1 About Service Catalog and Design

This chapter provides an overview of Oracle Communications Service Catalog and Design that comprises Solution Designer and Design Studio.

Introducing Service Catalog and Design

Oracle Communications Service Catalog and Design is an application agnostic TeleManagement Forum Open Digital Architecture (TMF ODA) aligned service and resource catalog driving end-to-end solutions. The primary focus is to have a no code and low code design environment for configuration of the orchestration, inventory and assurance solutions and individual applications. It requires no application expertise, so you can rapidly define services and technical building blocks without extensive application training. It simplifies the solution evolution by enabling you to update the solution design and to release updates that meet the evolving service requirements.

Service Catalog and Design comprises the following components:
  • Solution Designer: Solution Designer runs as a cloud native application in a containerized and orchestrated deployment architecture. Solution Designer provides a unified environment for designing, configuring, and deploying a service where all the components, the specifications, and the configurations are consolidated. Service Catalog and Design provides journey and persona driven user experience for defining service and resource catalog for business solutions. For more information on Solution Designer and its capabilities, see Solution Designer User's Guide.
  • Design Studio: Design Studio is an integrated GUI tool based the Eclipse IDE. This enables designers and developers to use the fully-featured Java IDE capabilities to further enhance, extend or integrate the solution business logic. This design-time environment enables you to build and configure Oracle service fulfillment and network and resource management solutions. For more information on Design Studio and its capabilities, see "About Design Studio".

Functional Architecture of Service Catalog and Design

Figure 1-1 shows the functional architecture of Service Catalog and Design. Service Catalog and Design provides all the functionality in the architecture using the applications such as Workspaces, Specifications, Initiatives, PSR Models, Data Elements, and Domains.

Figure 1-1 Functional Architecture