13 Uninstalling OSM

This chapter provides information about uninstalling Oracle Communications Order and Service Management (OSM).

The OSM uninstallation process removes the OSM program files. It leaves the database schemas, WebLogic configuration, and the deployed OSM application unchanged.

To completely remove OSM, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Back up all customized configuration files.

  2. Remove the OSM application from the WebLogic server. See "OSM Uninstall: Additional Tasks" for minimal instructions, and see the Oracle WebLogic Server documentation for more information.

  3. Remove the OSM database schemas. See Oracle Database documentation for more information.

  4. Remove the directory where OSM is installed.

Uninstalling OSM Components

To uninstall OSM, run the following commands in command shell:

Using RPM
sudo rpm -e package_name

Where package_name is the OSM installer name with the version number and build number.

This command deletes all files installed by the RPM package.

Using DNF
sudo dnf remove --installroot=/path/to/installationdir  installed_package_name --nobest --skip-broken --setopt protected_packages=

Where installed_package_name is the OSM installer name with the sample OS Architecture extension (for example, osm-installer.x86_64).

This command deletes all files installed by the DNF package. After successful uninstallation using DNF, the entire /path/to/installationdir directory can be deleted manually, including any residual content.

To know the installed_package_name, run the following command:

sudo dnf list --installroot=/path/to/installationdir
Deleting OSM Components on Solaris

For Solaris, remove the contents manually by deleting the directory created by the zip extraction.

The OSM database schema, Weblogic domain, the deployed osm.ear and cartridgemanagement.ear, configuration.properties files and any manifest files of all OSM instances created by the installer remain unchanged.

OSM Environment Files

The configuration directory, $OSM_CFG_HOME, contains a subdirectory named after the OSM environment. This subdirectory's contents represent the installer's state information for this environment. These files are not affected by the above steps and can be retained for reference or to recreate the environment. If this environment is not required, you can delete these files manually.

OSM Uninstall: Additional Tasks

In addition to running the OSM software uninstall procedure, you must perform additional tasks to completely remove the OSM software and related software elements.

You should perform an environment-specific analysis on each OSM system to create a customized list of uninstallation tasks. For example, you may want to remove customizations that you added after OSM was installed. These customizations might be part of a clustered environment or a multiproduct installation. You may also need to remove additional dependent WebLogic resources, such as messaging bridges, JMS Queues, automation plug-ins, and user accounts.

The specific steps for uninstalling all related elements will vary based on your particular environment.

The following procedure specifies the additional uninstallation tasks for a minimal OSM installation in a single server environment:

  1. Close the OSM applications running in the system, including:

    • Oracle Communications Design Studio

    • XML Import/Export application

    • XML API agents

  2. Stop the OSM WebLogic applications.

  3. Log in to the WebLogic Administration console.

  4. Click Deployments, and stop the OSM application oms, the cartridge management web services application cartridge_management_ws, and the shared Java EE library comms-platform-webapp.


    Do not stop cartridge_management_ws and comms-platform-webapp in a suite or multiproduct environment because other applications may be dependent on them.

  5. Click the OSM application oms, then select the Configuration tab, then the Workload tab, and delete all of the application-scoped work managers.

  6. Navigate to Services, then Messaging, then JMS Modules, and delete oms_jms_module.

  7. Navigate to Services, then Messaging, then JMS Servers, and delete oms_jms_server.

  8. Navigate to Services, then Persistent Stores, and delete oms_jms_store, if you have configured it.
  9. Navigate to Services, then JDBC, then Data Sources, and delete oms_pool.

  10. Navigate to Services, then File T3, and delete oms_remote_file_system.

  11. Navigate to Security Realms, then myrealm, then Users and Groups, then Users and delete the following OSM users:

    • oms-automation

    • oms-internal

    • deployAdmin

    • admin


      admin is the default OSM Administrator user and deployAdmin is the default Design Studio administrator user. If you specified different names during the OSM installation, remove the custom users.

  12. Navigate to Security Realms, then myrealm, then Users and Groups, then Groups, and delete the following OSM user groups if present:

    • Cartridge_Management_WebService


      Do not delete Cartridge_Management_WebService in a suite or multiproduct environment because other applications may be dependent on it.

    • OMS_cache_manager

    • OMS_client

    • OMS_log_manager

    • OMS_user_assigner

    • OMS_workgroup_manager

    • OMS_ws_api

    • OMS_ws_diag

    • OMS_xml_api

    • OSM_automation

    • osmRestApiGroup

    • osmEntityClientGroup

  13. Click Deployments, and delete the OSM application oms, the cartridge management web services application cartridge_management_ws, and the shared Java EE library comms-platform-webapp.


    Do not delete cartridge_management_ws and comms-platform-webapp in a suite or multiproduct environment because other applications may be dependent on them.

  14. Close the WebLogic server.

  15. Navigate to the Domain directory, and delete the Attachments directory.