2 Call Signaling Accounting Configuration

This section explains SIP and H.323 accounting using the RADIUS Accounting System (RAS).

You can configure the SBC to modify and populate CDRs in specific ways. There are options for how a call proceeds with respect to start/stop/interim records, and the information contained within. This chapter lists features relating to your ability to customize the behavior of call data record population.

Session Accounting

The RAS client can record SIP, H.323, and IWF session activity based on configuration and a CDR. The CDR determines which messages are generated and determines the RADIUS attributes included in the messages. The RAS client must be capable of sending CDRs to any number of RADIUS accounting servers, using the defined hunt, failover, round robin, fewest pending, or fastest server strategies.

The establishment, failed establishment, change, or removal of a session can trigger RADIUS Accounting Request messages. The RAS might also send notification of its status (enabled/disabled). RADIUS Accounting Request messages include the following:

  • Start—Session has started.
  • Interim-Update—Session parameters have changed.
  • Stop—Session has ended.
  • Accounting-On—Creation of a new RADIUS client.
  • Accounting-Off—RADIUS client has shut down.

Each session might generate Start, Interim-Update, and Stop messages based on the local configuration when the session is initiated. Each Start message tells the RADIUS server that a session has started. Each Interim-Update message changes the session parameters, and may report the session characteristics for the session to that point. Each Stop message informs the RADIUS server that a session has ended and reports session characteristics.

The RAS has the ability to transmit all RADIUS messages related to a session at the end of the session, regardless of which messages are generated and when they are generated. Some customers might choose this option to reduce the likelihood of the RADIUS messages being logged to different servers, or in different log files on the same server.

The RAS always generates a RADIUS Stop message when the session ends, regardless of the session termination cause. The termination cause and the session characteristics are reported.

RADIUS Messages

The following table identifies the relationship between the signaling elements and the RADIUS attributes included in Accounting Request messages to the RADIUS server.

RADIUS Attribute Data Element Message
NAS IP-Address IP address of the SIP proxy or the H.323 stack’s call signal address. Start, Interim-Update, Stop, On, Off
NAS Port SIP proxy port or the H.323 stack’s call signaling RAS port. Start, Interim-Update, Stop, On, Off
NAS Identifier Value, if any, set in the optional NAS-ID field for the accounting server that you configure as part of the accounting configuration. This identifier sets the value that the remote server (the accounting server) uses to identify the SBC so that RADIUS messages can be transmitted.

The remote server to which the accounting configuration will send messages uses at least one of two pieces of information for identification:

NAS IP address: always included in the accounting message

NAS identifier: configured in the NAS-ID parameter of the accounting server; if configured, the NAS identifier is sent to the remote server

This attribute only appears if a value is configured in the NAS-ID field.

Start, Interim-Update, Stop, On, Off
Acct-Session-ID Either the Call-ID field value of the SIP INVITE message, the callIdentifier of the H.323 message, or RADIUS client information. Start, Interim-Update, Stop, On, Off
Called Station ID To field value of the SIP INVITE message (a type of message used to initiate a session) or the calledPartyNumber of the H.323 message. Start, Interim-Update, Stop
Calling Station ID From field value of the SIP INVITE message or the callingPartyNumber of the H.323 message. Start, Interim-Update, Stop
Acct-Terminate-Cause Reason for session ending (refer to Session Termination session). Stop, Off
Acct-Session-Time Length of session (time in seconds, or milliseconds if so configured). Interim-Update, Stop, Off

Session Termination

Sessions are terminated for reasons that include normal termination, signaling failure, timeout, or network problems. The following table maps RADIUS accounting termination cause codes to network events.

RADIUS Termination Cause Event Message
User request SIP BYE message or H.323 Stop
User error SIP signaling failed to establish session (accompanied by disconnect cause) Stop
NAS request RADIUS server disabled Off

Interim RADIUS Records for Recursive Attempts

When the SBC routes calls, it performs local policy look-ups that can return several next hops, ordered by preference. This can also happen as a results of an LRT lookup, an ENUM query response, or SIP redirect. To set up sessions, the SBC uses—in ordered preference—and recurses through the list if it encounters failures.

