7 Managing Workgroups, Notifications, System Errors, and Cartridges

This chapter describes how to use the Order Management web client to manage workgroups, notifications, and system errors for the Oracle Communications Order and Service Management (OSM) system.

About Managing Workgroups, Notifications, System Errors, and Cartridges

Use the OSM Administration area of the Order Management web client to manage workgroups, notifications, and system errors.

Using the Administration area, you can do the following:

  • Manage workgroups, which includes the following tasks:

    • Managing users' membership in workgroups. Membership in workgroups controls what functions and tasks users are allowed to perform. There are different ways to associate users with workgroups. For more information, see "About Associating Users with Workgroups."

    • Managing workgroup calendars, which specify work schedules that are optionally used by order jeopardy management.

  • Manage notifications, which provide access to audit data. You to enable and disable notification types.

  • Manage system errors, which provide information about errors that have occurred during order processing.

  • View the cartridges deployed to the server and manage the default versions of cartridges.

  • Refresh the server cache, which loads any changes that you have made, such as associating users with workgroups or creating a workgroup calendar, into the OSM runtime system.


Depending on the size and complexity of your system, refreshing the server cache might take a significant amount of time. For more information, see "Refreshing the Server Cache."

About Associating Users with Workgroups

Membership in a workgroup controls user permissions. You can make users members of workgroups by either assigning users to workgroups or by assigning workgroups to users. Either method results in the same outcome.

You can associate users with workgroups in these ways:

  • By using the Order Management web client, which is described in this chapter. For more information, see either "Managing Workgroups" or "Managing Users."

  • (Traditional OSM Only) By adding the user information to an XML document and running the XML Import/Export application to load the contents of the document into the OSM system. The XML document you create is based on the UserAdmin.xsd schema file, located at:


    See OSM System Administrator's Guide for more information about using the XML Import/Export application.

After associating users with workgroups, the user membership is reflected in both the Workgroup Administration page and User Administration page of the Order Management web client.

Managing Workgroups

Workgroups, which you create as roles in Oracle Communications Service Catalog and Design - Design Studio, use permissions to define what actions a user who is assigned to the workgroup can perform. After you create a role in Design Studio and associate it with specific orders, tasks, functions, and so on, that role is displayed in the Order Management web client as a workgroup. See the Design Studio Modeling OSM Processes Help for information about creating roles.

A workgroup consists of a group of users. You can assign users to one or more workgroups and remove users from workgroups to which they have been assigned. You can add or remove users to more than one workgroup at a time.

The Workgroup Administration page lists all workgroups that are currently deployed to the OSM system. The Workgroup Administration table displays the following columns:

  • Modified: Indicates whether the workgroup has been changed since the last time the Workgroup Administration page was saved.

  • Workgroup Name: Displays the name of the workgroup that was created as a role in Design Studio.

  • Description: Provides a description of the workgroup that was created as a role in Design Studio.

Assigning Users to Workgroups

When you assign users to a workgroup, those users become workgroup members and can perform the functions and tasks in that workgroup.

See the Design Studio Modeling OSM Processes Help for information about creating the roles that are managed as workgroups in the Order Management web client.


The option to assign users to workgroups is available only if you are a member of the OMS_user_assigner WebLogic security realm group.

To assign a user to a workgroup:

  1. In the Order Management web client Administration area, click Administer Workgroups.

    The Workgroup Administration page is displayed.

  2. In the list of workgroups, select one or more workgroups to which you want to assign users.

    The Users area displays a list of available users, and a list of users that are members of the selected workgroups.

  3. Move users from the Available Users list to the Member Users list by using the arrow buttons:

    • To move all users, click the double right arrow.

    • To move one or more users, select the users (use the Shift key to select multiple consecutive users) and click the single right arrow.

    If you select a group of users but the workgroup already contains one of the selected users, OSM does not add the user twice.

