All REST Endpoints

Export Node Customization
Method: post
Path: /actions/export
Get NPL Content of a Node
Method: get
Path: /actions/rulefile
List NPL Files of a Specified Type
Method: get
Path: /actions/rules
Compile and Save NPL
Method: post
Path: /npl/save
Node Chains
List All Node Chains
Method: get
Path: /nodeChains/{nodeManagerId}
Node Managers
Create a Node Manager
Method: post
Path: /nodeManagers
Delete a Node Manager
Method: delete
Path: /nodeManagers/{id}
Get a Node Manager
Method: get
Path: /nodeManagers/{id}
List All Node Managers
Method: get
Path: /nodeManagers
List All the Nodes in a Node Manager
Method: get
Path: /nodeManagers/{id}/nodes
Start All Nodes
Method: get
Path: /nodeManagers/{id}/startAllNodes
Stop All Nodes
Method: get
Path: /nodeManagers/{id}/stopAllNodes
Update a Node Manager
Method: patch
Path: /nodeManagers/{id}
Node Types
Get Metadata of a Node Type
Method: get
Path: /nodeTypes/{id}
List All Supported Node Types
Method: get
Path: /nodeTypes
Create a Node
Method: post
Path: /nodes
Create a Route
Method: post
Path: /nodes/{srcNodeId}/route
Delete a Node
Method: delete
Path: /nodes/{id}
Delete Route Between Two Nodes
Method: delete
Path: /nodes/{srcNodeId}/route/{destNodeId}
Get a Node
Method: get
Path: /nodes/{id}
Get Routing Fields of a Rulefile
Method: get
Path: /nodes/routeAttributes
Get the Routing Algorithms of a Node
Method: get
Path: /nodes/{nodeId}/routingFunctions
Get the Routing Object Between Two Nodes
Method: get
Path: /nodes/{srcNodeId}/route/{destNodeId}
Get the Routing Objects from Source Node
Method: get
Path: /nodes/{srcNodeId}/route
List All Nodes
Method: get
Path: /nodes
Update a Node
Method: patch
Path: /nodes/{id}
Update the Route Attributes Between Two Nodes
Method: patch
Path: /nodes/{srcNodeId}/route/{destNodeId}
Update the Route Between Two Nodes
Method: put
Path: /nodes/{srcNodeId}/route/{destNodeId}