8 Upgrading to an Offline Mediation Controller 15.0 Maintenance Release

Learn how to upgrade to the latest 15.0 maintenance release of Oracle Communications Offline Mediation Controller.

Topics in this document:


About Upgrading to a 15.0 Maintenance Release


Be sure to test the patch on a non-production system before you deploy it on a production system.

Offline Mediation Controller 15.0 maintenance release includes changes to the following:

  • Offline Mediation Controller Administration Server

  • Offline Mediation Controller Administration Client

  • Offline Mediation Controller Node Manager

Offline Mediation Controller 15.0 maintenance release contains bug fixes and enhancements. See Offline Mediation Controller 15.0 Release Notes for more information.

Upgrading to the 15.0 Maintenance Release

Perform the following tasks on your Offline Mediation Controller system to upgrade to the latest 15.0 maintenance release:

  1. Shutting Down Offline Mediation Controller

  2. Backing Up the Current Installation

  3. Installing Oracle Unified Directory 12c Release 2

  4. Installing the Patch

Shutting Down Offline Mediation Controller

To shut down Offline Mediation Controller:

  1. Ensure that no users are logged in.

    Users include customers, client applications, and so on.

  2. Stop all Offline Mediation Controller components. For more information, see the discussion on starting and stopping Offline Mediation Controller in Offline Mediation Controller System Administrator's Guide.

Backing Up the Current Installation

To prevent any data loss and minimize the impact of software or hardware failure during the patch installation, back up your existing installation.

Before installing the patch, make a complete offline backup of the following:

  • The Shutting Down Offline Mediation Controller installation directory and its content: OMC_home. In particular, make sure you back up all customized files, including the UDCEnvironment file and schema files.

  • The Oracle Inventory (oraInventory) directory. Open the /etc/oraInst.loc (Linux) file or the /var/opt/oracle/OraInst.loc (Solaris) file to find the default location of the oraInventory directory.

Installing Oracle Unified Directory 12c Release 2

Install the latest version of Oracle Unified Directory 12c Release 2 on the system on which Administration Server is installed.


You can also use Oracle Unified Directory 11g Release 1 (

See the Oracle Unified Directory 12c Release 2 documentation for more information about installing or upgrading to Oracle Unified Directory 12c Release 2.


If you are upgrading from Oracle Unified Directory 11g Release 1 to Oracle Unified Directory 12c Release 2, set the Java options for running Oracle Unified Directory 12c Release 2 to the latest version of JRE. See the Oracle Unified Directory 12c Release 2 documentation for more information about configuring the Java options.

Installing the Patch


Install the Shutting Down Offline Mediation Controller 12.0 patch set on the same system on which you have installed Shutting Down Offline Mediation Controller 12.0.

If you installed individual Shutting Down Offline Mediation Controller components, install the patch on each instance of the installed component.

To install the patch:

  1. Create a temporary directory (temp_dir).

  2. Go to the My Oracle Support Web site:


  3. Sign in with your user name and password.

  4. Click the Patches & Updates tab.

  5. From the list, select Patch Name or Number.

  6. In the text field, enter PatchNumber and click Search.

    where PatchNumber is:

    • 28636067 for Shutting Down Offline Mediation Controller 12.0 Patch Set 1.

    • 30094574 for Shutting Down Offline Mediation Controller 12.0 Patch Set 2.

    The Patch Search Results page appears.

  7. Click the patch name.

    The patch details appear.

  8. From the Platform list, select the platform and click Download.

    The File Download dialog box appears.

  9. Download the pPatchNumber_1200v0_Generic.zip software pack to temp_dir.

    where v is the Shutting Down Offline Mediation Controller patch set version. For example, 1 is the version for Shutting Down Offline Mediation Controller 12.0 Patch Set 1 and 2 is the version for Shutting Down Offline Mediation Controller 12.0 Patch Set 2.

  10. Unzip the pPatchNumber_1200v0_Generic.zip file.

    The zip archive includes the ocomc-12.0.0.v.0_generic.jar installer.

  11. Ensure that Administration Server and Node Manager are not running.

  12. Go to the temp_dir directory, and run one of the following commands:

    • To start the GUI installer:

      Java_home/bin/java -jar ocomc-12.0.0.v.0_generic.jar


      • Java_home is the directory in which you installed the latest supported Java version.

