up Arrow Move the focus to the previous row. When already at the first row, move to the column header.
Home Move the focus to the first row.
End Move the focus to the last row.
Space Select a row, if the row is selectable.
Enter If the table edit Mode is row Edit, then make the current row editable.

When the table edit Mode is none, toggle the current row to actionable mode if there exists a tabbable element in the row. Once toggled to the actionable mode, the focus moves to be first tabbable element in the row.

When the cell in focus is in an editable row

Keyboard Shortcut Behavior
Tab Move the focus to the next editable cell or the focusable element in the row.

When the focus is on the last editable cell or the focusable element in the row, make the next row editable and move the focus to the first editable cell or the focusable element in the next row.

When the focus is on the last editable cell or the focusable element in the last row, move the focus to the next the focusable element on the page (outside of the table).

Shift+Tab Move the focus to the previous editable cell or the focusable element in the row.

When the focus is on the first editable cell or the focusable element in the row, make the previous row editable and move the focus to the last editable cell or the focusable element in the previous row.

When the focus is on the first editable cell or the focusable element in the first row, move the focus to the previous the focusable element on the page (outside of the table).

Enter Make the next row editable and move the focus to the editable cell in current column in the next row. When enter is pressed when in the last editable row, make it read only.
Shift+Enter Make the previous row editable and move the focus to the editable cell in current column in the previous row. When enter is pressed when in the last editable row, make it read only.
F2 Toggle the current row between editable and read only.
Esc Make the current row read only.

Sort on a column

Action Keyboard Shortcut Behavior
Sort on a column. Enter When the column is sortable it will sort the column, or else do nothing.

Access a context menu

Action Keyboard Shortcut Behavior
To access context menu. Shift+F10 Opens the context menu when it is available on the focused component.

Move a scroll bar in a table

Action Keyboard Shortcut Behavior
Scroll Up Arrow or Down Arrow Moves the scroll bar in the direction of the arrow.
When the focus is on any other component, to scroll. Shift + Up Arrow or Down Arrow Moves the scroll bar in the direction of the arrow.

When the focus is on a collapsible header

Keyboard Shortcut Behavior
Space or Enter Toggle disclosure state.
Tab Navigate to the next collapsible header and when there is none, go to the next element on the page.
Shift+Tab Navigate to the previous collapsible header and when there is none, go to the previous element on page.
Up Arrow or Left Arrow (Right Arrow in RTL) Move the focus to the previous collapsible header with wrap around.
Down Arrow or Right Arrow (Left Arrow in RTL) Move the focus to the next collapsible header with wrap around.
Home Move the focus to the first collapsible header.
End Move the focus to the last collapsible header.

When the focus is on a button

Keyboard shortcut Behavior
Enter or Space Push the button or Toggle the button or Open the menu depends on type of button.
Esc Closes the menu.

When the focus is on a chart

Keyboard shortcut Behavior
Tab Move the focus to next element.
Shift + Tab Move the focus to previous element.
Up Arrow Move the focus and selection to the previous data item.
Down Arrow Move the focus and selection to the next data item.
Left Arrow Move the focus and selection to the previous data item on the left.
Right Arrow Move the focus and selection to the next data item on the right.
Page Up Pan up when scrolling is enabled.
Page Down Pan down when scrolling is enabled.
Enter Drill down on a data item, categorical axis label, or legend item when drilling is enabled.

When the focus is on check box set

Keyboard Shortcut Behavior
Tab In Set the focus to the first item in the focusable check box in the check box set. Disabled check boxes are not focusable. If hints, Help Instruction, or messages exist in a note window, pop up the note window.

When the focus is on a check box

Keyboard Shortcut Behavior
Space Toggles the check box. When the check box is unselected, it will select it and vice versa.
Tab Sets the focus to the next the focusable check box in the check box set. Disabled check boxes are not the focusable. When the target is the last the focusable check box in the check box set, the focus goes to the next the focusable item after the check box group.
Shift+Tab Sets the focus to the previous focusable check box in the check box set. Disabled check boxes are not the focusable. If the target is the first focusable check box in the check box set, the focus goes to the previous focusable item before the check box group.

When working in a dialog

Action Keyboard shortcuts Behavior
When the focus is on a dialog Esc Close the dialog.
When the focus is on a dialog close icon Enter or Space Close the dialog.

When the focus is on a file picker

Keyboard shortcut Behavior
Enter Launch the browser's file picker.

When the focus is on a date input element

Keyboard shortcut Behavior
Down Arrow or Up Arrow Shows the calendar grid and moves the focus into the expanded grid.
Esc Close the grid.
Tab In Set the focus to the input. If hints, title or messages exist in a note window, pop up the note window.

