3 Inbound Call Labeling

Oracle® Communications Security Shield Cloud Service (Security Shield adds the P-OCSS-Call-Info header to the SIP INVITE when an inbound call passes through (Security Shield). The information in the header can improve call labeling, which can help you make more informed decisions about your call traffic.

About Inbound Call Labeling

Oracle® Communications Security Shield Cloud Service (Security Shield) inbound call labeling can help you make call routing decisions.

Call Routing Uses

You might use the information in the P-OCSS-Call-Info header to
  • route calls to the correct queue, such as a call agent, and select the appropriate Interactive Voice Response (IVR) menu for inbound calls.
  • route a higher risk caller to a menu with restricted options, such as the ability to pay an outstanding bill but not the ability to change account information.
  • route a call from a mobile phone to an IVR menu optimized for mobile calls, such as a shorter, reduced number of selections.
  • route certain call-types through an additional verification step.

Behavior Notes

  • After receiving a mid-call update, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller (SBC) does not add any of the call-info parameter information to a SIP message.
  • Security Shield removes the P-OCSS-Call-Info header from outbound SIP messages on untrusted realms.
  • Security Shield captures configuration changes to call labeling in the Activity Log.
  • The ci-key contains the SessionID that Security Shield generates, which you can use to view more details about the call in the Call Traffic Analytics Display Operations. The SessionID metric is in the Policy Results Statistics Attributes group.

P-OCSS-Call-Info Header Element Descriptions

The P-OCSS-Call-Info Header contains parameters that specify the type of information available for calls that pass through Oracle® Communications Security Shield Cloud Service (Security Shield). The header requires Source and key. The other elements are optional.

The P-OCSS-Call-Info header contains the following parameters and values.


The order of parameters that you see may vary from the following example.
label-info-params = [ci-reputation-score] / [ci-category] / [ci-type] / [ci-device] / [ci-callerid-attest] / ci-source / ci-key
ci-score = "Reputation Score calling number" EQUAL 1*3DIGIT
ci-source = "origin" EQUAL "OCSS"ci-category = category EQUAL ("critical-risk" / "high-risk" / "severe-risk" / "significant-risk" / "suspicious" / "good" / "trusted" /"acceptable" / "verified")
ci-callIerid-attest = "calledID-attest" EQUAL ( "trusted" / "verified" / "not-verified"/ "failed")
ci-type = "type" EQUAL ("fraud-risk" / "spam-risk" / "call-center-call" / "spoofed-call")
ci-key = "key" EQUAL "sessionID"

The following table lists and describes the header parameters.

Header Element Description
source (Required) Specifies Security Shield as the source of the data in this header. When the source is not available at the time of header creation, the header does not include this element.
key (Required) Includes the unique call ID generated by Security Shield. This unique call ID allows for correlating call records between Security Shield and other systems.
category (Optional) Specifies the call categories. See the Security Shield documentation for more information about the call categories.

When the call category is not available at the time of the header creation, the header does not include this element.

The header also supports the following values.
  • Trusted: Assigned when the call category equals Good and the STIR/SHAKEN indicator TN-Verstat Passed is received for this call.
  • Verified: Assigned when the call category equals Acceptable and the STIR/SHAKEN indicator TN-Verstat Passed is received for this call.
callerid-attest (Optional) Specifies the trust level of the calling number. This information is based on the STIR/SHAKEN information provided by the Service Provider or SIP Trunk provider and the call category. Valid values: Trusted (reserved for future use) | Verified | Failed | Not Verified.
type (Optional) Specifies the type of suspicious or potentially fraudulent call. When the type information is not available at the time of the header creation, he header does not include this element.
device (Optional) Specifies the device or line type associated with the calling number. When the device information is not available at the time of the header creation, the header does not include this element. See "P-OCSS-Call-Info Codes, Types, and Values" for information about how to interpret the codes from the INVITE headers.
score (Optional) Specifies the Reputation Score that Security Shield determined for the Calling Number.

The following example shows an INVITE configured for source, type, score, and key after passing through Security Shield from the Session Border Controller.


The order of parameters that you see may vary from the following example.
INVITE Request

       INVITE sip:alice@example.com SIP/2.0
         ;source=OCSS ;category=severe-risk
         ;type=spam-risk ;device=voip 

P-OCSS-Call-Info Codes, Types, and Values

Oracle® Communications Security Shield Cloud Service (Security Shield) does not display the P-OCSS-Call-Info on the Dashboard. You must interpret the codes from the INVITE headers.

The following table lists the phone number type and name and ci-device value for each phone type code.

Number Type and Name ci-device Supported Values
Fixed line number FIXED_LINE
Mobile number MOBILE
Payphone number PAYPHONE
Restricted premium RESTRICTED_PREMIUM
Prepaid (for prepaid mobile) PREPAID
Toll-free number TOLL_FREE
Voice mail number VOICEMAIL
VOIP (non-fixed VOIP) VOIP
High risk HIGH_RISK

P-OCSS-Call-Info Header Codes

Oracle® Communications Security Shield Cloud Service (Security Shield) includes the P-OCSS-Call-Info header regardless of the lookup response so you can rely on the P-OCSS-Call-Info header for call treatment.

Security Shield adds the header, as follows:

Table 3-1 P-OCSS-Call-Info Header Response Codes

Conditions Status Description
Full OCSS Response 200 Transaction successfully completed
No OCSS response 408 Request timeout
OCSS time-out 206 Transaction partially completed
No CSS connectivity 503 Service unavailable
Non-E164 Number (includes short numbers)


422 Unprocessable entity