5 Security Shield Maintenance

The Oracle® Communications Security Shield Cloud Service (Security Shield) provides you with tools to monitor and manage your deployment. You can view information about Cloud Communication Service activities in your deployment, change or update certificates, run scripts to change, deactivate, reinstall, upgrade, and downgrade the components, and run show commands.

Cloud Communication Service Metrics, Events, Alarms, and Logs

The Cloud Communication Service (CCS) can help you monitor its operations and your applications traffic by providing metrics, events, alarms, and logs.

Cloud Communication Service Logs

The Cloud Communication Service (CCS) provides logs to help you monitor the health of the service.

The CCS log types include the following:
  • NET—network
  • DBG—debug
  • INF—info
  • ERR—error
  • EVT—event
The following examples show the format of a log record.
  • <date> <timestamp> <thread> <type> <details>
  • <date> <timestamp> <thread> <type> <function> <details>
A log mask is passed on startup by way of the command line) with a default of:
  • 0001 1100b (EVT+ ERR+ INF+ DBG- NET-).

The CCS writes logs to the console (std::clog).

Logs persist in rotating files with the following defaults:
  • 10 files of ~1Mb (required file system space: ~10Mb)
  • Filenames are <path>/ccs<0-9>.log where <path> is configured (0 is latest log, 9 is oldest log)

Log Examples

The following is an example of a log file:

2020-04-08 10:58:51.652 (0x7fada7b0d240) EVT: CCS
        v1.0.0 (build 0)2020-04-08 10:58:51.652 (0x7fada7b0d240) INF: main() limits...
2020-04-08 10:58:51.652 (0x7fada7b0d240) INF: main() parsing...2020-04-08 10:58:51.668 (0x7fada7b0d240) INF: main() spawning...
2020-04-08 10:58:51.668 (0x7fada7b0d240) INF: Base::Shard::Shard() shard=0
2020-04-08 10:58:51.669 (0x7fada2dff700) INF: Http11::Client::Client() client=WAN/idcs.oraclecloud.com:443/oauth2 on shard=0
2020-04-08 10:58:51.669 (0x7fada2dff700) INF: Http20::Client::Client() client=WAN/ocss.oraclecloud.com:443/ocss on shard=0
2020-04-08 10:58:51.669 (0x7fada2dff700) INF: Http20::Client::Client() client=WAN/osdmc.oraclecloud.com:443/osdmc on shard=0
2020-04-08 10:58:51.675 (0x7fada2dff700) INF: Http11::Server::Server()server=WAN/ on shard=0
2020-04-08 10:58:51.679 (0x7fada2dff700) INF: Http20::Server::Server()server=LAN/ on shard=0
2020-04-08 10:58:51.683 (0x7fada2dff700) INF: Http20::Server::Server()server=OAM/ on shard=0
2020-04-08 10:58:51.683 (0x7fada2dff700) EVT: event=WanAuthClientToken/Fsm state=Idle->NoToken service=ocss
2020-04-08 10:58:51.683 (0x7fada2dff700) EVT: alarm=WanAuthClientToken/Impaired state=CL->CR cause=no auth token service=ocss
2020-04-08 10:58:51.684 (0x7fada2dff700) EVT: event=WanAuthClientToken/Fsm state=Idle->NoToken service=osdmc
2020-04-08 10:58:51.684(0x7fada2dff700) EVT: alarm=WanAuthClientToken/Impaired state=CL->CR cause=no auth token service=osdmc 
2020-04-08 10:58:51.684(0x7fada2dff700) EVT: event=WanAuthClientKey/Fsm state=Idle->NoKey
2020-04-08 10:58:51.684 (0x7fada2dff700) EVT: alarm=WanAuthClientKey/Impaired state=CL->CR cause=no auth key
2020-04-08 10:58:51.688 (0x7fada2dff700) EVT: event=HttpClient/SessionError shard=0 client=WAN/idcs.oraclecloud.com:443/oauth2 host=unkownn op=net::ip::tcp::resolver::async_resolve() err=Host not found (authoritative)
2020-04-08 10:58:51.690 0x7fada2dff700) EVT: event=RegServer/Fsm state=Idle->Active service=ocss 
2020-04-08 10:58:51.690 (0x7fada2dff700) EVT: event=RegServer/Fsm state=Idle->Active service=osdmc
2020-04-08 10:58:51.691 (0x7fada2dff700) EVT: event=RegClient/Fsm state=Idle->Post service=ocss
2020-04-08 10:58:51.691 (0x7fada2dff700) EVT: alarm=RegClient/Isolated state=CL->CR service=ocss
2020-04-08 10:58:51.691 (0x7fada2dff700) EVT: event=HttpClient/SessionError shard=0 client=WAN/ocss.oraclecloud.com:443/ocss host=unkownn op=net::ip::tcp::resolver::async_resolve() err=Host not found(authoritative)
2020-04-08 10:58:51.691 (0x7fada2dff700) EVT: event=RegClient/Fsm state=Idle->Post service=osdmc
2020-04-08 10:58:51.691 (0x7fada2dff700) EVT: alarm=RegClient/Isolated state=CL->CR service=osdmc
2020-04-08 10:58:51.691 (0x7fada2dff700) EVT: event=HttpClient/SessionError shard=0 client=WAN/osdmc.oraclecloud.com:443/osdmc host=unkownn op=net::ip::tcp::resolver::async_resolve() err=Host not found(authoritative)
2020-04-08 10:58:51.692 (0x7fada2dff700) EVT: event=OamServer/Fsm state=Idle->Active

The following example shows a stat log.

System/CpuUsage 0 0 0 0
System/MemUsage 0 0 0 0
OamServer/RxGet 0
OamServer/TxError 0

> LAN service "ocss"
RegServer/RxGet 0
RegServer/RxPost 0
RegServer/RxPut 0
RegServer/RxDelete 0
RegServer/TxError 0

> LAN service "osdmc"
RegServer/RxGet 0
RegServer/RxPost 0
RegServer/RxPut 0
RegServer/RxDelete 0
RegServer/TxError 0

> WAN service "ocss"
RegClient/TxPost 3
RegClient/TxPut 0
RegClient/TxDelete 0
RegClient/RxError 2

> WAN service "osdmc"
RegClient/TxPost 3
RegClient/TxPut 0
RegClient/TxDelete 0
RegClient/RxError 2
LanAuth/Failed 0
WanAuth/Failed 0
WanAuthClientKey/TxPost 0
WanAuthClientKey/RxError 0