When the focus is on a picker

Keyboard shortcut Behavior
Enter Select the currently the focused day.
Up Arrow Move up in the grid.
Down Arrow Move down in the grid.
Right Arrow Move right in the grid.
Left Arrow Move left in the grid.
Esc Close the grid.
Home Move the focus to first day of the month.
End Move the focus to last day of the month.
Page Up Switch to previous month.
Page Down Switch to next month.
Alt + Page Up Switch to previous year.
Alt + Page Down Switch to next year.
Ctrl + Alt + T Places the focus on Today button if it exists.

When working with input number elements

Keyboard Shortcut Behavior
Enter or Tab Submit the value you typed in the input field.
Tab In Set the focus to input. Show user assistance text. This may be inline or in a note window depending upon the theme and property settings.
Up Arrow Increment the number.
Down Arrow Decrement the number.

When working with other input elements

Action Keyboard shortcut Behavior
When the focus is on input password element Tab In Set the focus to the input. Show user assistance text. This may be inline or in a note window depending upon theme and property settings.
When the focus is on input text element Tab In Set the focus to the input. Show user assistance text. This may be inline or in a note window depending upon theme and property settings.
When the focus is on input time element Down Arrow or Up Arrow Shows the time picker and moves the focus into the expanded time picker.
When the focus is on input time element Tab In Set the focus to the input. If hints, title or messages exist in a note window, pop up the note window.

When the focus is on a Help icon

Keyboard shortcut Behavior
Enter If there is a URL associated with the Help icon, navigate to the URL.
Tab In Show the help definition in a pop up.

When the focus is on a list item

Keyboard shortcut Behavior
F2 Enters Actionable mode. This enables keyboard action on elements inside the item, including navigate between the focusable elements inside the item.
Esc Exits Actionable mode.
Tab When in Actionable Mode, navigates to next the focusable element within the item. When the last the focusable element is reached, shift the focus back to the first the focusable element. When not in Actionable Mode, navigates to next the focusable element on a page outside of List View.
Shift+Tab When in Actionable Mode, navigates to previous the focusable element within the item. When the first the focusable element is reached, shift the focus back to the last the focusable element. When not in Actionable Mode, navigates to previous the focusable element on a page outside of List View.
Down Arrow Move the focus to the item below.
Up Arrow Move the focus to the item above.
Left Arrow When the display is in card layout, move the focus to the item on the left.
Right Arrow When the display is in card layout, move the focus to the item on the right.
Shift+Down Arrow Extend the selection to the item below.
Shift+Up Arrow Extend the selection to the item above.
Shift+Left Arrow When the display is in card layout, extend the selection to the item on the left.
Shift+Right Arrow When the display is in card layout, extend the selection to the item on the right.
Shift+F10 Launch the context menu when there is one associated with the current item.
Enter Selects the current item. No operation when the item is already selected.
Space Toggles to select and deselect the current item. When previous items are selected, deselects them and selects the current item.
Shift+Space Selects contiguous items from the last selected item to the current item.
Ctrl+Space Toggles to select and deselect the current item while maintaining previous selected items
Ctrl+X Marks the selected items to move if drag and drop reorder is enabled.
Ctrl+C Marks the selected items to copy if drag and drop reorder is enabled.
Ctrl+V Paste the items that are marked to directly before the current item or as the last item if the current item is a folder.

When the focus is on a group item

Keyboard shortcut Behavior
Left Arrow Collapse the current item if it is expanded and is collapsible. For non-hierarchical data, do nothing.
Right Arrow Expand the current item if it has children and is expandable. For non-hierarchical data, do nothing.

When the focus is on menu item

Keyboard shortcut Behavior
Enter or Space Invoke the focused menu item's action.
Up Arrow Move the focus to the previous menu item, wrapping around at the top.
Down Arrow Move the focus to the next menu item, wrapping around at the bottom.
Home Move the focus to the first menu item.
End Move the focus to the last menu item.
Esc Close the menu and move the focus to the launcher when the focus is on top level menu.

When working with a JET Component or HTML Element having a JET Context Menu

Keyboard Shortcut Behavior
Shift + F10 Open the context menu

When working with message elements

Action Keyboard Shortcut Behavior
When the focus is on a message Esc Close the message.
When the focus is on a Message Close Icon Enter or Space Close the message.
When the focus is within Messages Tab or Shift + Tab Navigate the content of the messages region.
When the focus is within Messages F6 Moves the focus back to the last the focused element outside the messages region.
When the focus is within Messages Esc Moves the focus back to the last the focused element outside the messages region.
When the focus outside Messages F6 Move the focus to the first message within the more recently disclosed messages region.

