Codec and Conditional Codec Policies for SIP

The Oracle Communications Session Border Controller (SBC) can add, strip, and reorder codecs for SIP sessions. This builds on the SBC pre-existing abilities to route by codec and re-order one codec in an SDP offer by allowing you to configure the order of multiple codecs and to remove specific codecs within the media descriptions in SDP offers.

You can enable the SBC to perform these operations on SDP offers by configuring codec policies. Codec policies are sets of rules that specify the manipulations that you want the SBC to perform on SDP offers. The SBC applies the policies on an ingress and egress basis using the realm and session agent configurations.

SBC supports the following types of codec policies:

  • Ingress policy—applies to the SDP offer for incoming traffic
  • Egress policy—applies to the SDP offer for traffic leaving the SBC
  • Conditional policy—applies to the SDP offer for traffic leaving the SBC. A conditional policy differs from an egress policy in providing the capability to perform standard codec manipulations (add, strip and re-order) dynamically, based on the codec list and associated parameters contained in the original SDP offer. See Conditional Codec Policies for specific details regarding the use and construction of conditional policies.

The SBC applies codec policies during the offer phase of media format negotiation. When you enable codec manipulation, the SBC performs the modification according to the specific policy and forwards the traffic.

For example, when the SBC receives a SIP INVITE with SDP, it refers to the realm through which the INVITE arrived and performs any manipulations specified by the ingress codec policy that you assigned to the ingress realm. With the media description possibly changed according to the ingress codec policy, the SBC passes the SDP offer to the outgoing realm and applies the egress codec policy. Note that the SDP to be evaluated by the egress codec policy may match the original SDP, or it may have been changed during transit through the ingress realm. After applying the egress coded policy, the SBC forwards the INVITE.

This image displays the OCSBC managing codec advertisement based on configured conditional policy.

Because the offer-answer exchange can occur at different stages of SIP messaging, the assigned ingress and egress roles follow the media direction rather than the signaling direction. It might be, for example, that the offer is in an OK that the SBC modifies.

You can apply codec policies to realms and to session agents. Note that codec policies configured in session agents take precedence over those applied to realms. The system does not require both an ingress policy and an egress policy for either realms or for session agents. When either one is unspecified, no modifications take place on that side. When you specify neither an ingress nor egress policy, the SBC forwards SDP offers as received.

Codecs in Relationship to Media Profiles

For each codec that you specify in a codec policy, there must be a corresponding media profile configuration on the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller. You configure media profiles in the ACLI by way of the session-router configuration. In the profiles, you can specify codec type, transport protocol, required bandwidth, and a number of constraints.

Manipulation Modes in Codec Policies

You can configure a codec policy to perform several different kinds of manipulations:

  • Allow—List of codecs that are allowed for a certain codec policy. When a codec does not appear on the allow list, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller (SBC) removes it. You can use the wildcard character (the asterisk *) in this list, to allow all codecs. You can create the following exceptions to the allow list that contains a wildcard.
    • You make an exception to the wildcard list of codecs by entering the codecs that are not allowed with a no attribute. This tells the SBC to allow all codecs except the ones you specify.
      ORACLE(codec-policy)# allow-codecs (* PCMA:no)
    • You can also create exceptions to allow lists such that audio or video codecs are removed. However, when the allow list specifies the removal of all audio codecs and an INVITE arrives at the SBC with only audio codecs, the SBC behaves in accordance with RFC 3264. This means that the resulting SDP contains one attribute line, with the media port for the media line set to 0. The terminating side supplies new SDP in its reply because the result of the manipulation is the same as an INVITE with no body.
      ORACLE(codec-policy)# allow-codecs (* audio:no)
  • Order—List of the codecs where you specify their preferred order in the outgoing media offer. The SBC arranges matching codecs according to the rule you set, and any remaining codecs are added to the list in the same relative order as in the incoming media offer. When your list specifies a codec that is not present, the ordering proceeds as specified but skips the missing codec.