You can configure SIP accounting to send RADIUS Interim records when the SBC encounters these failures. The interim message contains: the destination IP address, the disconnect reason, a timestamp for the failure, and the number that was called. This feature is enabled by setting the generate-interim parameter to unsuccessful-attempt. Please refer to Appendix B to view the format of an unsuccessful-attempt interim record.

SIP CDR Stop Time

You can set up your global SIP configuration so the disconnect time reflected in a RADIUS CDR is the time when the SBC receives a BYE. Enabling this parameter also means the disconnect time is defined when the SBC sends a BYE to the UAS and UAC. Otherwise, the the CDR’s value is based on when the 200 OK confirms the BYE.

The applicable RADIUS CDR in this case is the standard RADIUS attribute Acct-Session-Time, number 46.

ACLI Instructions and Examples

To enable definition of the disconnect time based on the BYE:

  1. Access the sip-config configuration element.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
    ORACLE(session-router)# sip-config
  2. Select the sip-config object to edit.
    ORACLE(sip-config)# select
  3. set-disconnect-time-on-bye—Set this parameter to enabled if you want to use the BYE message as the defining factor for the disconnect time. This parameter is disabled by default.
  4. Type done to save your configuration.

Media Stop Time VSA in CDRs

An accurate portrayal of a call’s media stop time is important for billing accuracy. Calls are often terminated well after the media has stopped flowing for such reasons as network or equipment peculiarities.

Media Stop Time VSAs

To record the actual media stop time, the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller writes the following four VSAs in CDR Stop Records:


These VSAs correspond to:

  • calling side’s media stop time - stream 1
  • called side’s media stop time - stream 1
  • calling side’s media stop time - stream 2
  • called side’s media stop time - stream 2
Media Stop Time Calculation

The granularity of the time at which the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller’s checks for media stream idleness, the actual media stop time, as inserted into a CDR is accurate to between 0 and +10 seconds.

In the following diagram, media idleness monitoring is checked in 10 second time frames. Labeled time measurements are as follows:
  • Tc—Time between most recent idleness sample end and end-of-call time
  • Tm—2 complete idleness windows
  • Te—Time into the idleness window in which the call’s media stopped. This is also the error amount of the recorded media stop time
  • Ti—The actual time between the end of media and the end of call
The Media Idleness Monitoring Timeline image shows a timeline with Tc, Tm, Te, and Ti timeframes, defined above and used for media idleness monitoring.

Tm and Tc are known. The Oracle Communications Session Border Controller also knows that the media ended between 20 and 30 seconds, but the actual time, 10- Te into the frame is unknown. Thus, the time recorded in the CDR is quantized up to the end of the media stop frame at 30 seconds. This time, as written to the CDR, must be interpreted with possible error of 0 ≤ Te < 10 seconds.

Media Stop Time during HA Switchover

When a switchover occurs between media stop time and end of call, the media stop time written to the CDR is the failover time.

Millisecond Granularity for CDRs

Some accounting features require greater precision. The attribute acct-session-time can be configured to be in milliseconds.

The RADIUS attribute acct-session-time uses seconds as its default. You can set this to a millisecond granularity in the account-config configuration element using the option millisecond-duration. This option setting is required for the RADIUS CDR display, Diameter RF accounting and locally-generated CDR comma separated value (CSV) files behaviors.


Changing to millisecond granularity violates RFC 2866.
Configure acct-session-time for millisecond granularity

Set the option for millsecond granularity for the acct-session-time attribute.

  1. Access the account-config configuration element.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
    ORACLE(session-router)# account-config
  2. Type select to begin configuring this object.
  3. options—Set the options parameter by typing +options, a Space, the option name millsecond-duration and then press Enter.
  4. Type done to save your configuration.

