D OSM Installer Properties

This appendix lists and describes the configuration properties for Oracle Communications Order and Service Management (OSM).


All passwords are encrypted and if you want to directly change the properties file, you can leverage the tool that is included. This will allow you to encrypt a plain-text password and copy-paste the encrypted value into this file.

WebLogic Parameters

Table D-1 lists the WebLogic parameters for installing OSM.

Table D-1 WebLogic Parameters for Installing OSM

Parameter Name Description


JDBC connection pool increase size.


Values of existing custom orosm coherence clusternames. This is a read only parameter.


Coherence cluster name. This is a read only parameter.


Give the list of data source existing_wls_ds_replaceurces to be cleaned up. This is a read only parameter.


Provide the additional RAC database connection information if use_oracle_rac is true and rac_config is now.

Example JSON:

    "dataSourcePoolName": "PoolName",
    "target": "target",
    "dbUrl": "dbURL",
    "jndiName": "jndiName",
    "dataSource": datasource,
    "dataSourceType": "typeof datasource"
    "dataSourcePoolName": "PoolName1",
    "target": "target1",
    "dbUrl": "dbURL1",
    "jndiName": "jndiName1",
    "dataSource": datasource1,
    "dataSourceType": "typeof datasource1"


WebLogic deployment target type:

  • If target type is cluster then give cluster
  • If target type is standalone adminserver then give adminserver
  • If target type is standalone managedserver then give managedserver

Lists the existing Datasources in list format:

For example:

    "name": "nameofDS",
    "is_rac": "true/false",
    "host": "hostdetails",
    "port": "port",
    "service": "service",
    "sid": "sid info",
    "user": "userdetails"
existing_wls_ds_replace Set to true incase of upgrade if existing datasource needs to be replaced with new datasource. The default value is true

The listen address of the HTTP proxy server for the WebLogic cluster.


The HTTP listen port of the HTTP proxy server.
front_end_https_port The HTTPS listen port of the HTTP proxy server.


JDBC connection pool initial capacity.


JMS store type

Example: jdbc


Managed server address list when deployment target type is cluster.

Example JSON:

    "name": "cluster1",
    "url": "cluster-dev"
    "name": "ms1",
    "url": "ms1-dev"
max_capacity JDBC connection pool max capacity.
oms-automation Internal user used by OSM.
oms-internal Internal user used by OSM.
oms-metrics Internal user used by OSM.
osm_app_deployed Set to true in case of Upgrade otherwise set to false.
rac_config Set to now if you want to add Oracle RAC database otherwise, set to later to configure it manually after installation.

Set RAC Datasource operation modes:

  • If deployment target is cluster and DB partition is enabled then use load_balance or failover.
  • Otherwise use failover.
unicast_port Unicast port number of the coherence cluster.
use_oracle_rac Set to true to configure an Oracle RAC database or false to not configure an Oracle RAC database.
weblogic_admin_server_host WebLogic host name or IP Address.
weblogic_admin_server_port WebLogic administration server port number.
weblogic_admin_user_name Weblogic Admin user name.

Weblogic Admin user Password.

All passwords are encrypted.

weblogic_deployment_target Weblogic Cluster Name.
weblogic_plugin_enabled Set to true in case of SSL enabled.
weblogic_ssl_enabled Set to true to use an SSL connection to the WebLogic Administration Server or false if not to use an SSL connection.
well_known_address The WKA member's server address.

OSM Parameters

Configuring the OSM parameters lets you customize web client behavior and enter specific information in the worklist rows, or the notification e-mail address or any of the nodes you see. Set these parameters depending on your preferences.

Table D-2 lists the OSM parameters for installation of OSM.

Table D-2 OSM Parameters for OSM Installation

Parameter Name Description


Time in minutes that Order Management web client and Task web client sessions remain active.


Domain suffix for the computer(s) on which the OSM server will run.


Provides special support for WebLogic clusters when selected.