    You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard in this list, too. The placement of the asterisk is important, as shown in the following examples:

    • For an order rule set this way
      ORACLE(codec-policy)# order (A B C *)

      codecs A, B, and C will be placed at the front of the codec list in the order specified. All other codecs in the offer will follow A, B, and C in the same relative order as in the original SDP offer.

    • For an order rule set this way:
      ORACLE(codec-policy)# order (* A B C)

      codecs A, B, and C will be placed at the end of the codec list in the order specified. All other codecs in the offer will come before A, B, and C in the same relative order as in the original SDP offer.

    • For an order rule set this way
      ORACLE(codec-policy)# order (A * B C)

      codec A will be placed at the beginning of the codec list, followed by all other codecs in the offer in the same relative order as in the original SDP offer. B and C will end the list.

  • Force—An attribute you can use in the allow list with one codec to specify that all other codecs are stripped from the outgoing offer. You can specify multiple forced codecs in your rules.
    • When you set multiple codecs in the allow list and one of them is forced, the outgoing offer contains the forced codec.
    • When you set multiple codecs in the allow list and the one that is forced is not present in the offer, the SBC selects a non-forced codec for the outgoing offer.
      ORACLE(codec-policy)# allow (PCMU G729:force)

      You cannot use the force attribute with an allow list that contains a wildcard.

  • No—An attribute that allows you to strip specified codecs or codec types from an allow list that contains a wildcard.
    ORACLE(codec-policy)# allow (* PCMA:no)

In-Realm Codec Manipulation

In addition to applying codec policies in realms, the realm configuration supports a setting for determining whether or not you want to apply codec manipulation to sessions between endpoints in the same realm.

You can use In-realm codec manipulation for simple call flows that traverse two realms. When the originating and terminating realms are the same, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller (SBC) checks to see if you enabled this capability. If you enabled it, the SBC performs the specified manipulations. When you do not enable this capability, or when you disable the realm’s media management in realm (mm-in-realm) setting, the SBC does not perform codec manipulations.

For more complex call scenarios that involve call agent or re-initiation of a call back to the same realm, the SBC does not perform in-realm codec manipulation.

Conditional Codec Policies

A codec policy performs actions conditionally when any of its parameters includes a conditional value. A conditional value includes a target codec paired with a requirement for executing the action. The Oracle Communications Session Border Controller manipulates SDP according to this value pair when the ingress SDP or a previous manipulation to the SDP meets the condition criteria. You can configure conditional manipulation by extending upon the syntax of the following core parameters in the codec-policy configuration element:

  • allow-codecs,
  • add-codecs-on-egress, and
  • order-codecs.

The system establishes conditions on a codec policy as a sequence of allowing, adding, and re-ordering. Each step in this sequence can occur with or without conditions. Allowing is required. Any applied policy, whether or not it is conditional, without an allow blocks all traffic. Allow all, using the wildcard asterisk character is a typical setting. Adding applies only to egress policies.

To establish conditions, you configure the parameter with pairs that consist of target codecs followed by the conditions that trigger the action. Each policy parameter can include one or more of these pairs. When configuring a parameter with multiple values, you enclose them within parenthesis, whether or not there are conditions.

The system processes all policies serially, regardless of whether any includes a condition. The system first determines which codecs to allow, and then which to add (none on ingress), then the codec order. The system also processes parameter values serially. You must configure all parameter values based on what may have been changed previously. This is particularly important when using both ingress and egress codec policies. Consistent with this serial concept, egress policies operate on what the system presents to them, which includes the results of any ingress policies.

Note that conditional order-codecs are often done used in conjunction with add-codecs-on-egress to define the location of codecs you add to the list presented at egress. When order-codecs is not used, the system places all added codecs at the front of the list in the order they were added. It is often useful to place an added codec in a different position, using order-codecs.

