1 Security Shield Overview

Oracle® Communications Security Shield Cloud Service (Security Shield) is a cloud service that restores trust in the phone channel.


Security Shield assesses risk and verifies the caller ID to protect against fraud and scams. The primary services that Security Shield provides are fraud and spam mitigation and trusted enterprise calls.

Security Shield provides rich analytics that you can use to assess the deep call insights provided to examine the call center key performance indicators as well as fraud and spam details to facilitate investigations.

Fraud and Spam Mitigation Overview

Oracle® Communications Security Shield Cloud Service (Security Shield) identifies suspicious use of phone numbers and detects anomalies in calling patterns to flag or block fraudulent, scam, and spam calls.

Security Shield dynamically assess the risk for each call by using traffic behavior data, deterministic data, and intelligence data using machine learning. Deterministic data includes data attributes about a phone number such as line type and telecom carrier of record, whether the number is allocated or not, and many others. Intelligence data includes crowd-sourced information about fraudulent calls. Security Shield uses machine learning techniques to detect anomalies and identify potential fraud based on traffic behavior. Security Shield uses all these data inputs to classify the risk probability as well as threat prediction.

Trusted Enterprise Calls

The Oracle® Communications Security Shield Cloud Service (Security Shield) Trusted Enterprise Calls service enables you to verify your outbound calls using STIR/SHAKEN call authentication to reduce call spoofing and fraud. Security Shield can automate the end-to-end process of digitally signing calls using STIR/SHAKEN for you.

The Trusted Enterprise Calls service ensures that calls from trusted sources are more likely to be answered by your customers, which helps with retention, revenue targets, and customer satisfaction. You can purchase either a bundled service that includes the STIR/SHAKEN call authentication or you can bring your own license from an approved STIR/SHAKEN call authentication service.


Currently, Security Shield supports only Transunion TruContact Caller ID Authentication (formerly known as Neustar Enterprise Certified Caller).

See SPL Requirements for Trusted Enterprise Calls.

SPL Requirements for Trusted Enterprise Calls

The release adds new SPL options to send only inbound or outbound calls to the Security Shield cloud. You must use SPL 1.1.4 or higher for the Trusted Enterprise Calls subscription.


Customers currently using Security Shield must upgrade their Session Border Controllers to the latest released SPL, but only after upgrading their tenant to the latest Security Shield release. Get the latest version available for download from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud or My Oracle Support. Install the SPL on the external-facing realm.
The SPL option "ocssEnabled" can allow the Session Border Controller to send both inbound and outbound calls to Security Shield for policy lookup. The SPL package provides the flexibility to choose whether you want to send only inbound calls or only outbound calls to Security Shield for policy lookup by way of the new "inboundOnly" and "outboundOnly" spl-option configurations. Configuration options:
  • spl-options ocssEnabled, inboundOnly—Allows only inbound calls
  • spl-options ocssEnabled, outboundOnly—Allows only outbound calls
  • spl-options ocssEnabled—Allows both inbound and outbound calls

Configuration Examples

spl-options ocssEnabled,inboundOnly
:spl-options ocssEnabled,outboundOnly

General Features

Oracle® Communications Security Shield Cloud Service (Security Shield) provides the following features.

  • A Dashboard with graphical visualizations of your phone traffic. The Dashboard shows which events were detected, the enforcement actions applied, and more. The Dashboard also provides service management
  • Call admission based on customer-managed “allow” lists and "blocklists".

Security Shield Deplyoment Model

Oracle® Communications Security Shield Cloud Service (Security Shield integrates with your Oracle Communications Session Border Controller or with your Oracle Communications Session Router. The deployment includes the Cloud Communication Service (CCS).

The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure hosts Security Shield along with other components that Security Shield uses for operations such as the Dashboard, analytics, third party integration, the data store, and other services.

Security Shield Components

The following information explains the components in an Oracle® Communications Security Shield Cloud Service (Security Shield) deployment.

A Security Shield deployment includes the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller (SBC) and the Cloud Communication Service (CCS). The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure hosts Security Shield along with other components that Security Shield uses for operations such as the Dashboard, analytics, phone intelligence look-ups, the data store, and other services. The Cloud Communications Service (CCS) and the SBC reside on-premises.

Diagram of Security Shield Components

The following diagram shows the components in a Security Shield deployment.

This diagram shows the Session Border Controller and the Cloud Communication Service on-premises on the left and the Security Shield Cloud Service, the Dashboard, and other services in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure on the right.

Session Border Controller

The SBC serves as the entry point for calls and acts as the enforcement point for implementing the actions that Security Shield instructs. The SBC also reports the end of a call, the reason for termination, and call timers, which Security Shield uses for reputation assessment and threat detection.

Cloud Communication Service

The CCS establishes a secure ground-to-cloud tunnel for on-premises Security Shield components to communicate with Security Shield components in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

Oracle Communications Security Shield Cloud Service

Security Shield hosts the Web GUI, which displays tabs where you can configure, manage, and maintain the service.