  4. Click Save.

  5. If you have no other tasks to perform in the Order Management web client, click Refresh Server Cache.


    Refreshing the server cache might take a significant amount of time and possibly interrupt order processing. For more information, see "Refreshing the Server Cache."

Removing Users from Workgroups

When you remove users from a workgroup, those users can no longer perform the functions and tasks in that workgroup.

To remove a user from a workgroup:

  1. In the Order Management web client Administration area, click Administer Workgroups.

    The Workgroup Administration page is displayed.

  2. In the list of workgroups, select one or more workgroups from which you want to remove users.

    The Users area displays a list of available users, and a list of users that are members of the selected workgroups.

  3. Move users from the Member Users list to the Available Users list by using the arrow buttons:

    • To move all users, click the double left arrow.

    • To move one or more users, select the users (use the Shift key to select multiple consecutive users) and click the single left arrow.

  4. Click Save.

  5. If you have no other tasks to perform in the Order Management web client, click Refresh Server Cache.


    Refreshing the server cache might take a significant amount of time and possibly interrupt order processing. For more information, see "Refreshing the Server Cache."

Refreshing Workgroup Data

When you refresh workgroup data, OSM reloads the content of the workgroups table in the Workgroup Administration page using current system data.

To refresh workgroup data:

  1. In the Order Management web client Administration area, click Administer Workgroups.

    The Workgroup Administration page is displayed.

  2. In the Workgroup Administration toolbar, click Refresh Workgroups.


If you click Refresh Workgroups before saving workgroup changes, you are prompted to confirm the refresh operation. If you select Yes, unsaved changes are lost. A dot in the Modified column of a workgroup indicates unsaved changes.

Deleting Workgroups

You delete workgroups to remove roles that are no longer in use. Deleting a workgroup from the Order Management web client removes the workgroup from the system. All references to the deleted workgroup are also removed, including workgroup permissions, workgroup calendars, and workgroup views.

Delete workgroups when roles that have previously been modeled in a cartridge and deployed to Design Studio are removed and the cartridge is redeployed without those roles.

To delete a workgroup:

  1. In the Order Management web client Administration area, click Administer Workgroups.

    The Workgroup Administration page is displayed.

  2. In the list of workgroups, click the workgroup that you want to delete.

  3. In the Workgroup Administration toolbar, click Delete.

  4. Click Yes to confirm.

  5. If you have no other tasks to perform in the Order Management web client, click Refresh Server Cache.


    Refreshing the server cache might take a significant amount of time and possibly interrupt order processing. For more information, see "Refreshing the Server Cache."

Managing Users

A workgroup consists of a group of users. You can assign workgroups to one or more users and you can also remove workgroups from users to which they have been assigned.

The User Administration page of the Order Management web client lists all users that are currently deployed to the OSM system. The User Administration table displays the following columns:

  • Modified: Indicates whether the user has been changed since the last time the User Administration page was saved.

  • Username: Displays the name of the user.

  • Email address: Displays the email address of the user, if available.

Assigning Workgroups to Users

When you assign workgroups to a user, the user can perform the functions and tasks in that workgroup.

See the Design Studio Modeling OSM Processes Help for information about creating the roles that are managed as workgroups in OSM Administration.


The option to assign workgroups to users is available only if you are a member of the OMS_user_assigner WebLogic security realm group.

To assign a workgroup to a user:

  1. In the Order Management web client Administration area, click Administer Users.

    The User Administration page is displayed.


    To appear in the list of users, a user must be a member of at least one of the following WebLogic groups: OMS_client, OMS_ws_api, OMS_xml_api, or OSM_automation.

  2. In the list of users, select the user to which you want to assign workgroups.

    The Users area displays a list of available workgroups.

  3. Move the user from the Available Workgroups list to the Member Workgroups list:

    • To move all users, click the double right arrow.

    • To move one or more users, select the users (use the Shift key to select multiple consecutive users) and click the single right arrow.