Conditional Codec Lists

Conditional codec policies are constructed using existing ACLI configuration commands — allow-codecs, add-codecs-on-egress, and order-codecs — in conjunction with keywords and operators. Conditions are defined by a continuous character string (no spaces allowed) that starts with the :( character sequence and is terminated by a closing parenthesis. For example,

ORACLE(codec-policy)# allow-codecs PCMU:(!G729)

which can be interpreted as — allow PCMU if the G729 codec is not in the SDP offer after ingress codec policy processing.

An example of using add-codecs-on-egress is:

ORACLE(codec-policy)# add-codecs-on-egress PCMU:(PCMA)

which can be interpreted as — add PCMU if PCMA codec is in the SDP offer after ingress codec policy processing.

If PCMA is in the SDP offer after ingress codec policy processing, the add-codecs-on-egress ACLI command is treated as add-codecs-on-egress PCMU. If PCMA is not in the SDP offer after ingress codec policy processing, add-codecs-on-egress is treated as empty.

Both the conditioned codec and/or the condition itself can contain subnames. For example,

ORACLE(codec-policy)# add-codecs-on-egress AMR::ONE:(AMR::TEST0)

which can be interpreted as — add AMR::ONE if AMR::TEST0 codec is in the SDP offer after ingress codec policy processing.

Codecs contained in the condition can be wildcarded. For example,

ORACLE(codec-policy)# add-codecs-on-egress AMR::ONE:(AMR::*)

which can be interpreted as — add AMR::ONE if any AMR codec is in the offer after ingress codec policy processing.

An example of using order-codecs is:

ORACLE(codec-policy)# order-codecs (PCMU:(PCMU) *)

which can be interpreted as — set the codec order to PCMU followed by the list after ingress codec policy processing if PCMU is not present. When the system adds a codec, the codec goes to the end of the offered list. This conditional format may be used to place an added codec at the front of list.

Conditional Codec Operators

Three logical operators are available to construct conditional lists

the OR operator (|)

ORACLE(codec-policy)# add-codecs-on-egress AMR::ONE:(AMR::*|PCMU)

which can be interpreted as — add AMR::ONE if any AMR:: codec is in the SDP offer after ingress codec policy processing, or if PCMU is in the SDP offer after ingress codec policy processing.

the AND operator (&)

ORACLE(codec-policy)# add-codecs-on-egress AMR::ONE:(AMR::*&PCMU)

which can be interpreted as — add AMR::ONE if any AMR:: codec is in the SDP offer after ingress codec policy processing, and if PCMU is in the SDP offer after ingress codec policy processing.

the NOT operator (!)

ORACLE(codec-policy)# add-codecs-on-egress AMR::ONE:(!AMR::*)

which can be interpreted as — “add AMR::ONE if no AMR:: codec is in the SDP offer after ingress codec policy processing.

Each operator applies only to the codec immediately following it. Operators are processed left to right until all conditions have been tested. The condition result is accumulated as each of the conditions is processed. For example:

ORACLE(codec-policy)#add-codecs-on-egress AMR::ONE:
  • Test SDP offer for AMR::TEST1 (a NOT operation).

    If AMR:TEST1 is NOT present, set accumulated result to TRUE.

    If AMR:TEST1 is present, set accumulated result to FALSE.

  • Test SDP offer for AMR::TEST0 (an AND operation).

    If AMR is present, no change to accumulated result.

    If AMR is not present, set accumulated result to FALSE.

  • Test SDP offer for AMR::TEST2 (an OR operation).

    If AMR is present, set accumulated result to TRUE.

    If AMR is not present, no change to accumulated result.

Multiple conditions can be concatenated; in this case, individual conditions are separated by SPACE characters and the ACLI command argument is bracketed with double quotation marks ...). For example:

ORACLE(codec-policy)#add-codecs-on-egress (PCMU G729:(G726) G723:(PCMA))
  • PCMU is unconditionally added to the egress codec list.
  • Process the first condition — G729:(G726)

    If G726 is present, the result is TRUE; add G729 to the egress codec list.

    If G726 is not present, the result is FALSE; do not add G729 to the egress codec list.

