1 About the OSM Reporting Interface

Use the Oracle Communications Order and Service Management (OSM) Reporting Interface to generate reports about orders, tasks, and notifications.

The OSM Reporting Interface provides a standard interface to OSM data that can be accessed using many third-party report generation applications. You can also use Ant to run reports and output data to comma-separated values (CSV) and XML files.

The Reporting Interface augments the reports that are available through the OSM web client.

About the OSM Reports

Using the reporting interface, you can generate the following reports:

  • Orders Report: This report gives you an overview of pending and completed orders. You can filter the query to limit the number of responses. By specifying an OSM view (query task) mnemonic, you can display additional order information. See "About the Orders Report" for more information.

  • Order History Report: This report returns order change information for a specified time interval. See "About the Order History Report" for more information.

  • Pending Order At Task Report: This report gives you an overview of the pending orders and their related tasks information. See "About the Pending Order At Tasks Report" for more information.

  • Processes Report: This report shows all completed and pending processes, including main processes, creation processes, and processes invoked by sub-processing. See "About the Processes Report" for more information.

  • Tasks Report: This report creates a list of pending and completed tasks (excluding sub-process tasks). See "About the Tasks Report" for more information.

  • Notifications Report: This report contains a list of order and non-order based notifications. See "About the Notifications Report" for more information.

How OSM Reports are Implemented

Reports are implemented in two ways:

  • As Oracle database stored procedures.

  • As Oracle database views.

You use a third-party reporting application to access the procedures and views, configure parameters, and output results. You can also run reports using Ant to export report data to CSV or XML files.

The following reports are implemented as Oracle database stored procedures:



  • Pending Order At Task (OMS_REPORT_PENDING_AT_TASKS)

The following reports are implemented as Oracle database views:

  • Processes

  • Tasks

  • Notifications

About the Orders Report

This report gives you an overview of pending and completed orders. You can filter the query to limit the number of responses. By specifying an OSM view (query task) mnemonic, you can display additional order information for those records that contain it.

When you run the Orders report:

  • One row represents one order.

  • When displaying order data, if there are multiple data items for the data, all instances are displayed.

  • When viewing order-specific data, the mnemonic is used as the column name. The order of the columns is based on the view node position.

  • The report shows both pending and completed orders. You can use the order completion date to distinguish pending orders and completed orders. A pending order does not have a value in these columns:

    • completion date

    • time

Calculating Duration in the Orders Report

In the Orders report, duration for completed orders is calculated as follows:

completion_date - order_start_date


order_start_date is when the order was started, not when the order was created.

In the case of pending orders, the duration is calculated as follows:

sysdate - order_start_date

Orders Report Contents

The Orders report displays the following data:

  • Order ID

  • Reference number

  • Order type description and mnemonic

  • Order source description and mnemonic

  • Process description and mnemonic

    This is the current process of an order. (This data is empty for completed orders.)

  • Process status description and mnemonic (last process status)

  • Order creation date and time

  • Order start date and time

  • Expected duration of the order in days

  • Actual duration of the order in days

  • Expected order completion date

  • Completion date of the order

    This data is empty for pending orders

  • Namespace description and mnemonic

  • Version

  • Order-specific data (specified by a view/query task)

About the Order History Report

This report returns order delta information for a specified time interval.

Order delta information is given on an order-by-order basis. For each order, the last known delta for each node in the view for the specified time interval is shown.

About the Pending Order At Tasks Report

This report gives you an overview of the pending orders and information about their tasks.

When you run the Orders at Tasks report:

  • If an order includes multiple rows, each row represents an instance of the order. If there are multiple data items for the data, all instances are displayed.

    Subprocess tasks are not included in the report.

  • When viewing order-specific data, the mnemonic is used as the column name. The order of the columns is based on the view node position.