      • v is the Shutting Down Offline Mediation Controller patch set version. For example, 1 is the version for Shutting Down Offline Mediation Controller 12.0 Patch Set 1 and 2 is the version for Shutting Down Offline Mediation Controller 12.0 Patch Set 2

    • To start the GUI installer and install Offline Mediation Controller using the oraInventory directory in a different location:

      Java_home/bin/java -jar ocomc-12.0.0.v.0_generic.jar -invPtrLoc FilePath/oraInst.loc

      where FilePath is the path to the directory in which the oraInst.loc file is located.

    • To start the GUI installer and create logs for debugging:

      Java_home/bin/java -jar ocomc-12.0.0.v.0_generic.jar -debug -logLevel FINEST
    • To start the GUI installer and create a silent installer response file during the installation:

      Java_home/bin/java -jar ocomc-12.0.0.v.0_generic.jar -record -destinationFile path

      where path is the absolute path to the response file.

    The Welcome screen appears.

  13. Click Next.

    The Installation Location screen appears.

  14. Enter the full path or browse to the directory in which you installed install Offline Mediation Controller 12.0.


    Optionally, click Browse and navigate to the directory where Shutting Down Offline Mediation Controller is installed.

    The OCOMC Configuration screen appears.

  15. Enter the following information to specify Offline Mediation Controller configuration details:

    • In the Wallet Configuration section, do the following to enter the details for the Oracle Communications Offline Mediation Controller wallet:

      1. In the Wallet Path field, enter the full path or browse to the directory in which the Offline Mediation wallet is stored.

      2. In the Wallet password field, enter the Offline Mediation wallet password.

    The Installation Summary screen appears.

  16. Review your selections, and click Install.

    The Installation Progress screen appears, and the installation begins.


    After the installation begins, you cannot stop or cancel the installation.

    When the installation is done, click Next, the Installation Complete screen appears.

    The installer checks for all required software and displays errors if it detects any missing or unavailable components or if any connectivity issues occur.

  17. Click Finish to complete the installation.

Installing the Patch in Silent Mode

Use the silent install mode when you are installing Patch 1 using the same configuration repeatedly. Silent install mode does not use the GUI and it runs in the background. In this mode, you use a response file template that contains a predefined set of values.


The silent installation is not meant for production environments and should be used only in test environments for setting up quickly or backing up the properties for later use in another test environment.

When you unzip the Patch 1 package, the response file template is saved at: ocomc/Disk1/stage/Response/PatchSet_ocomc.Custom.rsp.

This response file template contains all the parameters that the Patch 1 installer requires during the silent, unattended installation, but it does not contain the parameter values. You must update the response file template as per your installation requirements before starting the silent installation.

To install Patch 1 in silent mode:

  1. Go to the ocomc/Disk1/stage/Response directory.

  2. Make a copy of the PatchSet_ocomc.Custom.rsp file and open it in a text editor.

  3. Enter the values in the parameters as per your installation requirements.


    • The response file template contains guidelines and examples on how to enter the values in the parameters.

    • The Patch 1 installer treats incorrect context, format, or type values within a response file as if no value were specified.

  4. Save and close the file.

  5. Go to the ocomc/Disk1/install/ directory and enter the following command:

    ./runInstaller -responseFile path -silent

    where path is the response file name and location.

    For example:

    ./runInstaller -responseFile /response_files/myresponsefile.rsp -silent

    The installation runs silently in the background.

Post-Installation Tasks

After installing the Shutting Down Offline Mediation Controller 12.0 patch set, perform the following post-installation tasks:

  1. Restoring Customizations

  2. Adding Offline Mediation Controller Service to System Startup

  3. Configuring Offline Mediation Controller to Work with Oracle Unified Directory 12c Release 2

Restoring Customizations

Restore any customizations you made, including the UDCEnvironment file and schema files, unless you have already incorporated them.

Adding Offline Mediation Controller Service to System Startup

After installing Offline Mediation Controller, run the configure script to add the Offline Mediation Controller service to the system startup scripts in the /etc/init.d/ directory.

To add the Offline Mediation Controller service to the system startup scripts:

  1. Log on as root to the system on which Offline Mediation Controller is installed.

  2. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the latest version of JRE certified with Offline Mediation Controller. For the latest version of Java certified with Offline Mediation Controller, see the discussion about Offline Mediation Controller system requirements in Offline Mediation Controller Installation Guide.

    For example, in C shell, do the following:

    1. Open the .cshrc file in a text editor.

    2. Add or modify the following entries:

      setenv JAVA_HOME JRE_home
      setenv PATH ${JAVA_HOME}:${PATH}
    3. Save and close the file.