> WAN service "ocss"
WanAuthClientToken/TxPost 2
WanAuthClientToken/RxError 1

> WAN service "osdmc"
WanAuthClientToken/TxPost 2
WanAuthClientToken/RxError 1

> Shard 0 Host LAN/
HttpServer/Sessions 0 0 0 0
HttpServer/RxReq 0
HttpServer/RxReqRate 0 0 0 0
HttpServer/RxReqSize 0 0 0
HttpServer/TxRsp 0
HttpServer/TxRspSize 0 0 0

> Shard 0 Host OAM/
HttpServer/Sessions 0 0 0 0
HttpServer/RxReq 0
HttpServer/RxReqRate 0 0 0 0
HttpServer/RxReqSize 0 0 0
HttpServer/TxRsp 0
HttpServer/TxRspSize 0 0 0

> Shard 0 Host WAN/
HttpServer/Sessions 0 0 0 0
HttpServer/RxReq 0
HttpServer/RxReqRate 0 0 0 0
HttpServer/RxReqSize 0 0 0
HttpServer/TxRsp 0
HttpServer/TxRspSize 0 0 0

> Shard 0 Peer WAN/idcs.oraclecloud.com:443/oauth2
HttpClient/Sessions 2 1 0 1HttpClient/TxReq 0
HttpClient/TxReqRate 0 0 0 0
HttpClient/TxReqSize 0 0 0
HttpClient/RxRsp 0
HttpClient/RxRspSize 0 0 0
HttpClient/RxRspLatency 0 0 0

> Shard 0 Peer WAN/ocss.oraclecloud.com:443/ocss
HttpClient/Sessions 1 0 0 1
HttpClient/TxReq 0
HttpClient/TxReqRate 0 0 0 0
HttpClient/TxReqSize 0 0 0
HttpClient/RxRsp 0
HttpClient/RxRspSize 0 0 0
HttpClient/RxRspLatency 0 0 0
> Shard 0 Peer WAN/osdmc.oraclecloud.com:443/osdmc
HttpClient/Sessions 1 0 0 1
HttpClient/TxReq 0
HttpClient/TxReqRate 0 0 0 0
HttpClient/TxReqSize 0 0 0
HttpClient/RxRsp 0
HttpClient/RxRspSize 0 0 0
HttpClient/RxRspLatency 0 0 0

Cloud Communication Service Metrics

The Cloud Communication Service (CCS) collects and reports metrics to keep you informed about traffic, system, and authentication activities. The CCS collects metrics every 15 seconds and reports them every 15 minutes.

The CCS metrics types include:
  • Count—A cumulative number that can only increase or reset to zero upon a restart. Count provides a value.
  • Gauge—A single value that can go up or down. Gauge provides a value, a minimum, maximum, and average.
  • Meter—A specialized gauge that represents a per second rate that can arbitrarily go up or down. Meter provides a value, a minimum, maximum, and average.
  • Histogram—A summary of observations marked at 50th, 90th, and 99th percentiles. Historic intervals persist as text in rotating log files with the following defaults:
    • 24 hours of 15 minute intervals (96 files with required system space less than 1 MB).
    • The path to both Regular Logs and Stat Logs is /opt/oracle/ccs/log.
    • Filenames are <path>/stat<0-95>.log, where <path> is configured (0 is latest log, 95 is oldest log).

The following table summarizes CCS metrics.


In the CCS context, "registration" refers to enabling the ground-to-cloud communication path.
Source ID Type Description Details Instancing
System CpuUsage Gauge Gauge of CCS process CPU utilization CCS process CPU utilization (no per thread stats) Global
System MemUsage Gauge Gauge of CCS process memory utilization CCS process memory utilization (no per thread stats)
HttpServer Sessions Gauge Gauge of HTTP server sessions HTTP server sessions established

Instanced by:

  • Shard (thread)
  • Interface (OAM, LAN, WAN)
HttpServer RxReq Count Count of HTTP requests received HTTP server requests received
HttpServer RxReqRate Meter Gauge of HTTP requests received HTTP server requests received (requests per second)
HttpServer RxReqSize Histogram Histogram of HTTP request sizes received HTTP server request sizes received (bytes)
HttpServer TxRsp Count Count of HTTP responses transmitted HTTP server responses transmitted
HttpServer TxRspSize Histogram Histogram of HTTP response sizes transmitted HTTP server response sizes transmitted (bytes)
HttpClient Sessions Gauge Gauge of HTTP client sessions HTTP client sessions established

Instanced by:

  • Shard (thread)
  • Peer (FQDN and port)
  • Service (OCSSC, OSDMC)
HttpClient TxReq Count Count of HTTP requests transmitted HTTP client requests transmitted
HttpClient TxReqRate Meter Gauge of HTTP requests transmitted HTTP client requests transmitted (requests per second)
HttpClient TxReqSize Histogram Histogram of HTTP request sizes transmitted HTTP client request sizes transmitted (bytes)
HttpClient RxRsp Count Count of HTTP responses received HTTP client responses received
HttpClient RxRspSize Histogram Histogram of HTTP response sizes received HTTP client response sizes received (bytes)
HttpClient RxRspLatency Histogram Histogram of HTTP response latency HTTP client response latency (msec)
OamServer RxGet Count Count of server GET requests OAM server GET requests processed Global
OamServer TxError Count Count of server requests that failed OAM server requests received that failed (error response)
RegServer RxGet Count Count of server GET requests Registration server GET requests processed

Instanced by:

  • Service (OCSSC, OSDMC)
RegServer RxPost Count Count of server POST requests Registration server POST requests processed
RegServer RxPut Count Count of server PUT requests Registration server PUT requests processed
RegServer RxDelete Count Count of server DELETE requests Registration server DELETE requests processed
RegServer TxError Count Count of server requests that failed Registration server requests received that failed (error response)
RegClient TxPost Count Count of client POST requests Registration client POST requests generated

Instanced by:

  • Service (OCSSC, OSDMC)
RegClient TxPut Count Count of client PUT requests Registration client PUT requests generated
RegClient TxDelete Count Count of client DELETE requests Registration client DELETE requests generated
RegClient RxError Count Count of client requests that failed Registration client requests transmitted that failed (error response)
LanAuth Failed Count Count of LAN and OAM authentication failures LAN and OAM authentication failures (bad API key) Global
WanAuth Failed Count Count of WAN authentication failures WAN authentication failures (bad Identity Domain token) Global
WanAuthClientKey TxPost Count Count of Identity Domain key client POST requests Identity Domain key client POST requests generated Global
WanAuthClientKey RxError Count Count of Identity Domain key client requests that failed Identity Domain key client requests transmitted that failed (error response)
WanAuthClientToken TxPost Count Count of Identity Domain token client POST requests Identity Domain token client POST requests generated

Instanced by:

  • Service (OCSSC, OSDMC)
WanAuthClientToken RxError Count Count of Identity Domain token client requests that failed Identity Domain token client requests transmitted that failed (error response)

Example - Statistics Log File

The following example shows a sample log file with statistics for the server (line 14) and the client (line 29).