When the focus is on a navigation list item

Keyboard shortcut Behavior
Enter or Space Selects list item.
Up Arrow Moves the focus to the previous visible list item.
Down Arrow Moves the focus to the next visible list item.
Right Arrow (Left Arrow in RTL) For horizontal navigation list, moves the focus to the next visible item.
Left Arrow (Right Arrow in RTL) For horizontal navigation list, moves the focus to the previous visible item.
Home Moves the focus to the first visible list item.
End Moves the focus to the last visible list item.
F2 When the focus is on a list item, pressing F2 makes its contents accessible using TAB.
Esc When F2 mode is enabled, press Esc to exit F2 mode.
Shift +Tab Move the focus to a hierarchical menu button. Applicable only for a sliding navigation list and when a hierarchical menu button is enabled.

When working with other navigation list elements

Action Keyboard shortcut Behavior
When the focus is on navigation Group Item Right Arrow (Left Arrow in RTL) When the focus is on a collapsed node, expands the sub list.
When the focus is on navigation Group Item Left Arrow (Right Arrow in RTL) When the focus is on an expanded node, collapses the sub list.
When the focus is on List Item in sublist Esc Applicable only for a sliding navigation list. When the focus is in a sub list, closes the sublist and moves the focus to the parent list item.
When the focus is on Hierarchical Menu button Enter Open menu. Note: This target is visible only for a Sliding Navigation List.
When the focus is on Hierarchical Menu button Tab Moves the focus to the current list item. Note: This target is visible only for a Sliding Navigation List.
When the focus is on Hierarchical Menu button Shift + Tab Moves the focus to the Previous Icon. Note: This target is visible only for a Sliding Navigation List.
When the focus is on Previous Icon or List Header Enter Collapses the sublist and slides to the parent list. Note: This target is visible only for a Sliding Navigation List.
When the focus is on Previous Icon or List Header Tab Moves the focus to the Hierarchical Menu button. Note: This target is visible only for a Sliding Navigation List.

When working with page control elements

Action Keyboard shortcut Behavior
When the focus is Page Control Tab in Set the focus to the input.
When the focus is on Arrow Page Navigation Tab Set the focus to the first, previous, next, or last page arrow.
When the focus is on Numbered Page Links Tab Set the focus to the page link.

When the focus is within a pop up or on a pop up launcher

Keyboard shortcut Behavior
Tab or Shift Tab Navigate the content of the pop up. Close the open pop up if there are no tab stops in the pop up.
F6 Move the focus to the launcher for a pop up with mode-less modality. Close the open pop up if the modality is modal.
Esc Close the open pop up.
F6 Move the focus to the first tab stop within the open pop up. If there is not a tab stop within the content, the focus is established on the pop up.

When the focus is on a radio button

Keyboard shortcut Behavior
Up Arrow Select the previous input in the group.
Down Arrow Select the next input in the group.
Tab In Set the focus to the checked radio input. When hints, title or messages exist in a note window, pop up the note window.

When the focus is on a rating gauge

Keyboard shortcut Behavior
Enter Submit the current value of the gauge.
Tab Move the focus to the next element and submit the current value of the gauge.
Shift + Tab Move the focus to the previous element.
Up Arrow Increase the gauge's transient value. Sets the value after using Enter or Tab to submit.
Down Arrow Decrease the gauge's transient value. Sets the value after using Enter or Tab to submit.
Left Arrow Decrease the gauge's transient value in left-to-right locales. Increase the gauge's transient value in right-to-left locales. Sets the value after using Enter or Tab to submit.
Right Arrow Increase the gauge's transient value in left-to-right locales. Decrease the gauge's transient value in right-to-left locales. Sets the value after using Enter or Tab to submit.

When working with a row expander element

Action Keyboard shortcut Behavior
When the focus is on a Row or Cell with RowExpander. Ctrl + Right Arrow Expand.
When the focus is on a Row or Cell with Row Expander. Ctrl + Left Arrow Collapse.
When the focus is on an Icon. Enter Expand or Collapse.

When working with single-select elements

Action Keyboard shortcut Behavior
When the focus is on a single-select option item Enter Select the highlighted choice from the drop-down.
When the focus is on a single-select input field Enter Set the input text as the value.
When the focus is on a single-select drop-down Up Arrow or Down Arrow Highlight the option item on the drop-down list in the direction of the arrow. If the drop-down is not open, expand the drop-down list.
When the focus is on a single select drop-down Esc Collapse the drop-down list. If the drop-down is already closed, do nothing.
On Tab in single select Tab In Set the focus to the Select. If hints, title or messages exist in a note window, pop up the note window.