  4. Click Save.

  5. If you have no other tasks to perform in the Order Management web client, click Refresh Server Cache.


    Refreshing the server cache might take a significant amount of time and possibly interrupt order processing. For more information, see Refreshing the Server Cache."

Removing Workgroups from Users

When you remove workgroups from a user, that user can no longer perform the functions and tasks in that workgroup.

To remove a workgroup from a user:

  1. In the Order Management web client Administration area, click Administer Users.

    The User Administration page is displayed.


    To appear in the list of users, a user must be a member of at least one of the following WebLogic groups: OMS_client, OMS_ws_api, OMS_xml_api, or OSM_automation.

  2. In the list of users, click the user from which you want to remove workgroups.

    The Workgroups area displays a list of available workgroups, and a list of workgroups that are associated with the selected user.

  3. Move workgroups from the Member Workgroups list to the Available Workgroups list:

    • To move all workgroups, click the double left arrow.

    • To move one or more workgroups, select the workgroups (use the Shift key to select multiple consecutive workgroups) and click the single left arrow.

  4. Click Save.

  5. If you have no other tasks to perform in the Order Management web client, click Refresh Server Cache.


    Refreshing the server cache might take a significant amount of time and possibly interrupt order processing. For more information, see "Refreshing the Server Cache."

Defining Workgroup Calendars

Define calendars to enable OSM to determine which workgroups are available to complete tasks.

When orders are being processed by OSM, customers want to know when the orders will be completed. To determine the completion date of an order, OSM uses the expected duration of tasks that are part of the order. For some tasks, OSM must consider the non-work days, such as holidays, of the user who will complete the tasks. OSM uses the calendar to help determine the number of days a task will take to complete.

When you create a task, you define an expected duration and whether that duration is system-based or schedule-based.

For system-based tasks, OSM calculates the expected completion of a task based on the system's calendar. It does not calculate the user's actual working hours. System-based tasks do not use the scheduled hours that are defined by workgroup calendars.

For schedule-based tasks, OSM calculates the expected completion of a task based on the user's working calendar schedule.

If you have more than one workgroup responsible for the same task, and each workgroup has a different calendar, OSM chooses the first available workgroup that has access to the task.

You define a calendar by configuring a schedule's settings for work hours, regional holidays, schedule exceptions, and time zone settings. For information about configuring time zone system settings, see OSM System Administrator's Guide.

After you define calendars, orders are assigned to workgroups in different regions based on when those workgroups are scheduled to work. When you make changes to the schedule, only new orders that arrive at the task are affected.

You can define a calendar for one or more workgroups. Defining a workgroup calendar includes doing the following:


The option to define a calendar is available only if you are a member of the OMS_workgroup_manager WebLogic security realm group.

Defining Schedules

You can define a schedule for one or more workgroups.

Define the following:

  • Workweek (mandatory): Defines the schedule's working hours. See "Defining Workweeks."

  • Regional holidays (optional): Defines regional holidays that can be used in schedules. See "Defining Regional Holidays."

  • Schedule exceptions (optional): Schedule exceptions are the extra days and hours that users would normally work but, for some reason, do not. Exceptions are similar to regional holidays but are workgroup-specific as opposed to region-specific. See "Adding Schedule Exceptions."

  • The schedule itself, which includes a workweek and may include regional holidays and schedule exceptions. See "Creating the Schedule."

Schedule exceptions override holidays that, in turn, override the normal work hours defined by the workweek. The actual working hours for a particular day of the year are calculated from the schedule exceptions, if there are any for that day. Otherwise, the day is taken as a holiday if it is defined as such. If there are no exceptions or holidays, actual work hours are calculated from the normal work hours.

Defining Workweeks

The schedule for a workgroup must include a workweek. A workweek defines the days and times that a workgroup works, and is part of the overall workgroup schedule. A workweek is comprised of one or more work shifts.

