9 Verifying the OSM Installation

This chapter describes how to verify that Oracle Communications Order and Service Management (OSM) is installed correctly.

Checking the State of All Installed Components

You can verify that OSM is installed by checking the state of all installed components in the OSM WebLogic server Administrator console.

To check the state of all installed components:

  1. Log in to the Oracle WebLogic Server console.

  2. In the left pane of the console, expand the Environment node and select Servers.

  3. In the right pane of the console, click the managed server on which OSM is installed.

  4. In the tabs, select Deployments and expand oms to verify that all EJBs and modules have been deployed.

  5. Verify that both oms and cartridge_management_ws applications are active.

  6. Repeat 2 steps 5 to for all other managed servers in the cluster.

Verifying the OSM Clients

You can verify that OSM is installed by logging into the Order Management web client and the Task web client using the OSM administrator user account. The OSM WebLogic server instance must be running before attempting these procedures.

Some functions and screens provided by these clients are not accessible until you have created and deployed a valid OSM cartridge that includes a role configured with permissions to use these functions and screens. After doing this, you must then assign the role to a workgroup using the OSM Order Management web client. For more information, see OSM Order Management Web Client User's Guide.

You can use the product cartridges that come with the OSM SDK and the following sample OSM cartridges included with Oracle Communications Service Catalog and Design - Design Studio:

  • Provisioning Broadband and Order Change Demo contained in the bb_ocm_demo cartridge file.

  • Provisioning View Framework Demo contained in the view_framework_demo cartridge file.

For more information about installing these sample cartridges, configuring roles, setting permissions, and deploying cartridges, see the Design Studio Help.

To log in to the Task web client:

  1. Access the following URL in your web browser:


    Where host is the machine where OSM is installed, and port is the server's HTTP port number.

    If the server has been set up for secure connection, enter https in the URL. Typically, the System Administrator would have the login information.

  2. In the User Name field, enter the OSM administrator user name you selected when you installed OSM.

  3. In the Password field, enter the OSM administrator password you selected when you installed OSM.

  4. Click Login.


    The New Order, Worklist, and Query tabs are not accessible for the OSM administrator. The OSM administrator user can also access the Reporting, Notification, and Options tabs.

To log in to the Order Management web client:

  1. Access the following URL in your web browser:


    Where host is the machine where OSM is installed, and port is the server's HTTP port number.

    If the server has been set up for secure connection, enter HTTPS in the URL. Typically, the System Administrator would have the login information.

  2. In the User Name field, enter the OSM administrator user name you selected when you installed OSM.

  3. In the Password field, enter the OSM administrator password you selected when you installed OSM.

  4. Click Login.


    You can log into the Order Management web client, but the administrator user cannot use any functions.

Configuring and Verifying HTTPS Connectivity for OSM Client Browsers

To configure and verify HTTPS connectivity for OSM client browsers:

  1. Ensure that you have completed the steps described in "Preparing WebLogic Server for an OSM Cluster Installation."

  2. Access one of the following URLs in your web browser:


    where host is the machine in which OSM is installed and sslport is the server's HTTPS port number. host and sslport can also be the host name and SSL secure port of a hardware or software load balancer, for example, if you have set up and configured the Oracle HTTP Server software load balancer.

  3. Click Continue to this website (not recommended).

  4. Click Certificate Error.

  5. Click View Certificates.

  6. Select the root certificate authority.

  7. Click Install Certificate.

  8. Click Next.

  9. Select Place all certificates in the following store.

  10. Choose Trusted Root Certification Authorities.

  11. Click OK.

  12. Click Yes.

  13. Select the intermediate certificate authority.

  14. Click Install Certificate.

  15. Import the intermediate certificate into Intermediate Certification Authorities.

  16. Click OK.

  17. Click Yes.

  18. Close the web browser.

  19. Open the web browser. No certificate errors should appear.

Configuring OSM to Evaluate System Configuration Compliance

The OSM installation includes an OSM compliance tool. Running this tool evaluates your system's compliance against established rules to ensure that the system is optimally configured for the environment.

This section includes the post-installation tasks required for OSM to interact with the compliance tool.

OSM provides a set of python (*.py) scripts that extend the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) command vocabulary, which allows you to use WLST to run the compliance tool. For more information about WLST, see Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool documentation. For information about using WLST over a secure connection, see the OSM System Administrator's Guide.

Manually Installing Compliance Files

The compliance tool relies on WLST extensions in the WebLogic_home/common/wlst directory. When you start the OSM server for the first time, the WLST extension files are automatically installed in the correct directory. If this directory is not accessible to the OSM server, the files must be installed manually, using the procedure in this section. OSM creates the scripts for manual installation in domain_home/osm_compliance/scripts.


The scripts required for manually installing compliance files will only be created when OSM fails to install the files automatically. Otherwise, the scripts are not created in your environment.

To manually install compliance files:

  1. Start an OSM WebLogic managed server.

  2. Go to the domain_home/osm_compliance/scripts directory.

  3. As a UNIX or Linux user with write permission to the WLST directory, run the following script:


    The following WLST extension files are copied to the WebLogic_home/common/wlst directory: compliance.py, evaluate.py, and snapshot.py.

Configuring Compliance for an OSM Cluster

You can run the compliance tool on a single instance of OSM or in a clustered environment. If you are running OSM in a clustered environment, you must configure coherence remote management, which allows you to specify one node as the MBean server that manages all other nodes.

You configure coherence remote management by adding and setting system properties for OSM managed servers after you start the Java virtual machine.

To configure coherence remote management:

  1. Log in to the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

  2. Click Lock & Edit.

  3. In the Domain Structure tree, expand Environment and then click Servers.

    The Summary of Servers page is displayed.