System/CpuUsage 0 0 0 0
System/MemUsage 0 0 0 0
Auth/LanAuthFailed 0
Auth/WanAuthFailed 0
RegClient/Post 0
RegClient/Put 1
RegClient/Del 0
RegClient/Error 0
RegServer/Post 0
RegServer/Put 30
RegServer/Del 0
RegServer/Get 0
RegServer/Error 0  (this is a server header for its associated stats below, and there will be a set per server instance)
HttpServer/Sessions 0 0 0 0
HttpServer/RxReq 0
HttpServer/RxReqRate 0 0 0 0
HttpServer/TxRsp 0
HttpServer/Sessions 0 0 0 0
HttpServer/RxReq 0
HttpServer/RxReqRate 0 0 0 0
HttpServer/TxRsp 0
HttpServer/Sessions 1 0 0 3
HttpServer/RxReq 32
HttpServer/RxReqRate 0 0 0 0
HttpServer/TxRsp 32  (this is a client header for its associated stats below, and there will be a set per client instance)
HttpClient/Sessions 0 2 0 5
HttpClient/TxReq 1
HttpClient/TxReqRate 0 0 0 0
HttpClient/RxRsp 1
HttpClient/RxRspLatency 0 0 0
HttpClient/Sessions 0 0 0 0
HttpClient/TxReq 0
HttpClient/TxReqRate 0 0 0 0
HttpClient/RxRsp 0
HttpClient/RxRspLatency 0 0 0

Cloud Communication Service Events

The Cloud Communication Service (CCS) records the following stateless events for your information, which typically do not require corrective action. The following table summarizes the supported CCS events.

Source ID Fields Description Details Instancing
HttpServer Exhausted




Host Port

HTTP server exhausted HTTP server session pool exhausted

Instanced by:

  • Shard (thread)
  • Interface (OAM, LAN, WAN)
HttpServer SessionError









HTTP server session failed

HTTP server session error

Cause is error as returned by networking stack (includes TLS)

HttpClient SessionError









HTTP client session failed

HTTP client session error

Cause is error as returned by networking stack (includes TLS)

Instanced by:

  • Shard (thread)
  • Peer (FQDN and port)
  • Service (OCSSC, OSDMC)
OamServer Fsm



OAM server FSM state change OAM server FSM state change Global
RegServer Fsm




Registration server FSM state change Registration server FSM state change

Instanced by:

  • Service (OCSSC, OSDMC)
RegServer DeviceCreated



Creation of a peer device registration Registration server created a device registration record
RegServer DeviceDeleted




Deletion of a peer device registration

Registration server deleted a device registration record

Cause is one of requested or expired

RegClient Fsm




Registration client FSM state change Registration client FSM state change

Instanced by:

  • Service (OCSSC, OSDMC)
LanAuth Failed



LAN or OAM API authentication failed LAN or OAM API authentication failed Global
WanAuth Failed



WAN API authentication failed WAN API authentication failed Global
WanAuthClientKey Fsm



Identity Domain key client FSM state change Identity Domain client key FSM state change Global
WanAuthClientToken Fsm




Identity Domain token client FSM state change Identity Domain client token FSM state change

Instanced by:

  • Service (OCSSC, OSDMC)

Cloud Communication Service Alarms

The Cloud Communication Service (CCS) provides the following alarms or your information. Unlike events, alarms are stateful, ranked by severity, and typically require corrective action. See "CCS Operations, Administration, and Maintenance Interface" for information about how to view the data.

If the resolution to an alarm is to check the configuration, you can verify CCS attributes by examining them in the /opt/oracle/ccs/cfg/cfg.json file, or by using the Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) interface to dump the configuration. Configuration issues with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), Identity Domains, and Oracle Communications Security Shield (Security Shield) require assistance from Oracle.

The following table summaizes the supported CCS alarms.


Network issues are out of scope for this guide.
Source ID Severity Fields Description Details Resolution Instancing
HttpServer Down Critical






HTTP server is unavailable

Raised while HTTP server is not listening

Cleared when HTTP server is listening

Investigate reported error and correct. Root causes may include the following:

CCS misconfig of host, IP, HTTP server port

Network outage

Instanced by:

  • Shard (thread)
  • Interface (OAM, LAN, WAN)
Reg Client Isolated Critical Service Registration of CCS pending

Raised while CCS is not registered with the cloud service

Cleared when CCS is registered with the cloud service

Determine why CCS is isolated from the cloud service and correct. Root cause may include...

CCS misconfig of WAN IP, HTTP server port, TLS

CCS misconfig of Identity Domain FQDN, credentials

CCS misconfig of OCSS FQDN

Identity Domain misconfig

Cloud service misconfig

Network outage

Instanced by:

  • Service (OCSSC, OSDMC)
LanAuth Impaired Minor Cause LAN API and OAM authentication is impaired

Raised while CCS is configured with an invalid API key

Cleared when CCS is configured with a valid API key

Determine why CCS is configured with an invalid API key and correct. Root causes may include the following:

CCS misconfig of API key

WanAuthClientKey Impaired Critical Cause WAN API authentication is impaired

Raised while CCS has not acquired an Identity Domain key

Cleared when CCS has acquired an Identity Domain key

Determine why CCS is isolated from Identity Domain and correct. Root causes may include the following:

CCS misconfig of WAN IP, HTTP server port, TLS

CCS misconfig of Identity Domain FQDN, credentials

Identity Domain misconfig

Network outage

WanAuthClientToken Impaired Critical



WAN API authentication is impaired

Raised while CCS has not acquired an Identity Domain token

Cleared when CCS has acquired an Identity Domain token

Determine why CCS is isolated from Identity Domain and correct. Root causes may include the following:

CCS misconfig of WAN IP, HTTP server port, TLS

CCS misconfig of Identity Domain FQDN, credentials

Identity Domain misconfig

Network outage

Instanced by:
  • Service (OCSSC OSDMC)

Example - Regular Log File

The following example shows a sample log file with an alarm entry in line 9.

