This section describes these additions to the OCSBC’s RADIUS accounting capabilities for customizing your call detail records (CDRs):

  • Generating CDRs with call detail information from a SIP message—The OCSBC reserves a set of vender-specific attributes (VSAs) and then populates them according to your header manipulation (HMR) configuration
  • Generating CDRs with trunk group information—You can enable your OCSBC to provide terminating trunk-group and trunk-context data even when the OCSBC is not performing trunk-group routing.

Both support using the CSV file for RADIUS records, which you can either save locally or push to a defined FTP server.

About User-Defined VSAs for SIP Calls

The OCSBC reserves VSAs 200-229 for you to define for use with SIP calls. These VSAs should never be used for other purposes, and their use should never conflict with the need to add new VSAs in the future. Because this leaves a significant number of VSAs unused, there is still ample space for any new VSAs that might be required.

Since RADIUS START records are created on session initiation, their content cannot be updated. However, the content for INTERIM and STOP records can be.

To configure user-defined VSAs for a SIP call, you use HMR. For example, when you set up HMR correctly, the OCSBC reports originating or terminating country codes in CDRs in whatever format they appear in the SIP username field. The HMR rules you configure uses the SIP header name P-Acme-VSA, adding it to the SIP header from any part of the SIP message. Then the OCSBC searches for the P-Acme-VSA header, generates a VSA for it, and then includes that VSA in the CDR for the call.

You can include multiple custom VSAs per CDR by adding the corresponding number of rules; in essence, you add in the header as many times as required.

HMR Adaptations

The following HMR element rule types support user-defined VSA for SIP calls:

  • uri-user-only—The uri-user-only element rule type represents the URI username without the URI user parameters. You can perform these actions for the uri-user-only type: store, replaces, delete, and add. This means, for example, that you can add a username string to SIP or TEL URI without having any impact on other parameters.
  • uri-phone-number-only—The uri-phone-number-only applies when all rules are met. It refers to the user part of the SIP/TEL URI without the user parameters when the user qualifies for the BNF shown here:
    uri-phone-number-only   =   [+]1*(phone-digit / dtmf-digit / pause-character)
    phone-digit             =   DIGIT / visual-separator
    DIGIT                   =   "0" / "1" / "2" / "3" / "4" / "5" / "6" / "7" / "8" / "9"
    visual-separator        =   "-" / "." / "(" / ")"
    dtnf-digit              =   "*" / "#" / "A" / "B" / "C" / "D"
    pause-character         =   "p" / "w"

    Once the URI user part qualifies as a uri-phone-number-only based on this BNF, the OCSBC ignores the visual separators when comparing it against a match value. Furthermore, the OCSBC performs on or using the uri-phone-number-only after the excluding the visual separators.

    But anew value being added as a uri-phone-number-only or replacing a uri-phone-number-only does not have to match the BNF noted above. That is, you can use the uri-phone-number-only type knowing that:

    • The action only occurs if the URI username matches the BNF defined here.
    • Even so, you can also replace the uri-phone-number-only with one that does not match—using the same rule.

HMR String Variable

HMR supports the use of a string variable that you can use to populate headers and elements. You set this value in the hmr-string parameter for a realm, SIP session agent, or SIP interface. Then, you reference it as the $HMR_STRING variable.

When a message arrives, the OCSBC matches the string you provision to the closest session agent, realm, or SIP interface. The precedence for matching is in this order: session agent, realm, and then SIP interface. For example, the OCSBC populates messages matching a session agent using the $HMR_STRING variable, but it leaves the value empty for session agents that do not match.

You can use the string variable, for instance, for values specific to realms and session agents such as country code values when the regular expression pattern used to match a country code fails to do so.

ACLI Instructions and Examples User-Defined VSAs

This section shows you how to configure user-defined VSAs for SIP calls. It also contains subsections with configuration examples so you can see how this feature is put to use.

This section also shows you two configuration examples for this feature.

To create a header manipulation rule that generates user-defined VSAs for SIP calls:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router and press Enter.
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
  3. Type sip-manipulation and press Enter.
    ORACLE(session-router)# sip-manipulation
  4. Type header-rules and press Enter.
    ORACLE(session-router)# header-rules
  5. name—Enter a meaningful name for the header rule you are creating. For example, if you want to add VSA 200 to your CDRs for SIP calls, you might name your rule generateVSA200. There is no default for this parameter, and it is required.
  6. header-name—Set this parameter to P-Acme-VSA so the OCSBC will add this accounting information to CDRs for the call.
  7. action—Set this parameter to add.
  8. new-value—Enter the regular expression value for the new value you want to add. For example, to add VSA 200 that contains the value from the SIP From header, you would enter 200:+$storeFrom.$0.
  9. Save and activate your configuration.