  4. Click the name of the WebLogic server where you want to designate as the MBean server that manages all other nodes.

    The configuration parameters for the server are displayed on a tabbed page.

  5. Click the Server Start tab.

  6. In the Arguments field, enter the following:

  7. Click Save.

  8. In the Domain Structure tree, expand Environment and then click Servers.

    The Summary of Servers page is displayed.

  9. Click the name of a WebLogic server where you want to designate as the MBean clients of the MBean server.

    The configuration parameters for the server are displayed on a tabbed page.

  10. Click the Server Start tab.

  11. In the Arguments field, enter the following:

  12. Repeat steps 8 and 11 for all other managed servers in your system.

  13. Restart the managed servers.

Evaluating System Configuration Compliance

The OSM compliance tool captures a snapshot of your system's configuration and evaluates this configuration against established rules, which are based on best practices and guidelines. Using these rules, the compliance tool analyzes the system and produces an evaluation result that allows you to verify that your system is optimally configured for your environment.

Several default compliance tool parameters are specified in the oms-config.xml file. Use these parameters to change the directory path where the system stores the following: the compliance snapshot output, the evaluation results, the snapshot files that will be evaluated, and the evaluation rules. For more information, see OSM System Administrator's Guide.

The compliance tool is based on JMX technology and captures the configuration snapshot from target environments, such as JMX MBeans for the WebLogic domain, OSM system and database parameters, and coherence cluster for OSM.

For more information about the rules that are provided and adding new rules, see the compliance tool documentation, provided in the SDK at the following location:

Running the Compliance Tool

Run the compliance tool using WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) scripts. For more information about WLST, see WebLogic Scripting Tool documentation.


If you are running the compliance tool in a cluster, there are additional factors to consider. For more information, see "Cluster Considerations."

To run the compliance tool:

  1. Enter WLST interactive mode and connect to an OSM managed server.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • If you want to create the snapshot then evaluate it do the following:

      1. Run the following command, which creates a snapshot of the system configuration:


        where snapshot_directory is the directory in which you want to put the snapshot of the system configuration. If you leave this blank, the system puts the snapshot in the default directory specified by the oms-config.xml file.

      2. Run the following command, which verifies configuration compliance by evaluating the snapshot:


        where evaluate_directory is the directory in which you want to put the evaluation of the snapshot against the compliance rules. If you leave this blank, the system puts the evaluation in the default directory specified by the oms-config.xml file.

    • If you want to take a snapshot and immediately evaluate the snapshot do the following:

      1. Run the following command, which creates the compliance results file:


        where compliance_directory is the directory in which you want to put the compliance results. If you leave this blank, the system puts the compliance results in the default directory specified by the oms-config.xml file.

Cluster Considerations

You can run the compliance tool in a clustered environment. Keep in mind that the osmSnapshot command collects the following types of configuration:

  • common: The same on every managed server.

  • coherence: Available only on the managed server that has the coherence MBean server.

  • server: Specific to the managed server that is collecting the snapshot.

It is typical to run the compliance tool on the managed server that has the coherence MBean server because doing so will evaluate the broadest set of configuration (common, coherence, and a server). To fully check compliance, you must also run the tool on each of the other managed servers.

Evaluating Compliance Results

The compliance tool saves the evaluation results in the directory specified in the WLST command or in the oms-config.xml parameter. The evaluation results are saved in two formats: HTML and XML.


The names of the evaluation result files are in the following formats: yyyymmdd-hhmmss.xml and yyyymmdd-hhmmss.html.

The evaluation results report displays information about the software versions in your environment, and then lists the results. These results are divided into the following tables:

  • Non-Compliant Rules: The rules with which your environment is not compliant.

  • Compliant Rules: The rules with which your environment is compliant.

Table 9-1 lists the columns in the HTML evaluation results file and provides a description for the information contained in each column.

Table 9-1 Compliance Tool Evaluation Results File: HTML

Column Name Description


Specifies rule index in the table.

Rule Name

Displays the name of the compliance rule.


Defines the severity of this rule. Possible values are:

  • Error: Must fix. Your system might be unstable until you correct the problem.

  • Warning: Should fix. Your system will perform better if you correct the problem.

  • Information: May or may not apply to your system. Evaluate and correct as needed.


Specifies a general description of the rule.


If the rule passes, it displays the compliant message.

If the rule fails, it displays a non-compliant message and a list of non-compliant objects.


Displays the rationale behind a compliance rule.


Specifies a link to a document that describes the compliance rule in more detail.


Displays keywords related to targeted configurations.

Table 9-2 lists the elements in the XML evaluation results file and provides a description for the information stored in each element.

Table 9-2 Compliance Tool Evaluation Results File: XML

Column Name Description


Contains the evaluation result of a compliance rule.

Each compliant result element stores evaluation the result for one rule.


Appears if a compliance rule passes. The message is not displayed when the rule fails. This message is copied directly from the rule file.


Specifies a general description of the rule.


Displays keywords related to targeted configurations.


Appears if a compliance rule fails. The message is not displayed when the rule passes. This message is copied directly from the rule file.


Contains a list of objects that failed the compliance rule. Non-compliant objects are not displayed when the rule passes.


Contains an object that failed the compliance rule.


Displays the rationale behind a compliance rule.


Specifies the link to a document that describes the compliance rule in more detail.


Displays the name of the compliance rule.


Defines the severity of this rule. Possible values are:

  • Error: Must fix. Your system might be unstable until you correct the problem.

  • Warning: Should fix. Your system will perform better if you correct the problem.

  • Information: May or may not apply to your system. Evaluate and correct as needed.