To define a workweek:

  1. In the Order Management web client Administration area, click Administer Workgroups.

    The Workgroup Administration page is displayed.

  2. In the list of workgroups, click the workgroup for which you want to define a workweek.

  3. In the Calendar area, beside Schedule, click Not Defined.

    The Schedule page is displayed.

  4. Click Workweek.

    The Workweeks page is displayed.

  5. Click Add in the Workweeks area.

  6. Enter a Description for the workweek.

    The Name field is automatically populated with the text that you entered in the Description field.

  7. (Optional) In the Name field, modify the workweek name. The name cannot contain spaces.


    You must add at least one work shift to the workweek before you can save the workweek.

  8. Click OK.

    The system creates the new workweek.

  9. In the Edit Workweek area, click Add.

  10. For each work shift that you want to define for the workweek, do the following:

    1. Select a day of the week.

    2. Enter a start and stop time in 24-hour clock format.

  11. Click Save and Close.

  12. If you have no other tasks to perform in the Order Management web client, click Refresh Server Cache.


    Refreshing the server cache might take a significant amount of time and possibly interrupt order processing. For more information, see "Refreshing the Server Cache."

Defining Regional Holidays

To define regional holidays, you set up regions and specify the holidays for those regions. You can then include the holidays in schedules.

Regions are hierarchical. A region can have zero or one parent region, and zero or more sub-regions (or child regions), and there can be any number of regions in a hierarchy. A child region inherits the regional holidays of its parent regions in the hierarchy.

To define regional holidays:

  1. In the Administration area, click Administer Workgroups.

    The Workgroup Administration page is displayed.

  2. In the list of workgroups, click the workgroup for which you want to define regional holidays.

  3. In the Calendar area, beside Schedule, click Not Defined.

    The Schedule page is displayed.

  4. Click Region.

    The Regions page is displayed.

  5. Click Add in the Regions area.

  6. Enter a Description for the region.

    The Name field is automatically populated with the text that you entered in the Description field.

  7. (Optional) In the Name field, modify the region name. The name cannot contain spaces.

  8. Click OK.

    The system creates the region.

  9. Click the region that you created.

  10. For each regional holiday that you want to define, click Add and enter a name and date.

  11. Click Save and Close.

  12. If you have no other tasks to perform in the Order Management web client, click Refresh Server Cache.


    Refreshing the server cache might take a significant amount of time and possibly interrupt order processing. For more information, see "Refreshing the Server Cache."

To modify regional holidays:

  1. In the Administration area, click Administer Workgroups.

    The Workgroup Administration page is displayed.

  2. In the list of workgroups, click the workgroup for which you want to define regional holidays.

  3. In the Calendar area, beside Schedule, click Defined.

    The Schedule page is displayed.

  4. Click Region (not the dropdown list).

    The Regions page is displayed.

  5. Click the region name in the Regions area.

  6. For each regional holiday that you want to add, click Add and enter a name and date.

  7. For each regional holiday that you want to delete, click the holiday name and then click Delete.

  8. For each regional holiday that you want to modify, click the holiday name and then change the date value

  9. Click Save and Close.

  10. If you have no other tasks to perform in the Order Management web client, click Refresh Server Cache.

Creating the Schedule

To create a schedule for a workgroup:

  1. In the Order Management web client Administration area, click Administer Workgroups.

    The Workgroup Administration page is displayed.

  2. In the list of workgroups, click the workgroup for which you want to create a schedule.

  3. In the Calendar area, beside Schedule, click Not Defined.

    The Schedule page is displayed.

  4. From the Workweek list, select the workweek that you want to include in the schedule.

  5. (Optional) If you want to include regional holidays in the schedule, select a region in the Region list whose holiday you want to include.