    4. Update the environment by running the following command:

      source .cshrc
  3. Go to the OMC_home/bin directory.

  4. Run the following command:

    ./configure  OMC_home

    The configurations required to run Offline Mediation Controller are performed.

  5. Start all Offline Mediation Controller processes.

Configuring Offline Mediation Controller to Work with Oracle Unified Directory 12c Release 2

If you are using Oracle Unified Directory 12c Release 2, you must perform this step.

To configure Offline Mediation Controller to work with Oracle Unified Directory 11g Release 2:

  1. Stop all Offline Mediation Controller processes.

    See the discussion about starting and stopping Offline Mediation Controller in Offline Mediation Controller System Administrator's Guide for more information.

  2. If an Oracle Unified Directory 12c Release 2 instance for Offline Mediation Controller does not already exist, create an Oracle Unified Directory 12c Release 2 instance.

    See the discussion about creating an Oracle Unified Directory instance for Offline Mediation Controller in Offline Mediation Controller Installation Guide for more information.

  3. On the system on which Administration Server is installed, go to the OMC_home/bin directory.

  4. Create the populateDirTemp.ldif file if it does not already exist and add the following text:

    dn: uid=Admin,ou=People,dc=ocomcexample.com
    changetype: modify
    replace: userpassword
    userpassword: adminpassword

    where adminpassword is the password for the Administration Client administrator user.

  5. Save and close the file.

  6. Run the following command:

    oudConfig -i oud_instance_path -h oud_host -p oud_admin_port -d "oud_binddn" -w oud_admin_password -b "dc=ocomcexample.com" -l oud_ldapport


    • oud_instance_path is the path to the directory where the Oracle Unified Directory instance is installed.

    • oud_host is the IP address or the host name of the system on which Oracle Unified Directory is installed.

    • oud_admin_port is the port used for administration traffic with Oracle Unified Directory. The default is 4444.

    • oud_binddn is the root user distinguished name (DN). The default is "cn=Directory Manager".

    • oud_admin_password is the root user bind password for Oracle Unified Directory.

    • oud_ldapport is the port used by LDAP to send and receive data. The default is 1389.

    For example:

    ./oudConfig -i /Oracle_home/Oracle/Middleware/asinst_1/OUD
                       -h oud1.example.com
                       -p 4444
                       -d "cn=Directory Manager"
                       -w password@ 
                       -b "dc=ocomcexample.com"
                       -l 1389


    The oudConfig script removes all the existing user accounts in your Oracle Unified Directory instance and creates an Admin user based on information provided in the populateDirTemp.ldif file.

  7. Do the following if you created a new Oracle Unified Directory instance in this procedure:

    1. Open the OMC_home/web/htdocs/AdminServerImpl.properties file in a text editor.

    2. Search the file for the following line:

      com.nt.udc.admin.server.AdminServerImpl.ldapURL  ldap://ldap_oud_host:ldap_oud_port


      ldap_oud_host is the IP address or the host name of the system on which Oracle Unified Directory is installed.

      ldap_oud_port is the LDAP port number for Oracle Unified Directory.

    3. Replace ldap://ldap_oud_host:ldap_oud_port with the LDAP URL and port number for the Oracle Unified Directory instance.

      For example:

      com.nt.udc.admin.server.AdminServerImpl.ldapURL       ldap://oud1.example.com:1389
    4. Save and close the file.

  8. Start all Offline Mediation Controller processes.

Upgrading to Secure RADIUS Client Configuration

For RADIUS EI Nodes, client configuration (hostnames and secrets) was previously stored together in a configuration file named ipsecrets.cfg. The new model enhances security by separating this informaton:
  • Hostnames remain in a file now named iphosts.cfg.
  • Secrets are moved automatically to a secure wallet solution.

If you created RADIUS CC nodes before upgrading to release 15.0.1, you'll need to re-save the node configuration to ensure secrets are migrated to the wallet and removed from iphosts.cfg.

Installing Cartridge Packs

To install the required cartridge packs to use with Offline Mediation Controller 12.0 patch set:

  1. Stop all node managers, administration servers, and Administration clients on the system where you are installing the cartridge kit.

  2. If you are installing the ECE cartridge pack, ensure that you installed the latest ECE software compatible with the Offline Mediation Controller 12.0 patch set. For the compatible ECE software, see "ECE Software Compatibility" in BRM Compatibility Matrix.

    For example, you can use ECE 12.0 Patch Set 1 cartridge pack only with Offline Mediation Controller 12.0 Patch Set 1.

