11 Nortel DMS Operational Metrics Cartridge Pack

This document describes how to configure the nodes included in the Oracle Communications Offline Mediation Controller Nortel DMS Operational Metrics Cartridge Pack.

Topics in this document:

About the Nortel DMS Operational Metrics Cartridge Pack

The Nortel DMS Operational Metrics (OM) cartridge pack provides functionality to retrieve files containing OM records from various telecom switches and send them to external systems. The OM node chain does not modify OM records; there are no EP or AP nodes.

The OM node chain includes two nodes, OM Collector CC node and the OM Distributor DC node.

The OM Collector CC node receives OM files from DMS-100 switches. The node uses FTP to periodically connect and pull files from each switch. A single node can retrieve files from multiple switches. The polling period is a single value used for all switches that are assigned to the node. On a single switch, OM files can be found on multiple volumes, so the node polls multiple directories on each switch.

The OM Collector CC node retrieves files from one or more DMS switches, re-names the files and transfers them to a local directory. The node does not parse or process the individual OM records. Therefore, the node does not produce a NAR file and Offline Mediation Controller is unaware of the contents of the OM records.

The OM Collector CC node re-names the files in the following way:

  • DMS file name: R040625145027OM

  • OM CC file name: AAA_R040625145027OM.done

The node adds a three-letter prefix, underscore and appends .done to the incoming file name. The three letters range in the following way: [A-Z][A-Z][A-Za-z]. The prefix differentiates input files from different IP addresses, port numbers and disk volume combinations. Note that the prefix can change if the device configuration is modified.

In the event that the OM Collector CC node cannot communicate with a DMS-100, it attempts to re-establish a connection after a configurable delay. You can also configure the number of times the node attempts to re-establish the connection before raising a critical alarm. The node raises the alarm in both the GUI and via SNMP and logs the incident to the cartridges log file. At this point, the node considers the poll to have failed and does not attempt to re-establish a connection with the switch until the next scheduled poll.

You can provision a backup OM Collector CC node as a means to recover from a polling failure rather than wait for the next scheduled poll. For example, if the log file of the primary node indicates a polling failure, you can manually configure the backup node to have a short polling interval, such as 5 minutes, for a specific switch. The backup node will collect the files the primary node failed to capture. After the files have been transferred successfully, you can stop the backup node. This backup method can be used to manually initiate polls to switches instead of waiting a longer period for the primary node to attempt to re-establish the connection.

The OM Distributor DC node receives DIRP encoded OM files from the OM Collector CC node and transfers these files to downstream applications using FTP.


Note the following:

  • You must deploy the OM CC and DC nodes on the same server.

  • Input stream monitoring is not supported.

  • In the Node Performance window, there are no counts associated with the nodes.

Configuring the OM Collector CC Node

To configure the OM Collector CC node, you set file management options and device access options.

Table 11-1 shows the options to configure in the Settings tab.

Table 11-1 Settings Tab

Field Description

Directory for Unprocessed Files

Directory where files are copied to from the device. The OM Collector CC node retrieves the file.

Unprocessed File Prefix

File prefix of unprocessed data files received from the remote device.

Rename Unprocessed to Processed

If enabled, the OM Collector CC node renames the files after a successful FTP transfer.

Processed File Prefix

File prefix of processed files.

Retries per poll

Number of additional FTP attempts for each polling interval.

Polling interval

Time interval between FTP polls; for example, 1 hour.

Process daily at fixed time

If enabled, the OM Collector CC node aligns its polling schedule to a specific time of day.

Interrupt timer delay

For example, 1 minute

You add devices to the Device List tab. When you add a device, configure the options shown in Table 11-2.

Table 11-2 Device List Tab

Field Description


Name of the device.

IP Address

IP address of the device.


Port to connect to on the device.


User or account ID of the device.

Password/Confirm Password

Password of the device.

Disk Volumes

The disk volume name. The disk volumes are non-delimited location names for files. Multiple disk volumes can be added per device.

Configuring the OM Distributor DC Node

The OM Distributor DC node receives DIRP-encoded OM files from the OM Collector CC node and transfers these files to downstream applications using FTP Push or Pull. To configure the OM Distributor DC node, you configure standard FTP and file retention options.