Status and Statistics Monitoring

The ACLI show radius command, used with the three arguments described below, displays the status of any established RADIUS accounting connections and authentications. A working RADIUS connection displays READY, and a disabled connection displays DISABLED.

When an accounting server is disabled, the triggering and clearing of RADIUS ACCOUNTING CONNECTION DOWN alarms is not affected.

For more information about OCSBC about monitoring your OCSBC, refer to the Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide.

ACLI Show RADIUS Display

The show radius command can take one of the three available arguments:

  • authentication—Shows authentication statistics for primary and secondary RADIUS servers, including: server IP address and port; round trip time; information about failed and successful requests/authentications; number of rejections; number of challenges; number of time-outs, number of retransmissions
  • accounting—Shows the information described in this table:
    • Client Display—General accounting setup (as established in the accounting configuration element), including information about the state of the RADIUS client, accounting strategy used (Hunt, Failover, RoundRobin, FastestRTT, or FewestPending), IP address and port on which the server is listening, maximum message delay in seconds, and number of configured accounting servers.
    • Waiting Queue—Amount of accounting (RADIUS) messages waiting to be sent. Waiting queue capacity is 4,096 messages.
    • <IP Address:Port>—Information about each configured accounting server (established in the accounting servers configuration). The heading above each accounting server section is the IPv4 address and port combination of the accounting server described. This section also includes information about the accounting server’s state (e.g., Connect_Attempt, INIT).
  • all—Shows all of the information for both the authentication and accounting displays

The following is an example of the ACLI show radius authentication command output.

ORACLE# show radius authentication
Active Primary Authentication Servers:
   server ipAddr:
Active Secondary Authentication Servers:
   server ipAddr:
Authentication Statistics:
                RoundTripTime          :0
                AccessRequests         :2
                BadAuthenticators      :0
                AccessRetransmissions  :5
                AccessAccepts          :0
                Timeouts               :6
                AccessRejects          :0
                UnknownPDUTypes        :0
AccessChallenges       :0
                RoundTripTime          :0
                AccessRequests         :2
                BadAuthenticators      :0
                AccessRetransmissions  :9
                AccessAccepts          :0
                Timeouts               :10
                AccessRejects          :0
                UnknownPDUTypes        :0
                AccessChallenges       :0

The following is an example of the ACLI show radius accounting command output.

ORACLE# show radius accounting

*********Client Display Start************
Client State = READY, strategy=Hunt
listening on
max message delay = 60 s, # of servers = 2 
================= Waiting Queue ================
Waiting size = 89 
----------------- ------------------
Remote =, Local =, sock=45 (BOUND)
conn state=READY, RTT=250 ms
Min Rtt=250 ms, Max inactivity=60 s, expires at Nov 21 13:50:19.582, Restart delay=30 s 
----------------- ------------------
Remote =, Local =, sock=46 (BOUND)
conn state=DISABLED, RTT=0 ms
Min Rtt=250 ms, Max inactivity=60 s, expires at Nov 21 13:50:19.569, Restart delay=30 s 
*********Client Display End************

The following is an example of the ACLI show radius all command output.

ORACLE# show radius all
*********Client Display Start************
Client State = READY, strategy=Hunt
listening on
max message delay = 60 s, # of servers = 2 
================= Waiting Queue ================
Waiting size = 89 
----------------- ------------------
Remote =, Local =, sock=45 (BOUND)
conn state=READY, RTT=250 ms
Min Rtt=250 ms, Max inactivity=60 s, expires at Nov 21 13:50:19.582, Restart delay=30 s 
----------------- ------------------
Remote =, Local =, sock=46 (BOUND)
conn state=DISABLED, RTT=0 ms
Min Rtt=250 ms, Max inactivity=60 s, expires at Nov 21 13:50:19.569, Restart delay=30 s 
*********Client Display End************
Active Primary Authentication Servers:
   server ipAddr:
Active Secondary Authentication Servers:
   server ipAddr:
Authentication Statistics:
                RoundTripTime          :0
                AccessRequests         :2
                BadAuthenticators      :0
                AccessRetransmissions  :5
                AccessAccepts          :0
                Timeouts               :6
                AccessRejects          :0
                UnknownPDUTypes        :0
AccessChallenges       :0
                RoundTripTime          :0
                AccessRequests         :2
                BadAuthenticators      :0
                AccessRetransmissions  :9
                AccessAccepts          :0
                Timeouts               :10
                AccessRejects          :0
                UnknownPDUTypes        :0
                AccessChallenges       :0