2019-07-16 07:44:58.275 (0x7f2f10be3d80) DBG: parsing..
2019-07-16 07:44:58.306 (0x7f2f10be3d80) DBG: configuring...
2019-07-16 07:44:58.309 (0x7f2f10be3d80) DBG: spawning...
2019-07-16 07:44:58.309 (0x7f2f10be3d80) DBG: Appl::Shards::enable()shards=1
2019-07-16 07:44:58.342 (0x7f2f0bbff700) INF: Http::HttpServer::HttpServer() HTTP/1.1 server on LAN interface (ipAdress:port)
2019-07-16 07:44:58.346 (0x7f2f0bbff700) INF: Http::HttpServer::HttpServer() HTTP/1.1 server on WAN interface (ipAdress:port)
2019-07-16 07:44:58.346 (0x7f2f0bbff700) INF: Http::HttpClient::HttpClient() HTTP/1.1 client on WAN interface (icds.<company>.com:port)
2019-07-16 07:44:58.346 (0x7f2f0bbff700) INF: Http::HttpClient::HttpClient() HTTP/1.1 client on WAN interface (icds.<company>.com:port)
2019-07-16 07:44:58.356 (0x7f2f0bbff700) EVT: alarm=RegClient/Isolated state=CR
2019-07-16 07:44:58.367 (0x7f2f0bbff700) ERR: Base::Client::connect() async_connect()failed for fqdn=ocss.<company>.com:port port=<port number> with ec=Connection refused
2019-07-16 07:51:19.450 (0x7f2f10be3d80) INF: Util::Signal::block() caught signal=2
2019-07-16 07:51:19.451 (0x7f2f10be3d80) DBG: shutdown...

Cloud Communication Service Management

Oracle provides a set of scripts that you run on the host to install and manage the Cloud Communication Service (CCS). After the initial installation you can run or re-run any of the scripts to further manage your deployment, including the installation scripts if you need to reinstall the service. The following topics describe the operations you can perform after installation.

The Cloud Communication Service Operations, Administration, and Maintenance Interface

When you want to view the Cloud Communication Service (CCS) configuration, metrics, and alarms status, the CCS provides a REST API to enable you to get the information. Through the Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) interface, you can use any programming language capable of sending and receiving HTTP requests to get the information, for example, client URL Request Library (cURL) and Postman. Note that the information is read-only.

When you want to change the configuration, you must log on to the host, deactivate, make the changes, and reactivate because the CCS does not support dynamic configuration. Specify the host address as and the port as 2000. You must provide a configured API key for authentication.

The <cfg>.json configuration file contains the default host address and port number for the OAM server instance, with a default of You must provide the same API Key that you created for the configuration script for authentication to the OAM server.


If your deployment requires a different host address and port number, your Oracle support representative can help you edit them in the configuration file.

The CCS supports GET operations on the following URI paths.

Path Description
/ Help summary
/help Help summary
/host Host status
/sys CCS system status
/cfg CCS configuration dump
/reg CCS registration dump
/alarms CCS alarms
/metrics CCS metrics
/alarms/server HTTP server alarms
/alarms/client HTTP client alarms
/metrics/server HTTP server metrics
/metrics/client HTTP client metrics
/raw All metrics in raw format


All metrics refresh every 15 seconds and the display refreshes every 15 minutes.
Example for / GET

$ curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer <api-key>" https://<IPadddress>/
Oracle Cloud Communications Service, (c) 2020 Oracle
CCS <version> / <timestamp>

Path						Description


/—This help summary
/help—This help summary
/host—Host status
/sys—CCS system status
/cfg—CCS configuration dump
/reg—CCS registration dump
/alarms—CCS alarms
/metrics—CCS metrics 
/alarms/server—HTTP server alarms 
/alarms/client—HTTP client alarms
/metrics/server—HTTP server metrics
/metrics/client—HTTP client metrics
/raw—All metrics in raw format
Example for /help GET

The following example shows the results of the GET operation for /help.

$ curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer <api-key>" https://<IPadddress>/
Oracle Cloud Communications Service, (c) 2020 Oracle
CCS <version> / <timestamp>

Path						Description


/—This help summary
/help—This help summary
/host—Host status
/sys—CCS system status
/cfg—CCS configuration dump
/reg—CCS registration dump
/alarms—CCS alarms
/metrics—CCS metrics 
/alarms/server—HTTP server alarms
/alarms/client—HTTP client alarms
/metrics/server—HTTP server metrics
/metrics/client—HTTP client metrics
/raw—All metrics in raw format
Example for /host GET

The following example shows the results of the GET operation for /host.

$ curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer <api-key>" https://<IPadddress>/
Oracle Cloud Communications Service, (c) 2020 Oracle
CCS <version> / <timestamp>

Hostname						: <hostname>
Uptime								: 3d 11:04:57

OS Variant				: Linux
OS Release				: 4.1.12-124.27.1.e17uek.x86_64
OS Version				: #2 SMP Mon May 13 08:56:12 PDT 2019

Host Arch : x86_64
Num CPUs  : 4
Max CPUs  : 4

Load  1m:  0.00    CPU User  :   0.14%    Mem Total: 14400M
Load  5m:  0.08    CPU System:   0.06%    Mem Used :  1196M
Load 15m:  0.36    CPU Idle  :  99.79%    Mem Free : 13203M
Example for /sys GET

The following example shows the results of the GET operation for /sys.

$ curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer <api-key>" https://<IPadddress>/
Oracle Cloud Communications Service, (c) 2020 Oracle
CCS <version> / <timestamp>

Version: CCS v1.0.0 (build 0)
Uptime : 0d 00:17:16
Alarms : (MN 0) (MJ 0) (CR 5)

Process: ccs.exe (PID 104550) (CPU 0.00%) (Mem 0.00%)
Example for /cfg GET

The following example shows the results of the GET operation for /cfg.

The following example shows a log that the system can generate upon request to help Oracle Customer Support personnel see the active configuration, for example, if adjustments are needed.

$ curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer <api-key>" https://<IPadddress> 
Oracle Cloud Communications Service, (c) 2020 Oracle
CCS <version> / <timestamp>