  6. (Optional) To specify non-work hours that are exceptions to the regular schedule, do the following for each schedule exception that you want to add:

    1. Click Add in the Schedule Exceptions area.

    2. Select the date and time options for the exception. Enter start and stop times in 24-hour clock format.

  7. Click Save and Close.

  8. If you have no other tasks to perform in the Order Management web client, click Refresh Server Cache.


    Refreshing the server cache might take a significant amount of time and possibly interrupt order processing. For more information, see "Refreshing the Server Cache."

Modifying the Schedule
To modify a schedule that is configured for a workgroup:
  1. In the Administration area, click Administer Workgroups.

    The Workgroup Administration page is displayed.

  2. In the list of workgroups, click the workgroup for which you want to modify the schedule.
  3. In the Calendar area, beside Schedule, click Defined.

    The Schedule page is displayed.

  4. From the Workweek list, select the workweek that you want to include in the schedule.
  5. (Optional) If you want to modify regional holidays in the schedule, click the Region link (not the Region drop-down list) and modify the region as per the steps described in the "Modifying Regional Holidays" section.


    After you made changes in the Region and click Save and Close, you will be returned to the Schedule page. If no other changes are to be done in the Schedule page, the Save and Close button in the Schedule page would not be active. You need to "Save" to get the changes effective.

    To do that, in the Region drop-box list, unselect the Region already selected (by selecting empty item in the drop list and then selecting the correct Region). The Save and Close button would now be active.

  6. (Optional) To specify and modify non-work hours that are exceptions to the regular schedule, do the following for each schedule exception that you want to add:
    1. Click Add in the Schedule Exceptions area.
    2. Select the date and time options for the exception. Enter start and stop times in 24-hour clock format.
  7. Click Save and Close.
  8. If you have no other tasks to perform in the Order Management web client, click Refresh Server Cache.


Refreshing the server cache might take a significant amount of time and possibly interrupt order processing. For more information, see "Refreshing the Server Cache"
Adding Schedule Exceptions

You can add exceptions when you are creating a schedule, or add exceptions to an existing schedule.

To add schedule exceptions:

  1. In the Order Management web client Administration area, click Administer Workgroups.

    The Workgroup Administration page is displayed.

  2. In the list of workgroups, click the workgroup for which you want to add schedule exceptions.

  3. In the Calendar area, beside Schedule, click Defined or Not Defined.

    The Schedule page is displayed.

  4. For each exception that you want to add to the schedule, do the following:

    1. Click Add in the Schedule Exceptions area.

    2. Enter a date for the schedule exception.

    3. Enter a start and stop time in 24-hour clock format.

  5. Click Save and Close.

  6. If you have no other tasks to perform in the Order Management web client, click Refresh Server Cache.


    Refreshing the server cache might take a significant amount of time and possibly interrupt order processing. For more information, see "Refreshing the Server Cache."

Specifying Time Zones

After you define a schedule for a workgroup, you must specify a time zone. You can specify the default time zone or select a different time zone. The default time zone is the user's time zone preference, which is set in the Task web client. See OSM Task Web Client User's Guide for more information.

The Time Zone page allows you to optionally override the UTC offset and daylight savings time (DST) information associated with the time zone.

To specify a time zone:

  1. In the Order Management web client Administration area, click Administer Workgroups.

    The Workgroup Administration page is displayed.

  2. In the list of workgroups, click the workgroup for which you want to specify a time zone.

  3. In the Calendar area, beside Time Zone, click Not Defined.

    The Time Zone page is displayed and the default time zone is automatically selected.

  4. (Optional) In the Load defaults from list, select a different time zone.

  5. Click Apply for the time zone.

    UTC offset and DST information are automatically updated to correspond with the time zone that you selected.

  6. (Optional) To override the DST setting for the time zone, select or deselect the Uses Daylight Savings Time option.

  7. (Optional) To override the UTC offset for DST, change Offset from UTC to a different value.

  8. Click Apply for the Time Zone page.

  9. If you have no other tasks to perform in the Order Management web client, click Refresh Server Cache.


    Refreshing the server cache might take a significant amount of time and possibly interrupt order processing. For more information, see "Refreshing the Server Cache."