  3. Create a temporary directory (temp_dir).

  4. Go to the My Oracle Support Web site:


  5. Sign in with your user name and password.

  6. Click the Patches & Updates tab.

  7. From the list, select Patch Name or Number.

  8. In the text field, enter PatchNumber and click Search.

    where PatchNumber is:

    • 28636067 for Offline Mediation Controller 12.0 Patch Set 1.

    • 30094574 for Offline Mediation Controller 12.0 Patch Set 2.

    The Patch Search Results page appears.

  9. Click the patch name.

    The patch details appear.

  10. From the Platform list, select the platform and click Download.

    The File Download dialog box appears.

  11. Download the pPatchNumber_1200v0_Generic.zip software pack to temp_dir.

    where v is the Offline Mediation Controller patch set version. For example, 1 is the version for Offline Mediation Controller 12.0 Patch Set 1 and 2 is the version for Offline Mediation Controller 12.0 Patch Set 2.

  12. Unzip the pPatchNumber_1200v0_Generic.zip file.

  13. Move the required cartridge pack jar files to the OMC_home/cartridges directory.

    For the list of cartridge packs and JAR files, see Offline Mediation Controller Cartridge Packs Guide.

  14. Start all node managers, administration servers, and Administration clients.

  15. Verify that the cartridge pack has been properly installed by viewing Version Info from the Help menu in Administration Client.

Verifying the Offline Mediation Controller Installation

To verify the installation of Offline Mediation Controller if the components are installed on separate systems:

  1. Log on to the system on which Offline Mediation Controller is installed.

  2. Go to the OMC_home/bin directory.

  3. Run the following command:


    where daemon_name is the daemon you want to start:

    Component Daemon Name

    Administration Server


    Node Manager


  4. Start Administration Client by doing the following:


    The Welcome to Oracle Communications Offline Mediation Controller dialog box appears.

  5. In the IP Address field, enter the IP address or the host name of Administration Server to which you want to connect.

  6. In the Port field, accept the default port number.

    If the system to which you want to connect resides on a UDP port other than the default, change the port number.

  7. Enter your user ID and password.

    If you are the Offline Mediation Controller system administrator, in the User ID field, enter admin; in the Password field, enter the password for the Offline Mediation Controller administrator user.


    Oracle recommends that you change your password at regular intervals to ensure security.

  8. Click Connect.

    The Administration Client window appears.

To verify the installation of Offline Mediation Controller if the components are installed on the same Linux or Solaris system:

  1. Log on to the system on which Offline Mediation Controller is installed.

  2. Go to the OMC_home/bin/ directory.

  3. Run the following command:

    ./ProcessControl start

    ProcessControl starts the specified servers on the specified ports.

    See the discussion about the ProcessControl script in Offline Mediation Controller System Administrator's Guide.

  4. Run the following command:


    The Welcome to Oracle Communications Offline Mediation Controller dialog box appears.

  5. In the IP Address field, enter the IP address or the host name of Administration Server to which you want to connect.

  6. In the Port field, accept the default port number.

    If the system to which you want to connect resides on a UDP port other than the default, change the port number.

  7. Enter your user ID and password.

    If you are the Offline Mediation Controller system administrator, in the User ID field, enter admin; in the Password field, enter the password for the Offline Mediation Controller administrator user.


    Oracle recommends that you change your password at regular intervals to ensure security.

  8. Click Connect.

    The Administration Client window appears.

Restoring the Previous Installation

If your patch set installation is not successful, restore your system to the previous installation.


The Offline Mediation Controller 12.0 patch set installer does not support uninstallation. As a workaround, restore the previous installation by replacing the Offline Mediation Controller 12.0 patch set directories with the directories that you backed up before installing the patch.

To restore the previous Offline Mediation Controller 12.0 installation:

  1. Ensure that no users are logged in.

    Users include customers, client applications, and so on.

  2. Stop all Offline Mediation Controller components. For more information, see the discussion on starting and stopping Offline Mediation Controller in Offline Mediation Controller System Administrator's Guide.

  3. Restore the Offline Mediation Controller installation directory. Use the OMC_home directory that you backed up before you installed the Offline Mediation Controller 12.0 patch set to replace the OMC_home directory.

  4. Restore the oraInventory directory. Use the oraInventory directory that you backed up before you installed Offline Mediation Controller 12.0 patch set to replace the oraInventory directory.

  5. Restart Administration Server and Node Manager.