    "Version": 1,
    "System": {
        "Shards": 1,
        "Log-Path": "/mnt/log"
    "HTTP": {
        "Trans-Limit": 1000,
        "Req-Size-Limit": 1,
        "Rsp-Size-Limit": 200,
        "Req-Rx-Timeout": 180,
        "Rsp-Rx-Timeout": 30,
        "Server-Session-Pool": 100,
        "Server-Retry-Timeout": 60,
        "Client-Session-Pool": 4,
        "Client-Retry-Timeout": 10,
        "ALPN-Negotiation": true,
        "Stream-Limit": 128,
        "Stream-Init-Window": 1,
        "Session-Init-Window": 10
    "IDCS": {
        "Refresh-Percentage": 90,
        "Retry-Timeout": 30
    "Registration": {
        "Server-Expiration-Timeout": 60,
        "Server-Expiration-Padding": 10,
        "Client-Device-Name": "ccs.<company>.com",
        "Client-Retry-Timeout": 30,
        "Client-Throttle-Timeout": 10
    "OAM": {
        "Server-Addr": "",
        "Server-Port": 2000
    "LAN": {
        "Server-Addr": "",
        "Server-Port": 8000,
        "TLS-Server-Cert": "./ssl/lan-cert.pem",
        "TLS-Server-Key": "./ssl/lan-key.pem",
        "TLS-Server-DH": "./ssl/dh2048.pem",
        "TLS-Client-CA-Path": "./ssl/ca",
        "TLS-Client-Verify": true,
        "API-Key-Verify": true
    "WAN": {
        "Server-FQDN": "ccs.<company>.com",
        "Server-Addr": "",
        "Server-Port": 9000,
        "TLS-Cipher-Suite": "ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384",
        "TLS-Server-Cert": "./ssl/wan-cert.pem",
        "TLS-Server-Key": "./ssl/wan-key.pem",
        "TLS-Server-DH": "./ssl/dh2048.pem",
        "TLS-Client-CA-Path": "./ssl/ca",
        "TLS-Client-Verify": true,
        "Identity Domain-FQDN": "idcs.oraclecloud.com",
        "Identity Domain-Port": 443,
        "Identity Domain-Tenant-ID": "idcs-tenant-id",
        "Identity Domain-Verify": true
    "Services": [
            "Prefix": "ocss",
            "FQDN": "ocss.oraclecloud.com",
            "Port": 443,
            "Tenant-ID": "ocss-tenant-id",
            "API-Key": "ocss-lan-api-key",
            "API-Key-Alt": "ocss-lan-api-key-alt",
            "Identity Domain-Client-ID": "ocss-idcs-client-id",
            "Identity Domain-Client-Secret": "ocss-idcs-client-secret"
            "Prefix": "osdmc",
            "FQDN": "osdmc.oraclecloud.com",
            "Port": 443,
            "Tenant-ID": "osdmc-tenant-id",
            "API-Key": "osdmc-lan-api-key",
            "API-Key-Alt": "osdmc-lan-api-key-alt",
            "Identity Domain-Client-ID": "osdmc-idcs-client-id",
            "Identity Domain-Client-Secret": "osdmc-idcs-client-secret"
Example for /reg GET

The following example shows the results of the GET operation for /reg.

The following example reflects the current registration status of on-premises devices using the Cloud Communication Service (CCS). The example shows only the CCS because the Policy Decision Engine has not yet registered with CCS.

$ curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer <api-key>" https://<IPadddress>/
Oracle Cloud Communications Service, (c) 2020 Oracle
CCS <version> / <timestamp>

> LAN service "ocss"
    "name": "ccs.<company>.com",
    "type": "CCS",
    "version": "CCS v1.0.0 (build 0)",
    "httpAddress": "ccs.<company>.com",
    "httpPort": 9000,
    "devices": []

> LAN service "osdmc"
    "name": "ccs.<company>.com",
    "type": "CCS",
    "version": "CCS v1.0.0 (build 0)",
    "httpAddress": "ccs.<company>.com",
    "httpPort": 9000,
    "devices": []

Example for /alarms GET

The following example shows the results of the GET operation for /alarms.

The following example shows alarm types, severity level, and timestamp. The possible severity levels include:
  • CL—Clear
  • MN—Minor
  • MJ—Major
  • CR—Critical
$ curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer <api-key>" https://<IPaddress>/
Oracle Cloud Communications Service, (c) 2020 Oracle
CCS <version> / <timestamp>

		> WAN service "ocss"
  RegClient                            Lvl  Timestamp
  ------------------------------  --------  -----------------------
  Isolated                              CR  2020-04-11 17:42:54.156

> WAN service "osdmc"
  RegClient                            Lvl  Timestamp
  ------------------------------  --------  -----------------------
  Isolated                              CR  2020-04-11 17:42:54.157

  LanAuth                              Lvl  Timestamp
  ------------------------------  --------  -----------------------
  Impaired                              CL  2020-04-11 18:02:01.890

  WanAuthClientKey                     Lvl  Timestamp
  ------------------------------  --------  -----------------------
  Impaired                              CR  2020-04-11 17:42:54.151

> WAN service "ocss"
  WanAuthClientToken                   Lvl  Timestamp
  ------------------------------  --------  -----------------------
  Impaired                              CR  2020-04-11 17:42:54.151

> WAN service "osdmc"
  WanAuthClientToken                   Lvl  Timestamp
  ------------------------------  --------  -----------------------
  Impaired                              CR  2020-04-11 17:42:54.151																															Cl					2020-01-23 13:11:05.620
Example for /metrics GET

The following example shows the results of the GET operation for /metrics.

In the following example, the Avg, Min, and Max column headings correlate to the percentile values that you can see on the Histogram on the Dashboard. (50th, 90th, and 99th percentiles)

$ curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer <api-key>" https://<IPaddress>/
Oracle Cloud Communications Service, (c) 2020 Oracle
CCS <version> / <timestamp>

		System                               Val   Avg|P50   Min|P90   Max|P99
  ------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------
  CpuUsage                               0         0         0         0
  MemUsage                               0         0         0         0

  OamServer                            Val   Avg|P50   Min|P90   Max|P99
  ------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------
  RxGet                                  4         -         -         -
  TxError                                0         -         -         -

> LAN service "ocss"
  RegServer                            Val   Avg|P50   Min|P90   Max|P99
  ------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------
  RxGet                                  0         -         -         -
  RxPost                                 0         -         -         -
  RxPut                                  0         -         -         -
  RxDelete                               0         -         -         -
  TxError                                0         -         -         -

> LAN service "osdmc"
  RegServer                            Val   Avg|P50   Min|P90   Max|P99
  ------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------
  RxGet                                  0         -         -         -
  RxPost                                 0         -         -         -
  RxPut                                  0         -         -         -
  RxDelete                               0         -         -         -
  TxError                                0         -         -         -

> WAN service "ocss"
  RegClient                            Val   Avg|P50   Min|P90   Max|P99
  ------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------
  TxPost                                 4         -         -         -
  TxPut                                  0         -         -         -
  TxDelete                               0         -         -         -
  RxError                                4         -         -         -

> WAN service "osdmc"
  RegClient                            Val   Avg|P50   Min|P90   Max|P99
  ------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------
  TxPost                                 4         -         -         -
  TxPut                                  0         -         -         -
  TxDelete                               0         -         -         -
  RxError                                4         -         -         -

  LanAuth                              Val   Avg|P50   Min|P90   Max|P99
  ------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------
  Failed                                 0         -         -         -

  WanAuth                              Val   Avg|P50   Min|P90   Max|P99
  ------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------
  Failed                                 0         -         -         -

  WanAuthClientKey                     Val   Avg|P50   Min|P90   Max|P99
  ------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------
  TxPost                                 0         -         -         -
  RxError                                0         -         -         -

> WAN service "ocss"
  WanAuthClientToken                   Val   Avg|P50   Min|P90   Max|P99
  ------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------
  TxPost                                 2         -         -         -
  RxError                                2         -         -         -

> WAN service "osdmc"
  WanAuthClientToken                   Val   Avg|P50   Min|P90   Max|P99
  ------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------
  TxPost                                 2         -         -         -
  RxError                                2         -         -         -	                    

Example for /alarms/server GET

The following example shows the results of the GET operation for /alarms/server.

$ curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer <api-key>" https://<IPaddress>/alarms/server
Oracle Cloud Communications Service, (c) 2020 Oracle
CCS v1.0.0 (build 0) /alarms/server @ 2020-04-11 18:04:53.848
Shard 0 Host LAN/
  HttpServer                           Lvl  Timestamp
  ------------------------------  --------  -----------------------
  Down                                  CL  2020-04-11 17:42:54.146

Shard 0 Host OAM/
  HttpServer                           Lvl  Timestamp
  ------------------------------  --------  -----------------------
  Down                                  CL  2020-04-11 17:42:54.150

Shard 0 Host WAN/
  HttpServer                           Lvl  Timestamp
  ------------------------------  --------  -----------------------
  Down                                  CL  2020-04-11 17:42:54.142
Example for /alarms/client GET

The following example shows the results of the GET operation for /alarms/client.

$ curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer <api-key>" https://<IPaddress>/alarms/client
Oracle Cloud Communications Service, (c) 2020 Oracle
CCS v1.0.0 (build 0) /alarms/client @ 2020-04-11 18:05:20.337
None yet defined.
Example for /metrics/server GET

The following example shows the results of the GET operation for /metrics/server.

$ curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer <api-key>" https://<IPaddress>/metrics/server
Oracle Cloud Communications Service, (c) 2020 Oracle
CCS v1.0.0 (build 0) /metrics/server @ 2020-04-11 18:05:56.481
> Shard 0 Host LAN/
  HttpServer                           Val   Avg|P50   Min|P90   Max|P99
  ------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------
  Sessions                               0         0         0         0
  RxReq                                  0         -         -         -
  RxReqRate                              0         0         0         0
  RxReqSize                              -         0         0         0
  TxRsp                                  0         -         -         -
  TxRspSize                              -         0         0         0

> Shard 0 Host OAM/
  HttpServer                           Val   Avg|P50   Min|P90   Max|P99
  ------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------
  Sessions                               0         0         0         0
  RxReq                                  9         -         -         -
  RxReqRate                              0         0         0         0
  RxReqSize                              -         1         1         1
  TxRsp                                  9         -         -         -
  TxRspSize                              -      1024      3072      3072

> Shard 0 Host WAN/
  HttpServer                           Val   Avg|P50   Min|P90   Max|P99
  ------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------
  Sessions                               0         0         0         0
  RxReq                                  0         -         -         -
  RxReqRate                              0         0         0         0
  RxReqSize                              -         0         0         0
  TxRsp                                  0         -         -         -
  TxRspSize                              -         0         0         0
Example for /metrics/client GET

The following example shows the results of the GET operation for /metrics/client.

$ curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer <api-key>" https://<IPaddress>/metrics/client
Oracle Cloud Communications Service, (c) 2020 Oracle
CCS v1.0.0 (build 0) /metrics/client @ 2020-04-11 18:06:10.228
> Shard 0 Peer WAN/idcs.oraclecloud.com:443/oauth2
  HttpClient                           Val   Avg|P50   Min|P90   Max|P99
  ------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------
  Sessions                               2         1         0         1
  TxReq                                  0         -         -         -
  TxReqRate                              0         0         0         0
  TxReqSize                              -         0         0         0
  RxRsp                                  0         -         -         -
  RxRspSize                              -         0         0         0
  RxRspLatency                           -         0         0         0

> Shard 0 Peer WAN/ocss.oraclecloud.com:443/ocss
  HttpClient                           Val   Avg|P50   Min|P90   Max|P99
  ------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------
  Sessions                               1         0         0         0
  TxReq                                  0         -         -         -
  TxReqRate                              0         0         0         0
  TxReqSize                              -         0         0         0
  RxRsp                                  0         -         -         -
  RxRspSize                              -         0         0         0
  RxRspLatency                           -         0         0         0

> Shard 0 Peer WAN/osdmc.oraclecloud.com:443/osdmc
  HttpClient                           Val   Avg|P50   Min|P90   Max|P99
  ------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------
  Sessions                               1         0         0         0
  TxReq                                  0         -         -         -
  TxReqRate                              0         0         0         0
  TxReqSize                              -         0         0         0
  RxRsp                                  0         -         -         -
  RxRspSize                              -         0         0         0
  RxRspLatency                           -         0         0         0
Example for /raw GET

The following example shows the results of the GET operation for /raw.

$ curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer <api-key>" https://<IPaddress>/raw
Oracle Cloud Communications Service, (c) 2020 Oracle
CCS v1.0.0 (build 0) /raw @ 2020-04-11 18:07:03.175
System/CpuUsage 0 0 0 0
System/MemUsage 0 0 0 0

OamServer/RxGet 11
OamServer/TxError 0

> LAN service "ocss"
RegServer/RxGet 0
RegServer/RxPost 0
RegServer/RxPut 0
RegServer/RxDelete 0
RegServer/TxError 0

> LAN service "osdmc"
RegServer/RxGet 0
RegServer/RxPost 0
RegServer/RxPut 0
RegServer/RxDelete 0
RegServer/TxError 0

> WAN service "ocss"
RegClient/TxPost 14
RegClient/TxPut 0
RegClient/TxDelete 0
RegClient/RxError 14

> WAN service "osdmc"
RegClient/TxPost 14
RegClient/TxPut 0
RegClient/TxDelete 0
RegClient/RxError 14

LanAuth/Failed 0

WanAuth/Failed 0

WanAuthClientKey/TxPost 0
WanAuthClientKey/RxError 0

> WAN service "ocss"
WanAuthClientToken/TxPost 7
WanAuthClientToken/RxError 7

> WAN service "osdmc"
WanAuthClientToken/TxPost 7
WanAuthClientToken/RxError 7

> Shard 0 Host LAN/
HttpServer/Sessions 0 0 0 0
HttpServer/RxReq 0
HttpServer/RxReqRate 0 0 0 0
HttpServer/RxReqSize 0 0 0
HttpServer/TxRsp 0
HttpServer/TxRspSize 0 0 0

> Shard 0 Host OAM/
HttpServer/Sessions 0 0 0 0
HttpServer/RxReq 11
HttpServer/RxReqRate 0 0 0 0
HttpServer/RxReqSize 1 1 1
HttpServer/TxRsp 11
HttpServer/TxRspSize 1024 2432 3072