SIP Call Tear Down Due to Media Guard Timer Expiration

When a SIP call is torn down by the SBC due to media timers expiring, the following standard and VSA attributes and their corresponding values will appear in the CDR stop message together:

Table 2-1 Media Guard Timer Expiration in CDR

CDR Attribute Value Explanation
Acct-Terminate-Cause Idle-Timeout This standard RADIUS AVP indicates the call was ended due to a timer expiring.
h323-disconnect-cause "6" This VSA AVP indicates the call was ended due to a timeout.
Acme-Disconnect-Initiator 3 This VSA AVP indicates the call disconnect was initiated internally from the SBC, and not from an endpoint or due to an unknown reason.

Set Accounting Message Generation

You set the account configuration parameters to define high level accounting information. After setting initial parameters in the account-config, you must create one or more accounting-servers that define the systems where RADIUS accounting CDRs are sent.

To configure the account configuration:

  1. Access the account-config configuration element.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
    ORACLE(session-router)# account-config
  2. generate-start—Retain the default value ok if you want the RADIUS Start message to be generated once the SBC receives an OK message in response to an INVITE.

    Other options include:

    • Invite—RADIUS Start message should be generated once the SBC receives a SIP session INVITE.

    • None—RADIUS Start message is not generated.

    • ""—When two quotation marks are entered next to each other (empty), behavior is identical to none value.

  3. generate-interim—Retain the default value reinvite response to cause the SBC to transmit a RADIUS Interim message. (A RADIUS Interim message indicates to the accounting server that the SIP session parameters have changed.)
    You can select none, one, or more than one of the following values:
    • ok—RADIUS Start message is generated when the SBC receives an OK message in response to an INVITE.
    • reinvite—RADIUS Interim message is generated when the SBC receives a SIP session reINVITE message.
    • reinvite response (default)—RADIUS Interim message is generated when the SBC receives a SIP session reINVITE and responds to it (for example, session connection or failure).
    • reinvite cancel—RADIUS Interim message is generated when the SBC receives a SIP session reINVITE, and the Reinvite is cancelled before the SBC responds to it.
    • unsuccessful-attempt—RADIUS Interim message is generated when a SIP session set-up attempt from a preference-ordered list of next-hop destinations is unsuccessful. This can happen when a local policy lookup, LRT lookup, ENUM query response, or SIP redirect returns a preference-ordered list of next-hop destinations. The interim message contains: the destination IP address, the disconnect reason, a timestamp for the failure, and the number that was called.
  4. intermediate-period—Set the time in seconds between generating periodic interim records. This parameter defaults to zero, which is not a valid value.

    Interim record generation for each call type is as follows:

    • H.323—The periodic timer (set to the value you specify in the accounting configuration) is dynamically created when the SBC receives a Connect message and an H.323 call answer method is invoked. The SBC deletes the timer when the H.323 session is terminated.
    • SIP—The periodic timer (set to the value you specify in the accounting configuration) is dynamically created when the SBC receives an initial INVITE message. The SBC deletes the timer when the session is terminated.
  5. Type done to save your configuration.

Enhanced Stop CDR Reporting for Exceeded Ingress Session Constraints

The SIP enhanced-cdr option enables consistent generation of RADIUS Stop records on both ingress and egress paths. With enhanced-cdr enabled, RADIUS Stop records are generated in response to any ingress path rejection of a dialog creating SIP INVITE request. The contents of RADIUS Stop records are also written to the local CDR files (if enabled).

Use the following command syntax to enable consistent generation of RADIUS Stop records.

ORACLE(sip-config)# options +enhanced-cdr

In legacy releases there was an inconsistency in the generation of RADIUS Stop records when calls are rejected for exceeding configured session ingress or egress constraints. On the egress path, legacy releases rejected such calls with a 503 (Service Unavailable) response and the generation of a RADIUS STOP record. On the ingress path, however, while calls were rejected with a 503 response, RADIUS Stop records were not generated.