Setting Calendar Start and End Dates and Times

You must enter the dates that you want the calendar to be in effect.

You must create a schedule before you can define calendar start and end dates and times. For more information, see "Defining Schedules."

To keep the calendar dates consistent, the calendar's start date is changed internally in the following cases:

  • When a calendar is generated for the first time for a specific workgroup, the internal date is set as follows:

    • If there are pending orders in OSM, the calendar start date is changed to the date when the first pending order entered the system

    • If there are no pending orders in OSM and a calendar is generated for the first time, the user-defined start date is used.

  • When a calendar is regenerated for a specific workgroup, the internal date is set as follows:

    • If the calendar start date is later than the last calendar stop date generated, the calendar start date is changed to the last calendar stop date generated.

    • If the calendar start date is earlier than the last calendar stop date generated, the user-defined calendar start date is used.

To define calendar start and end dates and times:

  1. In the Order Management web client Administration area, click Administer Workgroups.

    The Workgroup Administration page is displayed.

  2. In the list of workgroups, click the workgroup for which you want to set effective calendar dates.

  3. In the Calendar area, click the Start Date/Time calendar icon.

    The Select Date and Time calendar is displayed.

  4. Set the effective start date and time. The time format is hh:mm:ss.

  5. Click OK.

  6. In the Calendar area, click the End Date/Time calendar icon.

    The Select Date and Time calendar is displayed.

  7. Set the effective end date and time. The time format is hh:mm:ss.

  8. Click OK.

  9. If you have no other tasks to perform in the Order Management web client, click Refresh Server Cache.


    Refreshing the server cache might take a significant amount of time and possibly interrupt order processing. For more information, see "Refreshing the Server Cache."

Refreshing the Server Cache

When you modify workgroups using the Order Management web client, for example, creating or deleting a calendar for a workgroup, or when you make other changes in the OSM system, you must refresh the server cache in order to load those changes into the OSM runtime system.

Depending on the size and complexity of your system, refreshing the server cache might take a significant amount of time. In addition, order processing might be interrupted while the refresh is in progress. Oracle recommends refreshing the server cache during maintenance windows or at low-volume times.

To refresh the server cache:

  1. In the Order Management web client Administration area, click Refresh Server Cache.

    The server cache is refreshed with any changes to the metadata.

Managing Notifications

Notifications inform users of changes that have occurred in the system or actions that need to be taken to complete or correct a task.

Notifications are created in Design Studio by a system administrator. See the Design Studio Modeling OSM Processes Help for more information.

Notifications provide users with system information. Notifications are messages that are generated at the following times:

  • When data is changed in the system. These notifications are informational only.

  • When orders transition to a specific state, status, or exception in a process. These notifications are based on rules that are evaluated when the order are transitioned.

  • When data is polled. These notifications are based on rules that are evaluated at regular intervals, as defined in Design Studio. For example, jeopardy notifications use polling at specified intervals to identify processes or tasks that are in jeopardy.

Notifications work as follows:

  1. An event occurs that triggers a notification. The event can be based on a polling schedule (for example, every seven days), a date value change on an order, or as a result of a task becoming jeopardized. (See the Design Studio Modeling OSM Processes Help for more information about jeopardy notifications.)

  2. A notification is sent by email to a specific user or to all users in a workgroup. You can see the email on the Notifications tab in the Task web client. The email informs you that the notification has been generated.

The Notifications page in the Order Management web client displays the audit data for notifications. For example, notification X is defined in Design Studio. At run time, there are five instances of notification X. The Notifications page displays the 5 instances of notification X, the time that the latest notification was created, and other data about the various instances of notification X. The page also allows you to disable notification X so that another instance will not be created unless the notification is re-enabled in the Notifications page.

Table 7-1 lists the columns on the Notifications page.

Table 7-1 Columns on the Notifications Page

Column Description


Describes of the notification.