> Shard 0 Host WAN/
HttpServer/Sessions 0 0 0 0
HttpServer/RxReq 0
HttpServer/RxReqRate 0 0 0 0
HttpServer/RxReqSize 0 0 0
HttpServer/TxRsp 0
HttpServer/TxRspSize 0 0 0

> Shard 0 Peer WAN/idcs.<company>.com:443/oauth2
HttpClient/Sessions 2 1 0 1
HttpClient/TxReq 0
HttpClient/TxReqRate 0 0 0 0
HttpClient/TxReqSize 0 0 0
HttpClient/RxRsp 0
HttpClient/RxRspSize 0 0 0
HttpClient/RxRspLatency 0 0 0

> Shard 0 Peer WAN/ocss.<company>.com:443/ocss
HttpClient/Sessions 1 0 0 0
HttpClient/TxReq 0
HttpClient/TxReqRate 0 0 0 0
HttpClient/TxReqSize 0 0 0
HttpClient/RxRsp 0
HttpClient/RxRspSize 0 0 0
HttpClient/RxRspLatency 0 0 0

> Shard 0 Peer WAN/osdmc.<company>.com:443/osdmc
HttpClient/Sessions 1 0 0 0
HttpClient/TxReq 0
HttpClient/TxReqRate 0 0 0 0
HttpClient/TxReqSize 0 0 0
HttpClient/RxRsp 0
HttpClient/RxRspSize 0 0 0
HttpClient/RxRspLatency 0 0 0

Cloud Communication Service Certificate Management

The Cloud Communication Service (CCS) activation script requires you to enter certain information about the authentication credentials that you want CCS to use when communicating to the Session Border Controller (SBC). The CCS uses certificates and keys to authenticate the SBC.


For the Local Area Network (LAN) interface you must supply a server certificate, a public key, and a signing certificate.


For the Wide Area Network (WAN) interface you must supply a server certificate and a public key. You do not need to provide the signing certificate for the WAN because the WAN requires a commercial Certificate Authority. Oracle ships CCS with the root signing keys already provided by the commercial Certificate Authorities.

Use the CCS installation procedure to set the certificates that you want to use for the Oracle® Communications Security Shield Cloud Service service. See Install, Configure, and Activate the Cloud Communication Service.

  1. Access the certificate-record configuration element.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
    ORACLE(configure)# security
    ORACLE(security)# certificate-record
  2. Select the certificate-record object to edit.
    ORACLE(certificate-record)# select
            name                           cert01
            country                        US
            state                          MA
            locality                       Burlington
            organization                   Engineering
            key-size                       1024
            trusted                        enabled
            last-modified-by               admin@console
            last-modified-date             2013-10-31 12:35:17
  3. Type done to save your configuration.

Change the Cloud Communication Service Configuration

When you want to change the IP address, FQDN, or port for the Cloud Communication Service (CCS), use the CCS installation procedure. Then go to sip-configuration > spl-options on the Session Border Controller and change the ocss-service-address to point to the CCS.

Deactivate the Cloud Communication Service

If you want to deactivate the Cloud Communication Service (CCS) installation, for example to add new certificates or migrate to another host, you can do so without uninstalling the CCS. Use the deactivate script to stop the CCS service from running, while leaving the CCS installed on the system for future re-activation.

  1. Log on to the system.
  2. At the prompt type: /opt/oracle/ccs/perl/deactivate.pl
    The system verifies that an active CCS instance exists and asks if you want to proceed with deactivate.
    # /opt/oracle/ccs/perl/deactivate.pl
    Oracle Cloud Communications Service, (c) 2019 Oracle
    CCS <build> <version> deactivate.pl @ 2019-09-17 14:02:48
    Checking pre-conditions...
    Proceed with deactivate (y/n) :
  3. At the prompt, type: y.
    The system displays the status.
    Proceed with deactivate (y/n) : y
    Success, ccs-<build>.<version> is down and stopped.
  4. (Optional) At the prompt, type docker image ls or podman image ls, and press Enter to confirm.
    The system displays the REPOSITORY, where you can see that the CCS image no longer exists in the list.

Uninstall the Cloud Communication Service

Use the following procedure when you want to remove the Cloud Communication Service (CCS) from the system, for example, when migrating to another host. If you want to re-install CCS after using this procedure, see "Install, Configure, and Activate CCS."

  • Confirm that CCS is installed and deactivated. See "Deactivate the CSS Installation."
  • Be aware of consequences that can affect service.
  • Ensure that Perl5 is installed on the host.
  • Ensure that you have root privileges.


  1. Log on to the system.
  2. At the prompt, type: /opt/oracle/ccs/perl/uninstall.pl.
    The system verifies that an active CCS instance exists and asks if you want to proceed with uninstalling.
    # /opt/oracle/ccs/perl/uninstall.pl
    Oracle Cloud Communications Service, (c) 2019 Oracle
    CCS <build> <version> activate.pl @ <Date> <Time>
    Checking pre-conditions...
    Proceed with uninstall (y/n) :
  3. At the prompt, type: y.
    The system displays a success message.
    Proceed with uninstall (y/n) : y
  4. (Optional) Confirm that the system uninstalled CCS using the ls command: ls /opt/oracle/.
    # ls /opt/oracle/
    ls : cannot access /opt/oracle/: No such file or directory

Upgrade the Cloud Communication Service

Use the following procedure to upgrade the Cloud Communication Service (CCS). The upgrade preserves a snapshot of the most recent installation in the /opt/ocss/ccs directory for a future downgrade, if needed. After you upgrade, ensure that CCS works as expected. If not, downgrade immediately. Note that any configuration changes you made between the last upgrade and the downgrade do not persist.