  • Process the second condition — G723:(PCMA)

    If PCMA is present, the result is TRUE; add G723 to the egress codec list.

    If PCMA is not present, the result is FALSE; do not add G723 to the egress codec list.

Codec Policies Instructions and Examples

The following topics contain instructions and examples show how to configure codec policies and apply them to realms and session agents. The instructions and examples also show you how to configure settings for in-realm codec manipulation.

Create a Codec Policy

  • Confirm that the system is in Superuser mode.

To create a codec policy:

  1. Access the codec-policy configuration element.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
    ORACLE(configure)# media-manager
    ORACLE(media-manager)# codec-policy
    ORACLE(codec-policy)# select
  2. name—Enter the unique name for the codec policy. This is the value you will use to refer to this codec policy when you apply it to realms or session agents. This parameter is required and is empty by default.
  3. allow-codecs—Enter the list of codecs to allow for this codec policy. In your entries, you can use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard, the force attribute, or the no attribute so that the allow list you enter directly reflects your configuration needs. Enclose entries of multiple values in parentheses ( ( ) ). For more information, see Manipulation Modes.

    The codecs that you enter here require corresponding media profile configurations.

    allow-codecs—Use to construct ingress, egress, or conditional codec policies. For details of conditional codec policies, see Conditional Codec Policies.

  4. add-codecs-on-egress—Enter the codecs that the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller adds to an egress SDP offer when that codec is not already there. This parameter applies only to egress offers. For more information, see Manipulation Modes.

    The codecs that you enter here must have corresponding media profile configurations.

    add-codecs-on-egress—Use to construct ingress, egress, or conditional codec policies. For more information on conditional codec policies, see Conditional Codec Policies.

  5. order-codecs—Enter the order in which you want codecs to appear in the outgoing SDP offer. You can use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard in different positions of the order to directly reflect your configuration needs. Enclose entries of multiple values in parentheses ( ( ) ). For more information, see Manipulation Modes.

    The codecs that you enter here require corresponding media profile configurations.

    order-codecs—Use to construct ingress, egress, or conditional codec policies. For more information on conditional codec policies, see Conditional Codec Policies.

  6. Save your configuration.

    The following example shows a codec policy configuration:

            name            private
            allow-codecs    g723:no pcmu video:no
            order-codecs    pcmu *

Apply a Codec Policy to a Realm

  • Confirm that the system is in Superuser mode.

Note that codec policies defined for session agents always take precedence over those defined for realms.

To apply a codec policy to a realm:

  1. Access the realm-config configuration element.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
    ORACLE(configure)# media-manager
    ORACLE(media-manager)# realm-config
  2. If you are applying a codec policy to a pre-existing realm, you must select (using the ACLI select command) the realm that you want to edit.
  3. codec-policy—Enter the name of the codec policy that you want to apply to this realm. By default, this parameter is empty.
  4. Save your configuration.

Apply a Codec Policy to a Session Agent

  • Confirm that the system is in Superuser mode.

Note that codec policies that are defined for session agents always take precedence over those that are defined for realms.

To apply a codec policy to a realm:

  1. Access the session-agent configuration element.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
    ORACLE(session-router)# session-agent
  2. If you are a codec policy to a pre-existing session agent, you must select (using the ACLI select command) the realm that you want to edit.
  3. codec-policy—Enter the name of the codec policy that you want to apply to this realm. By default, this parameter is empty.
  4. Save your configuration.

In-Realm Codec Manipulations

  • Confirm that the system is in Superuser mode.

To enable in-realm codec manipulations:

  1. Access the realm-config configuration element.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
    ORACLE(configure)# media-manager
    ORACLE(media-manager)# realm-config
  2. If you are adding support for in-realm codec manipulations to an existing realm, you must select (using the ACLI select command) the realm that you want to edit.
  3. codec-manip-in-realm—Enter the name of the codec policy that you want to apply to this realm. Default: disabled. Valid values: enabled | disabled.
  4. Save your configuration.