A description of the polling interval, for example, "Every 1 hour 5 minutes." Applicable only to notifications sent at specified polling times.


The notification priority between 1 and 255, with 1 being the highest priority.

Next Start

The date and time that the notification criteria are next evaluated to determine whether to generate a notification. Applicable only to notifications sent at specified polling times.

Last Start

The date and time that the evaluation of the notification criteria was last started. Applicable only to notifications sent at specified polling times.

Last Finish

The date and time that the evaluation of the notification criteria was last finished. Applicable only to notifications sent at specified polling times.

Execution Time

The duration between the Last Start and Last Finish values, in the format hh:mm:ss.


The user who created the notification.


Displays true if the notification may be created in the future; false if the notification is disabled.


The number of active instances of the notification.


Displays true if the user has subscribed to be notified by email; false otherwise.

Exporting Notifications

You can export the contents of the Notifications table using the Export button on the Notifications toolbar. The exported contents are in a format that you can open in Microsoft Excel.

To export the contents of the Notifications table:

  1. In the Order Management web client Administration area, click Manage Notifications.

    The Notifications page is displayed.

  2. In the Cartridge list, select the cartridges for which you want to export notifications. Select All to select all the deployed cartridges.

    The notifications for the cartridges you selected are displayed in the Notifications table.

  3. Click Refresh to ensure all notifications are displayed.

  4. In the Notifications toolbar, click the Export button.

    The notifications are exported to an HTML file that you can open in Microsoft Excel.

Setting Up Email Notifications

For information about setting up email notifications using the credStoreAdmin command, see OSM System Administrator's Guide.

Disabling or Enabling Notifications

You can disable or enable the notifications that have been configured for OSM cartridges.

To disable or enable notifications:

  1. In the Order Management web client Administration area, click Manage Notifications.

    The Notifications page is displayed.

  2. In the Cartridge list, select the cartridges for which you want to disable or enable notifications. Select All to select all the deployed cartridges.

    The notifications for the cartridges you selected are displayed in the Notifications table.

  3. Click Refresh to ensure all notification items are displayed.

  4. (Optional) Filter the notifications by selecting one of the following options in the Notifications page toolbar:

    • Both: Displays notifications that are currently enabled and disabled.

    • Enabled: Displays notifications that are currently enabled.

    • Disabled: Displays notifications that are currently disabled.

  5. Select the notifications that you want to disable or enable.


    Use the Shift or Ctrl key to select multiple notifications.

  6. Do one of the following:


    When disabling or enabling groups of notifications, all notifications in the group must have the same status, either disabled or enabled, otherwise the toolbar buttons are not available.

    • Click Disable to disable the selected notifications.

    • Click Enable to enable the selected notifications.

Managing System Errors

You can view and clear system errors in the System Errors page.

The System Errors page displays a list of errors that have occurred during order processing. The errors might include database errors, system interruptions, and any other problems that might occur. You can use this information to help troubleshoot the error and recheck and clear the error.

Errors can occur if a rule used for error handling has invalid syntax or cannot be checked by the system.

Table 7-2 describes the columns on the System Errors page.

Table 7-2 Columns on the System Errors Page

Column Description

Sequence ID

A unique sequential identifier for the system error.

Event Type

The type of error: Both, Rule, or Notification.

User Name

Displays either the name of the user that authored the PL/SQL code that caused the error, or "omsadmin" for internal system errors.


Displays the status of the system error: Y for cleared; N for not cleared.

Text 1

Displays the error label associated with the ID1 value. Text1 can be one of the following: notification id; order id; order; or task.


Displays the order ID value associated with Text1.


The task type, which is specified only when the metadata entity that generated the error is a task.


Displays the error label associated with the ID2 value. Text2 can be one of the following: order id; order; or hist_seq_id.


Displays the order ID value associated with Text2.


Always null. This column is not used.


The date and time that the system error was generated.


The number of instances of the system error.