Security Shield applies rules, provides call behavior analytics, sends the enforcement actions to the session border controller. Security Shield combines various sources of information to instruct the session border controller about which actions to perform on a call. Security Shield works predominantly pre-answer, but also supports post-answer control. The enforcement actions, which you can specify, can include actions such as allowing, blocking, and redirecting the call to a different destination.

Security Shield also integrates with the Data Analytics Cloud Service, which is a combination of multiple services designed to perform advanced analytics. The Data Analytics Cloud Service stores SIP INVITE messages and policy results in a data lake for analytics.

Session Border Controller and Session Router

Either the Session Border Controller (SBC) or the Session Router (SR) serves as the entry point for calls and acts as the enforcement point for implementing the actions that Oracle® Communications Security Shield Cloud ServiceSecurity Shield) instructs.

The SBC or SR also reports the end of a call, the reason for termination, and call timers, which Security Shield uses for reputation assessment and threat detection. The SBC and SR integrate with Security Shield through a proprietary REST API over Transport Layer Security.

Cloud Communication Service

The Cloud Communication Service (CCS) establishes a secure ground-to-cloud tunnel for on-premises Oracle® Communications Security Shield Cloud Service (Security Shield) components to communicate with Security Shield components in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

Oracle® Communications Security Shield Cloud Service

Oracle® Communications Security Shield Cloud Service refers to the actual Security Shield service. Security Shield evaluates SIP-based calls sent from the Session Border Controller (SBC) or Session Router (SR) to Security Shield. Security Shield sends instructions back to the SBC or SR for each call it processes for how to handle the call along with any information to add to the call signaling.

Security Shield provides the following functions and services:
  • Number normalization
  • Non-conformant number handling
  • Access control Lists
  • Integration with third-party service and data providers
  • Fraud and spam mitigation service
  • Trusted Enterprise Call service
  • A Dashboard where you can view information about call traffic, service metrics, and information, as well as manage the service
  • Security Shield can also provide advanced analytics
  • Additional call signaling information

Security Shield Subscriptions

You can purchase Oracle® Communications Security Shield Cloud Service (Security Shield) by way of the following base (stand-alone) and add-on subscriptions.

For more details about the features available in each subscription, see Security Shield Features per Subscription.

Subscription Use Case Type Description
Oracle Communications Security Shield Cloud Service Fraud and spam mitigation Base Helps protect telephony networks from malicious actors that launch network attacks such as Telephony Denial of Service (TDoS).
Oracle Communications Security Shield Cloud Service, Premium Edition Fraud and spam mitigation Base

Helps protect telephony networks from malicious actors that launch network attacks using machine-learning and third-party data.

Provides enhanced dynamic risk assessment and call insights.

Provides access to advanced analytics capabilities.

Oracle Communications Security Shield Cloud Service, Trusted Enterprise Calls Trusted Enterprise Calls Base

Bolsters call answering rates for outbound calls and mitigates enterprise spoofing.

For digitally signing calls using STIR/SHAKEN authentication, you must either purchase the two add-on subscriptions for Trusted Enterprise Calls or bring your own license from a supported STIR/SHAKEN call authentication service.

Oracle Communications Security Shield Cloud Service, Trusted Enterprise Calls, Attested Call Trusted Enterprise Calls Add-on

An optional, add-on service to the Oracle Communications Security Shield Cloud Service, Trusted Enterprise Calls subscription.

Bundles the digital signing of calls using STIR/SHAKEN authentication with the Oracle Communications Security Shield, Trusted Enterprise Calls subscription.

Oracle Communications Security Shield Cloud Service, Trusted Enterprise Calls, Attested Number Trusted Enterprise Calls Add-on

An optional, add-on service to the Oracle Communications Security Shield Cloud Service, Trusted Enterprise Calls.

Bundles the certification and verification of the legitimate user of the CallerID for use in STIR/SHAKEN authentication with the Oracle Communications Security Shield, Trusted Enterprise Calls subscription.

Contact Oracle Sales for more information about the subscriptions.

Security Shield Features per Subscription

The following table lists the Oracle® Communications Security Shield Cloud Service (Security Shield) subscriptions and the features available with each type

Table 1-1 Oracle Communications Security Shield Cloud Service Subscriptions

Features Standard Premium Edition Trusted Enterprise Calls Trusted Enterprise Calls - Attested Call Trusted Enterprise Calls - Attested Number
Calling Number Normalization    
Access Control List    
Dashboard with Service Information    
Spoofing Detection Basic Advanced      
Traffic Pumping Detection      
Toll Fraud      
Routing Policy Enforced    
Dynamic Risk Assessment Using Machine Learning        
Indication of Fraud and Spam Risk        
Call Tag (customer header) for Inbound Calls        
Advanced Analytics      
Spam Tag Mitigation of Outbound Calls        
Digitally Signing Calls Using STIR/SHAKEN Call Authentication     By way of a third-party service or bundled with add-on subscriptions

(For the bundled service)

(For the bundled service)