  • The actual duration is calculated as follows:

    sysdate - order_start_date

Order at Tasks Report Contents

The Order at Tasks report displays the following data:

  • Order ID

  • Reference number

  • Process description and mnemonic

  • Order type description and mnemonic

  • Order source description and mnemonic

  • Task description and mnemonic

  • Task type

  • State description and mnemonic

  • Process status description and mnemonic

  • User name

  • Order creation date and time

  • Order start date and time

  • Task start date and time

  • Expected duration of the order in days

  • Expected task duration in days

  • Actual duration of the order in days

  • Actual task duration in days

  • Expected order completion date

  • Expected task completion date

  • Namespace description and mnemonic

  • Version

  • Order history sequence ID

  • Order-specific data

  • Workgroups

About the Processes Report

This report shows all completed and pending processes. It includes processes invoked by subprocessing, main processes, and creation processes.

For pending processes, the completion date and time fields are left blank.

Processes Report Contents

The Processes report displays the following data:

  • Order sequence ID

  • Order state

    Shows the current state the order is in, such as Suspended, Completed, or In Progress.

  • Execution mode

  • Process description and mnemonic

  • process_originator_description and mnemonic

    A description of the process that took place before the current process.

  • relationship_to_originator

    The report returns a blank to indicate a normal completion and E for a process exception.

  • Order type description and mnemonic

  • Order source description and mnemonic

  • Start date and time

    The date and time when the order enters the process.

  • Start position

    This is the first task that an order undergoes after it enters the current process. This is a process position mnemonic. It might not be the first task of the process if there is a process exception.

  • Completion date and time

    The date and time at which time the order exits the process.

  • Last position

    This is a position mnemonic to indicate the current pending position for a pending process or last position for a completed process.

  • Current position

    This is a position mnemonic to indicate the current pending position of a pending process and is empty for completed processes.

  • Completion reason

    The report returns a blank to indicate a normal completion and E for a process exception.

  • Expected duration of the process, in days

  • Actual duration

    The real length of time to complete the process.

  • Process status description and mnemonic

  • Namespace description and mnemonic

  • Version

About the Tasks Report

This report creates a list of pending and completed tasks (excluding subprocess tasks).

This report is grouped by order ID and sorted by start date.

Tasks Report Contents

The Tasks report displays the following data:

  • Order sequence ID

  • Process (invoking task) description and mnemonic

    Indicates in which process the current task is operating.

  • Task description and mnemonic

  • Task type and mnemonic

  • Start date and time

    The time and date that the order enters the task.

  • Task expected completion date and time

  • Task completion date and time

    This value is empty for pending tasks at the current state.

  • Expected duration in days

  • Actual task duration in days

  • User name

  • State description and mnemonic

  • Status description and mnemonic

  • Namespace description and mnemonic

  • Version

About the Notifications Report

This report contains a list of order and non-order based notifications.

For non-order based notifications, the order sequence ID, order type description, order type mnemonic, order source description, and order source mnemonic fields are left blank.

When a notification is sent to multiple users, the report returns multiple rows. Each row corresponds to one user. Only one user acknowledges the notification.

Notifications Report Contents

The Notifications report displays the following data:

  • Notification description and mnemonic

  • Order ID

  • Order type description and mnemonic

  • Order source description and mnemonic

  • User name

  • Date and time sent

  • Date and time acknowledged

    This is empty if a notification is not acknowledged by the current user.

  • Namespace description and mnemonic

  • Version

About the OSM SDK


In this book, “traditional OSM” refers to the traditional way of installing and maintaining an OSM environment and “OSM cloud native” refers to OSM deployed in a cloud native environment.

A number of directories within the SDK are referenced in procedures throughout this guide. For traditional OSM, if you selected Custom installation, then you can choose both the SDK and the Samples to be installed optionally. You can find the SDK inside the OSM_Home directory, where OSM is installed.


You can install only the SDK on a Windows, UNIX, or Oracle Linux machine by running the OSM Installer again and choosing Custom.

For OSM cloud native, the SDK is a separate artifact that is available in the download pack.