The first example shows you how to generate custom VSA for the To and From headers in SIP messages.

  • VSA 200 contains the header value from the SIP From header.
  • VSA 220 contains the header value from the SIP To header.
            namecustom                             VSA1
                    name                           storeFrom
                    header-name                    from
                    action                         store
                    comparison-type                pattern-rule
                    match-value                    .*
                    msg-type                       request
                    methods                        INVITE
                    name                           storeTo
                    header-name                    to
                    action                         store
                    comparison-type                pattern-rule
                    match-value                    .*
                    msg-type                       request
                    methods                        INVITE
                    name                           generateVSA200
                    header-name                    P-Acme-VSA
                    action                         add
                    comparison-type                case-sensitive
    msg-type                       any
                    new-value                      200:+$storeFrom.$0
                    methods                        INVITE
                    name                           generateVSA220
                    header-name                    P-Acme-VSA
                    action                         add
                    comparison-type                case-sensitive
                    msg-type                       any
                    new-value                      220:+$storeTo.$0
                    methods                        INVITE

The second example shows you how to configure HMR to generate VSA 225, which contains the customer P_From header when it is present. When that header is not present, the rule instructs the OCSBC to include the header value from the SIP From header for VSA 225.

        name                                  customVSA1
                name                          storePfrom
                header-name                   P_From
                action                        store
                comparison-type               pattern-rule
                match-value                   .*
                msg-type                      request
                methods                       INVITE
                name                          storeFrom
                header-name                   from
                action                        store
                comparison-type               pattern-rule
                match-value                   .*
                msg-type                      request
methods                       INVITE
                name                          generateVSA225_1
                header-name                   P-Acme-VSA
                action                        add
                comparison-type               case-sensitive
                msg-type                      request
                new-value                     225:+$storeFrom.$0
                methods                       INVITE
                name                          generateVSA225_2
                header-name                   P-Acme-VSA
                action                        manipulate
                comparison-type               pattern-rule
                match-value                   $storePfrom
                msg-type                      request
                methods                       INVITE
                        name                            one
                        type                            header-value
                        action                          delete-element
                        match-val-type                  any
                        comparison-type                 pattern-rule
                        match-value                     ^225.*
                        name                            two
                        type                            header-value
                        action                          add
                        match-val-type                  any
                        comparison-type                 case-sensitive
                        new-value                       225:+$storePfrom.$0

ACLI Instructions and Examples String Variable

To use the HMR string variable, you set the hmr-string value in the SIP session agent, realm, or SIP interface where you want the feature applied. The following sample shows you how to configure the hmr-string parameter for SIP session agent.

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router and press Enter.
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
  3. Type session-agent and press Enter.
    ORACLE(session-router)# session-agent

    If you are adding this feature to an existing configuration, you need to select the configuration (using the ACLI select command) before making your changes.

  4. manipulation-string—Enter a value that references the $HMR_STRING variable that will be used to populate SIP headers and elements using HMR. There is no default value for this parameter.
  5. Save and activate your configuration.

Trunk-Group VSA Generation

You can force the OCSBC to generate VSAs related to trunk groups even when you are not using the trunk group feature. With the force-report-trunk-info parameter turned on in the session router configuration:

  • The OCSBC reports terminating trunk group and trunk-context information even though it has not perform trunk-group routing.

    The appropriate VSAs report the terminating trunk-group (VSA 65) and trunk context (VSA 67) with the information of the matching ingress session agent and realm of the originator.

  • The OCSBC reports the terminating trunk-group (VSA 66) and trunk context (VSA 68) as the received trunk group and context from the call’s SIP REQUEST message. If the SIP message has none, then the OCSBC uses the information from the matching egress session agent (or egress realm, when available) and next-hop realm.

    Note that information is reported after HMR processing—meaning that header manipulation has been performed on the message information reported.

ACLI Instructions and Examples

You enable trunk-group VSA generation on a system-wide basis in the session-router configuration.

To enable forced trunk-group VSA generation:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router and press Enter.
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
  3. Type session-agent and press Enter.
    ORACLE(session-router)# session-router
  4. forced-report-trunk-info—Change this parameter to enabled if you want to turn on the OCSBC’s ability to generate VSAs for trunk group information even when you are not using trunk-group routing. The OCSBC uses VSAs 65-68 to report originating and terminating trunk group information as described in the Trunk-Group VSA Generation section above. By default, this parameter is disabled.
  5. Save and activate your configuration.