Including P-Visited Network Identifier and History-Info Headers in CDRs

You can configure the SBC to add fully compliant P-Visited Network Identifier (PVNI) and History-Info (HI) headers in CDRs. You configure this by adding the pcscf-cdr-compliance option to the account-config, specifying whether you want to include PVNI (PVNI-pref), HI (HI-pref), or both. The behavior is dependent on the type of call, including Mobile Terminating (MT) and Mobile Originating (MO), information provided by SIP, and whether you are also using an S8HR profile.

The PVNI and HI fields in CDRs may or may not contain data. When configured, the SBC performs processes to determine whether or not to add:

  • P-Visited-Network-ID to the applicable CDR field
  • History-Info to the applicable CDR field

You configure the pcscf-cdr-compliance in the applicable account-config to use these processes within your environment.

ORACLE# configure terminal
ORACLE(configure)# session-router
ORACLE(session-router)# account-config
ORACLE(account-config)# select
ORACLE(account-config)# options +pcscf-cdr-compliance=PVNI-pref

If you save and activate this configuration, the SBC enables PVNI CDR population for MT calls. To configure for both PVNI and HI headers, configure the option with both values separated by a comma and enclosed in quotes.

ORACLE(account-config)# options +pcscf-cdr-compliance="PVNI-pref,HI-pref"

Support for P-Visited-Network-ID Field

For MT calls, the access SBC, deployed as an A-SBC, inserts the PVNI header in CDRs based on the called party registration cache entry (MCC/MNC). If the Called party registration cache does not have a PVNI value, the A-SBC inserts the network-id value from the access side (egress realm) sip-interface configuration as the PVNI into CDRs.

For both MO and MT and when you configure it to add PVNI to CDRs, the A-SBC checks for an s8hr-profile in the same interface:

  • If there is an S8HR profile on the access sip-interface:
    • If the SBC receives an MCC/MNC from the Rx server, it creates the PVNI header using the called party registration cache entry (MCC/MNC) and adds it to the CDR.
    • If the SBC does not receive an MCC/MNC, It checks whether there is a network-id value on the access side sip-interface:
      1. If so, the SBC creates the PVNI using that network-id value.
      2. If not, the SBC uses the local-mccmnc value as the PVNI, and adds it to CDR.


        If you have not configured the local-mccmnc value in your S8HR profile, the SBC uses the default, which is 999999.
  • If there is not an S8HR profile on the access sip-interface, the SBC checks whether there is a network-id value on the access side sip-interface. If so, the SBC uses the network-id value as the PVNI, and adds it to CDR.
  • If both the S8HR and the egress (access) network-id are not configured, the SBC checks whether the initial INVITE/MESSAGE comes from a trusted endpoint and contains a PVNI:
    • If so, the SBC relays the PVNI and add to CDR.
    • If not, the SBC leaves the PVNI field empty.

When you have set the pcscf-cdr-compliance option to include PVNI, and the SBC is acting as an I-SBC handling MO/MT calls, the SBC uses the following sequence for populating the CDR field:

  1. If configured, uses the network-id on the ingress sip-interface as PVNI.
  2. If populated and from a trusted endpoint, uses the PVNI from the initial INVITE.
  3. Leaves the PVNI field empty.


This behavior applies to the INVITE or any Re-INVITE.

Support for History-Info Field

For MO calls, if you have configured the HI option in the account-config, SBC uses the History-Info(s) received in the initial INVITE replies, including those with 181, 180 or 200 status-codes. The SBC populates the CDR with the last provisional (>100) or final (200) response containing History-Info(s). If History-Info is not available in provisional or final replies, the SBC leaves the History-Info in the CDR empty.

For MT calls, SBC extracts History-Info header(s) from the initial INVITE and adds them to the CDR. If History-Info is not available in the initial INVITE, the SBC leaves the HI field empty.

