Fraud Protection File Rollback Compatibility

In the S-Cz9.1.0 release and later, the upgrade process automatically changes the former Fraud Protection list types named call-whitelist and call-blacklist to call-allowlist and call-blocklist. This change impacts rollback scenarios.

Previous versions of the software expect the list types formerly named call-whitelist and call-blacklist. Use either of the following methods to make older versions support the Fraud Protection file, which is stored in XML format in a file with an extension of .xml, .gz, or .gzip in the /code/fpe/ directory.
  • Back up of your existing Fraud Protection configuration file before upgrading to S-Cz9.1.0 or later, and use it for previous versions of the software in a rollback scenario.
  • Perform the upgrade to S-Cz9.1.0 or later, which automatically changes call-whitelist and call-blacklist to call-allowlist and call-blocklist. Before you rollback, edit your S-Cz9.1.0 Fraud Protection file by replacing call-allowlist and call-blocklist with call-whitelist and call-blacklist, respectively.


    You do not need to reverse this method when you upgrade to S-Cz9.1.0 or later. The upgrade process makes the changes automatically.