Exporting System Errors

You can export the contents of the System Errors table using the Export button on the System Errors toolbar. The exported contents are in a format that you can open in Microsoft Excel.

To export the contents of the System Errors table:

  1. In the Order Management web client Administration area, click Manage System Errors.

    The System Errors page is displayed.

  2. Click Refresh to ensure all system errors are displayed.

  3. In the System Errors toolbar, click the Export button.

    The system errors are exported to an HTML file that you can open in Microsoft Excel.

Filtering System Errors

You can filter the system errors that are displayed. For example, you can display all system errors or only the errors that have not been resolved and cleared.

To filter system errors:

  1. In the Order Management web client Administration area, click Manage System Errors.

    The System Errors page is displayed.

  2. From the Type options in the toolbar, select the type of system error to display:

    • Both: Displays system errors of any type.

    • Rule: Displays only rule system errors.

    • Notification: Displays only notification system errors.

  3. From the State options in the toolbar, select the state of system errors to display:

    • Both: Displays both cleared and uncleared system errors.

    • Not Cleared: Displays system errors that have not been cleared from the system.

    • Cleared: Displays system errors that have been cleared from the system.

  4. Click Refresh to ensure all system errors are displayed.

Clearing System Errors

After you fix a system error, you must clear the error. Clearing the error allows the system to reevaluate, and allows the order to continue processing.

To clear a system error:

  1. In the Order Management web client Administration area, click Manage System Errors.

    The System Errors page is displayed.

  2. Select the system errors that you want to clear.


    Use the Shift or Ctrl key to select multiple system errors.

  3. Click Clear.

Viewing Deployed Cartridges and Setting Default Versions

You can use the Order Management web client to view a list of the cartridges deployed to the OSM server and also any copyright and license information provided with the cartridge. You can also set the default version of the cartridge if more than one version of the same cartridge is deployed.


The option to view cartridges and set default versions is available only if you are a member of the Cartridge_Management_WebService WebLogic security realm group.

The View Cartridges page contains a list of the cartridges deployed to the OSM server. By default, the list is sorted by the last updated time, starting with the most recent. The View Cartridges table displays the following columns:

  • Modified: Indicates that you have changed the value of Default for this cartridge.

  • Namespace: Displays the namespace of the cartridge. If the cartridge is a solution cartridge, this column also contains an arrow you can click to display the component cartridges for the solution cartridge.

  • Version: Displays the version of the cartridge.

  • Default: Indicates whether the cartridge version in the current row is the default version of the cartridge.

  • Type: Displays the type of cartridge. Valid values are Stand-alone, Solution, and Component.

  • Deployed On: Displays the date and time when the cartridge was first deployed.

  • Last Updated: Displays the date and time when the cartridge was most recently deployed.

  • Build Number: Displays the build number of the cartridge.

  • Provider: Displays the provider of the cartridge.

  • Description: Displays the description of the cartridge.

Changing the Default Versions of Deployed Cartridges

When you set a version of a cartridge as a default version, that version of the cartridge will handle the inbound orders for the cartridge.

To set the default version of the cartridge:

  1. In the Order Management web client Administration area, click View Cartridges.

    The View Cartridges page is displayed.

  2. Select the Default option for the version of the cartridge you want to handle incoming orders. The Default option is only available on Stand-alone and Solution cartridges.


    If you make a change in error, click Cancel to cancel all pending changes.

  3. Click Save to save the change to the database.

  4. To cause the change to take effect immediately, you should refresh the server cache. See "Refreshing the Server Cache" for more information.

Viewing the Copyright and License Information for a Cartridge

You can view the copyright and license information that was defined for the cartridge in Design Studio.

To view the copyright and license information for a cartridge:

  1. In the Order Management web client Administration area, click View Cartridges.

    The View Cartridges page is displayed.

  2. Select the row for the cartridge about which you would like to view information and click Show Details.

    The Details window is displayed.