9 Configuring the Nortel DMS-100 MMP AMA Cartridge Pack

This document describes how to use the Oracle Communications Offline Mediation Controller Nortel DMS-100 MMP AMA Cartridge Pack.

Topics in this document:

Nortel DMS-100 MMP AMA Collection Cartridge Pack

The Nortel DMS-100 MMP AMA Collection Cartridge (CC) pack supports the collection of Nortel DMS-100 MMP AMA (I) SN09 records generated by Nortel DMS-100 switches.

The CC supports FTP pushing AMA files from the Nortel SDM to the NM server. Collection of G-CDR is supported.

Creating and Configuring the DMS-100 MMP AMA CC

To configure the DMS-100 MMP AMA CC node, you configure standard parameters, include FTP connection configurations.