The path used to locate the WebLogic file (T3) service used for storing OSM remark attachments.


Maximum attachment size, in MB, that can be appended to a remark.


Length of time in hours that a remark can be edited following creation.


Number of rows retrieved when the worklist is refreshed.


Number of rows displayed on each worklist page.


Number of rows retrieved when a query is run.


Number of rows displayed on each query results page.


Number of rows retrieved when the notification is refreshed.


Number of rows displayed on each notification page.


DNS name or IP address of your e-mail server.


Port on which the e-mail server is listening.


OSM Administrator's e-mail address.


Maximum length of read only fields in the Order Editor.


Interval used to buffer events before sending them to the automation framework.


The page that by default all Task web client users will be directed to at log in.


Set to 1 to show the cartridge namespace version on the Task web client's 'Create Order' page, or set to 0 to not display the cartridge namespace version on this page.


SSL Port on which the OSM server is listening.


Enter the number of seconds between task processor polls.


Enter the maximum number of rule task processors used to evaluate rules.


Enter the maximum number of delay task processors used to evaluate delays.


For a clustered installation, set this parameter to com.mslv.oms.handler.cluster.ClusteredHandlerFactory.

For a non-clustered installation, set this parameter to com.mslv.oms.security.HandlerFactory.

OSM J2EE Application Properties

The OSM J2EE application properties contain OSM system user settings, UI settings and other application settings. The following table describes each element:

Table D-3 OSM J2EE Application properties

Property Name Description
osm_admin_email_address OSM Admin email address
osm_admin_password OSM admin user encrypted password
osm_admin_username OSM admin user name
osm_automation_user_password OSM automation user encrypted password
osm_core_user_password OSM internal user encrypted password
osm_deploy_admin_password OSM deploy admin encrypted password
osm_deploy_admin_username OSM deploy admin user name
osm_landing_page UI landing page
osm_max_attachment_size Max attachment size
osm_max_delay_processor_count Max delay processor count
osm_max_rule_count Max rule count
osm_metrics_user_password Metrics user password
osm_notification_email_server Notification email server host
osm_notification_email_server_port Notification email server port
osm_remark_change_timeout Timeout setting for checking remark updated
osm_server_domain_suffix Server domain suffix
osm_session_timeout session timeout
osm_task_processor_interval task processor interval
third_party_readme Set this value to true if you agree to the third party readme text.
undeploy_jdbc_datasource Set to true in case of OSM Upgrade This is used to upgrade the WLS JDBC resource
undeploy_jdbc_datasource_list Provide list of JDBC datasources to be deleted in case of OSM Upgrade. This is used to upgrade the WLS JDBC resource

Database Parameters

The database properties contains database admin credential, connection information and OSM schema user and password, partition settings such as count and limit. The following table describes each property:

Table D-4 Database Properties

Property Name Description
db_admin_password Sys DBA encrypted Password
db_admin_username Sys DBA Username
db_default_tablespace Default tablespace name
db_host Host name of the database where OSM application is getting deployed/already deployed
db_model_data_tablespace Model data tablespace name
db_model_index_tablespace Model index tablespace name
db_order_data_tablespace Order data tablespace name
db_order_index_tablespace Order index tablespace name
db_osm OSM core schema name
db_osm_password OSM core schema encrypted password
db_partition Use partition
db_partition_limit Partition limit
db_partition_size Partition size
db_port DB port
db_report OSM report schema name
db_report_password OSM report schema encrypted password
db_rule_engine OSM rule engine schema name
db_rule_engine_password OSM rule engine schema encrypted password
db_service DB service name
db_subpartition_count Subpartition count
db_temp_tablespace Temporary tablespace name
db_timezone_offset_seconds DB timezone offset
schema_localized Use localization
undeploy_jdbc_store_list Provide the list of JDBC/Persistent store names in case of upgrade if you want to delete existing persistent store
undeploy_jms_server_store_map_list Provide list of jms server(s) in case of upgrade if want to delete existing persistent store