If there are multiple History-Info headers in the initial INVITE, the SBC concatenates all the history-info headers values, and without exceeding the default or configured CDR field size, adds them to the CDR.

For example, assume INVITE has three History-Info headers in the following order:
  1. HI-1 - 100 characters
  2. HI-2 - 100 characters
  3. HI-3 - 100 characters

By default, the maximum CDR field size is 246. In this case, the SBC includes the first two History-Info headers in their entirety, and truncates HI-3.

Consider the presence of the following HI headers:

  • History-Info: <sip:bob@example.com>;index=1
  • History-Info: <sip:office@example.com>;index=1.2;mp=1
  • History-Info: <sip:office@>;index=1.2.1;rc=1.2

The SBC populates the History-Info CDR as follows

<sip:bob@example.com>;index=1, <sip:office@example.com>;index=1.2;mp=1, <sip:office@>;index= 1.2.1;rc=1.2

The History-Info2 CDR Field

In addition to the History-Info CDR field, the SBC supports the History-Info2 CDR field to capture call history information. The system populates this field when the number of characters for population exceeds the maximum number of characters supported by the History-Info field. If multiple history-info headers generate text that exceeds 246 characters, the SBC parses the headers and adds any spillover into History-Info2. This extends the maximum number of these characters to 492.

For example, if the system receives the following 6 HI headers:

  • History-Info: [sip:+34606550955@;user=phone?Privacy=none];index=1
  • History-Info: [sip:unknown@unknown.invalid;cause=404];index=1.1
  • History-Info: [sip:unknown@unknown.invalid;cause=404];index=1.1.1
  • History-Info: [sip:unknown@unknown.invalid;cause=404];index=
  • History-Info: [sip:+34606550955@;user=phone;cause=404?Privacy=non e];index=
  • History-Info: [sip:+34818281924925024@;user=phone;cause=404;index =]

The system includes the first four HI headers in the History Info attribute, and the last two in the History Info2 attribute.

The maximum number of characters for retaining History-Info data is 492 characters. Should your deployment exceed that number of characters, you can consider setting the cdr-attr-size-limit option in the sip-config to enable the system to drop the earliest History Info headers in the list and avoid truncating the last entries.

Including the Reason-Header AVP in CDRs

You can configure the SBC to include reason header AVPs in diameter STOP and EVENT CDRs within the context of a configured account-config. When configured, the SBC does this for both cause information it receives from another device and for cause information the system generates itself. To do this, you enable the add-reason-header parameter in the sip-config. When enabled, the SBC includes the Reason-Header AVP in Diameter Accounting Request (ACRs) for Accounting-Record-Type [STOP/EVENT] CDRs per spec 3GPP TS 32.299 V13.5.0 for both in-dialog and out-of-dialog messages. This is in addition to the parameter's other functions, including adding the SIP reason header to BYE, CANCEL, and SIP Error Responses (4xx, 5xx, 6xx). You can customize the text used in reason headers using the local-error parameters in the local-response-map that you apply to your target traffic.

The system checks incoming BYE, CANCEL, and SIP Error Responses (4xx, 5xx, 6xx) for reason headers to propagate using either default or customized messaging you have specified in your local response map. These headers would be presented as Q.850 cause and text information. If the incoming message does not include reason headers, the SBC does not insert a reason header AVP in the ACR or a reason header in the ensuing signaling. If it receives multiple reason-headers, the system adds them all in both AVP and the signaling. If the SBC does not have a customized or default mapping for a SIP error code, it maps that code to the q850CauseTypeInternalError (47).

In addition to reason header propagation, the SBC generates reason headers based on issues it identifies itself. These would usually be 6xx responses. For these situations, the SBC also includes the reason-header AVP for CDRs and SIP error messages for egress. The system uses the default or customized messaging configured in the local-response-map for its own reason headers.


The SBC never uses SIP cause and text to construct its own reason headers. instead adding the q850 cause and text. It does, however, make the content of Reason-Header AVP the same as that of received SIP Reason: header.