When the focus is on a status meter gauge

Keyboard shortcut Behavior
Enter Submit the current value of the gauge.
Tab Move the focus to the next element and submit the current value of the gauge.
Shift + Tab Move the focus to the previous element.
Up Arrow Increase the gauge's transient value. Sets the value after using Enter or Tab to submit.
Down Arrow Decrease the gauge's transient value. Set the value after using Enter or Tab to submit.
Left Arrow Decrease the gauge's transient value in left-to-right locales. Increase the gauge's transient value in right-to-left locales. Sets the value after using Enter or Tab to submit.
Right Arrow Increase the gauge's transient value in left-to-right locales. Decrease the gauge's transient value in right-to-left locales. Sets the value after using Enter or Tab to submit.

When working with a switch thumb element

Action Keyboard shortcut Behavior
When the focus is on Switch Thumb Enter or Space Toggle the switch value.
When Switch Thumb is target Tab in Set the focus to the thumb. If hints, title or messages exist in a note window, pop up the note window.

When the focus is on list items

Keyboard shortcut Behavior
Enter or Space Selects list item.
Up Arrow Moves the focus to the previous visible list item.
Down Arrow Moves the focus to the next visible list item.
Right Arrow(Left Arrow in RTL) For a horizontal tab bar, the focus moves to next visible item.
Left Arrow(Right Arrow in RTL) For a horizontal tab bar, the focus moves to previous visible item.
Home Moves the focus to the first visible list item.
End Moves the focus to the last visible list item.
F2 When the focus is on a list item, pressing F2 makes its contents accessible using TAB.
Esc When F2 mode is enabled, press Esc to exit F2 mode.
Ctrl+X Marks the current item to move when reorderable is enabled.
Ctrl+V Paste the items that are marked to directly before the current item.
DELETE Delete the current item.
Enter or Space Open menu. Note: This is applicable only for Horizontal Tab Bar, when overflow is set to pop up.

When navigating text area

Action Keyboard shortcut Behavior
On tabbing in text area Tab In Set the focus to the text area. Show user assistance text. This may be inline or in a note window depending upon theme and property settings.
When the focus is on text area

MacOS : Return

Windows : Enter

Insert a new line. Used for a plain text area or a nested text area where Enter is not used by the parent component for other purposes.
When the focus is on text area MacOS: Option + Return Windows: Alt + Enter Insert a new line. This is used for cases where Enter is used by the parent component, such as a text area in a table, where Enter will go to the cell below in an editable table.

When the focus is on a train

Keyboard shortcut Behavior
Tab Move the focus to the next selectable step.
Shift + Tab Move the focus to the previous selectable step.
Enter Select the focused step.

When the focus is on a tree view item

Keyboard shortcut Action
Tab Navigates to next the focusable element on page.
Shift+Tab Navigates to previous the focusable element on page.
Down Arrow Moves the focus to the item below.
Up Arrow Moves the focus to the item above.
Left Arrow On an expanded item, collapses the item. Otherwise, move the focus to the item above. The action is swapped with the Right Arrow in RTL locales.
Right Arrow On a collapsed item, expands the item. Otherwise, move the focus to the item below. The action is swapped with the Left Arrow in RTL locales.
Shift + Down Arrow Extends the selection to the item below. Applicable only when the multiple or last item selection is enabled.
Shift + Up Arrow Extends the selection to the item above. Only applicable if the multiple or last item selection is enabled.
Space Toggles the selection of the current item and deselects the other items.
Enter Selects the current item and deselects the other items. No operation when the current item is already selected.
Ctrl + Space/Enter / CMD + Space/Enter Toggles the selection of the current item, while maintaining previously selected items. Only applicable if the multiple or last item selection is enabled.
Shift + Space/Enter Selects contiguous items from the last selected item to the current item. Only applicable if the multiple or last item selection is enabled.
Ctrl + A / CMD+A When the selection Mode is multiple, selects all selectable nodes.

When the focus is on an action card

Keyboard shortcut Action
Enter or Space Invoke the card action.
F2 Enters Actionable mode, which enables keyboard action on elements inside the item, including navigate between focusable elements inside the item.
Esc Exits Actionable mode.
Tab When in Actionable Mode, navigates to next focusable element within the item. When you reach the last focusable element, shift focus back to the first focusable element. When not in Actionable Mode, navigates to the next focusable element on the page (outside List View).
Shift+Tab When in Actionable Mode, navigates to the previous focusable element within the item. When you reach the first focusable element, shift focus back to the last focusable element. When not in Actionable Mode, navigates to the previous focusable element on the page (outside List View).