Quick Start

Set up your environment and then use the Offline Mediation Controller REST API to make your first API call by performing these tasks:


Prerequisite More Information
Install Offline Mediation Controller REST Services Manager Installing the Offline Mediation Controller Cloud Native Deployment Package in Offline Mediation Controller Cloud Native Installation and Administration Guide
Configure Offline Mediation Controller REST Services Manager N/A
Install cURL Use cURL

Send a Request

After you set up your REST client, you can send a request to ensure that your connection works. For example, to retrieve a list of all the node managers, submit the following request:

curl -X GET  'http://host:port/nodeManagers'


  • hostname is the URL for the Offline Mediation Controller REST server.

  • port is the port for the Offline Mediation Controller REST server.

If the request is successful, you will receive response code 200 along with a response body similar to the following:

    "host": "node-mgr-app",
    "href": "/nodemanagers/NMGR-31eoeh-otm-ln3hrqc9",
    "id": "NMGR-31eoeh-otm-ln3hrqc9",
    "name": "nm1",
    "nodes": [
        "href": "/nodes/31eoef-otm-lna53s09",
        "id": "31eoef-otm-lna53s09"
        "href": "/nodes/31eoef-otm-lna51qht",
        "id": "31eoef-otm-lna51qht"
        "href": "/nodes/31eoef-otm-lna4vku4",
        "id": "31eoef-otm-lna4vku4"
        "href": "/nodes/31eoep-otm-lnbhn159",
        "id": "31eoep-otm-lnbhn159"
    "port": 32170,
    "statusMessage": "Informational - "