  • Confirm that CCS is installed and activated.
  • Know the consequences of an upgrade, such as behavior changes. See the Release Documentation.
  • Download the CCS archive file (ccs-<version>.<build>.tgz) that you want to upgrade to from My Oracle Support (MOS) or Oracle SaaSOps
  1. Log on to the system.
  2. Unpack the ccs-<version>.<build>.tgz archive.
    tar -xvzf ccs-<version>.<build>.tgz
    The system creates the ccs-<version> directory and copies the unpacked files there in the following directory tree.
    • install.pl
    • upgrade.pl
    • ccs
    • ccs/.build (hidden)
    • ccs/.version (hidden)
    • ccs/api
    • ccs/api/KeyRsp.v1.json
    • ccs/api/RegReq.v1.json
    • ccs/api/RegRspv1.json
    • ccs/api/TokenRsp.v1.json
    • ccs/cfg
    • ccs/cfg.v1.json
    • ccs/img
    • ccs/img/ccs-<version>.<build>.tar
    • ccs/perl/downgrade.pl
    • ccs/log
    • ccs/perl
    • ccs/perl/activate.pl
    • ccs/perl/config.pl
    • ccs/perl/deactivate.pl
    • ccs/perl/uninstall.pl
    • ccs/ssl
    • ccs/ssl/ca
    • ccs/ssl/ca/c_rehash
    • ccs/ssl/ca/DigiCertGlobalRootCA.cer
    • ccs/ssl/ca/DigiCertSHA256GlobalCaG2.cer
    • ccs/ssl/ca/DigiCertSHA256GlobalRootG2.cer
    • ccs/ssl/ca/DigiCertSHA2SecureServerCA.cer
  3. At the prompt, do the following:
    1. Type cd ccs-<version>, and press Enter.
    2. Type ls
    3. Type ./ upgrade.pl
    # cd ccs-<version>
    # ls
    # ccs install.pl upgrade.pl
  4. At the prompt, type ./upgrade.pl, and press Enter.
    # ./upgrade.pl
    Oracle Cloud Communications Service, (c) 2020 Oracle
    CCS <build> <version> upgrade.pl @ 2020-04-11 19:35:50
    Checking pre-conditions...
    Upgrade from ccs-<build.<version> to ccs-<build.<version> is supported.
    Use Docker or Podman (d/p) : 
    Proceed with upgrade (y/n) :
  5. Type d for Docker or p for Podman, type y, and press Enter.
    Proceed with upgrade (y/n) : y

Downgrade the Cloud Communication Service

Use the following procedure to downgrade the Cloud Communication Service (CCS).

  • Confirm that Security Shield is installed and activated.
  • Know the consequences of a downgrade, such as behavior changes and the loss of configuration changes since the last upgrade.
  1. Log on to the system.
  2. At the prompt, type /opt/oracle/ccs/perl/downgrade.pl, and press Enter.
    # /opt/oracle/ccs/perl/downgrade.pl
    Oracle Cloud Communications Service, (c) 2020 Oracle
    CCS <build> <version> downgrade.pl @ 2020-04-11 19:45:50
    Checking pre-conditions...
    Downgrade from ccs-<build>.<version> to ccs-<build>.<version> is supported.
    Proceed with downgrade (y/n) :
  3. Type y, and press Enter.
    Proceed with downgrade (y/n) : y

Activate Debug in the CCS

When you want to activate Debug for the Cloud Communication Service (CCS), you must deactivate CCS, edit the ccs/perl/activate.pl script, and reactivate CCS.

Editing the activate.pl script means adding the “--mask=<value>” argument after the existing “--cfg=<value>” argument to set the Debug logs you want. For example:
system("docker run --detach --network=host --restart=unless-stopped --volume=$ccs_dir:/mnt
        --name=$img $img_id --cfg=/mnt/cfg/cfg.json --mask=31 > /dev/null 2>&1") ==
        0 or die "error: $!";
To find the mask value, choose the log types you want and add their values together. Enter the sum for the mask value. Oracle assigns a numeric value to each log type, as follows.
  • NET (1)
  • DBG (2)
  • INF (4)
  • ERR (8)
  • EVT (16)
For example, suppose you want to run DBG, only. Enter 2 for the mask value. Suppose you want to run DBG, NET, and ERR. Enter 11 for the mask value. To run all types, enter 31 for the mask value.


Remove “--mask=<value>” when you are done debugging.

Security Shield Show Commands

The following information describes the show commands available through the Acme Command Line Interface (ACLI) on your Session Border Controller for viewing Session Plug-in Language (SPL) Application statistics about the Oracle® Communications Security Shield Cloud Service (Security Shield).

The statistics reports are divided into groups. You can view all groups at once or you can specify a single group to view.


You must load an OCSS.pkg created on or after August 1, 2019 to see the following commands.

Show all SPL Application Stats

Syntax: show spl appstats

Use the show spl appstats command to see all Security Shield SPL application statistics reports in one display, which includes the following groups.
  • ocss—Displays the SPL build informatiuon.
  • ocss-http-stats—Displays Client Requests Sent and Client Requests Received
  • ocss-http-stats-detailed—Displays Policy Evaluations Requests (POST), Policy Results, Call Updates (PUT), Call Termination Updates (PUT), Registration Requests (POST), Registration Refresh (PUT), Reregistration (DELETE), Mid-Call Updates, and Mid-Call Actions for up to three Session Border Controllers (SBC) configured for Security Shield.
  • ocss-connection-check-stats—Displays statistics for Requests Sent, Response 2xx, Response 400, Response 403, Response 404, Response 4xx, Response 5xx, Response Other, Response Timeout, and Response Invalid.
  • ocss-policy-response-time—Displays statistics for 0ms-200ms, 201ms to 500ms, 501ms to 1000ms, 1001ms-1500ms, 1501ms-2000ms, 2001ms-2500ms, 2501ms-3000ms, 3001-3500ms, 3501ms-4000ms, and Above 10000ms, Policy requests, and Average Response Time.
  • ocss-policy-rtt (round trip time)—Displays statistics for 0ms-200ms, 201ms to 500ms, 501ms to 1000ms, 1001ms-1500ms, 1501ms-2000ms, 2001ms-2500ms, 2501-3000ms, 3001ms-3500ms, 3501ms-4000ms, 4001ms-10000ms, Above 10000ms, Policy requests, and Average Round TripTime.
  • ocss-registration-status—Displays Device Name, Device Type, Resource ID, Registration Interval, OCSS Service Address, Registration State, Registered At, and Local Expire.
  • spl show sip circuit-breaker ocss-policy—Displays failureThreshold, retryTimePeriod, checked, checkedHalfOpen, errorCount, notSendOpen, errors, state OPEN, nthSendHalfOpen, windowDuration, notSendHalfOpen, okCount, sendClosed, sendHalfOpen, and ratePrevious. Also, displays the State (Active | Available | Unavailable) and Circuit Breaker State (Closed | Open) of up to three SBCs connected to Security Shield through the Cloud Communication Service (CCS). Also displays the IP address of the active server.
  • reset spl-stats application—

Show a Specific SPL Stats Group

To view a specific group of statistics, use the show spl appstats command with the group name. For example, to view only the ocss-policy-rtt report:
show spl appstats ocss-policy-rtt

Reset the SPL Stats by Group

To reset a specific group of statistics, use the reset spl-stats application command with the group name. For example, to reset the ocss-policy-rtt report:
reset spl-stats application ocss-policy-rtt
Use the following commands to reset the Security Shield SPL application statistics reports by group. See "How to Use the ACLI" in the ACLI Reference Guide at https://docs.oracle.com/en/industries/communications/, Enterprise Communications, Enterprise Session Border Controller, <latest release>, User Documentation, ACLI Reference Guide.