To create reason headers, the SBC concatenates the q.850-cause and q.850-reason. A formatted example of a SIP reason-header follows.

Q.850;cause=16;text="Call Terminated"

See Configure Reason and Cause Mapping for SIP-SIP Calls for instructions on configuring a local-response-map, including the local-error parameters and the add-reason-header parameter.

Default Reason Header Information

When you enable the add-reason-header in the sip-config without having configured a local-response-map, the SBC adds reason information to responses and CDRs using default q.850 reason-text and q.850 cause-codes. An example of default text for the 488 message code is "Not Acceptable here". The SBC includes all error code enumerations in the local-error listing within the local-response-map. Default values are presented below.

SIP Error Codes Integer Value Q850 Cause Codes Integer Value
RESP_STATUS_MOVED 301 q850CauseTypeNumberChanged 22
RESP_STATUS_BAD 400 q850CauseTypeInternalError 47
RESP_STATUS_UNAUTH 401 q850CauseTypeIncomingBarred 55
RESP_STATUS_PAY_REQ 402 q850CauseTypeIncomingBarred 55
RESP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN 403 q850CauseTypeIncomingBarred 55
RESP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND 404 q850CauseTypeDestUnreachable 3
RESP_STATUS_NOT_ALLOW 405 q850CauseTypeIncomingBarred 55
RESP_STATUS_NOT_ACCEPT 406 q850CauseTypeIncomingBarred 55
RESP_STATUS_AUTH_REQ 407 q850CauseTypeIncomingBarred 55
RESP_STATUS_REQ_TMO 408 q850CauseTypeNoUserResponding 18
RESP_STATUS_CONFLICT 409 q850CauseTypeInternalError 47
RESP_STATUS_GONE 410 q850CauseTypeNumberChanged 22
RESP_STATUS_LEN_REQ 411 q850CauseTypeInternalError 47
RESP_STATUS_TOO_BIG 413 q850CauseTypeInvalidMessageRecv 95
RESP_STATUS_URI_TOO_BIG 414 q850CauseTypeInvalidMessageRecv 95
RESP_STATUS_MEDIA 415 q850CauseTypeMediaNegFailure 65
RESP_STATUS_BAD_EXT 420 q850CauseTypeInvalidMessageRecv 95
RESP_STATUS_TMP_UNAVAIL 480 q850CauseTypeNouserAnswer 19
RESP_STATUS_NO_EXIST 481 q850CauseTypeInternalError 47
RESP_STATUS_LOOP 482 q850CauseTypeInternalError 47
RESP_STATUS_TOOMNY_HOPS 483 q850CauseTypeExchangeRoutingError 25
RESP_STATUS_ADDR_INCMPL 484 q850CauseTypeInvalidNumberFormat 28
RESP_STATUS_AMBIGUOUS 485 q850CauseTypeInternalError 47
RESP_STATUS_BUSY_HERE 486 q850CauseTypeUserBusy 17
RESP_STATUS_CANCELLED 487 q850CauseTypeInternalError 47
RESP_STATUS_NOT_HERE 488 q850CauseTypeMediaNegFailure 65
RESP_STATUS_INT_ERR 500 q850CauseTypeInternalError 47
RESP_STATUS_NOT_IMPL 501 q850CauseTypeFacilityRejected 29
RESP_STATUS_BAD_GTWY 502 q850CauseTypeDestOutofOrder 27
RESP_STATUS_SVC_UNAVAIL 503 q850CauseTypeInternalError 47
RESP_STATUS_GTWY_TMO 504 q850CauseTypeTimeout 102
RESP_STATUS_BAD_VER 505 q850CauseTypeInvalidMessageRecv 95
RESP_STATUS_BUSY 600 q850CauseTypeUserBusy 17
RESP_STATUS_DECLINE 603 q850CauseTypeCallRejected 21
RESP_STATUS_DONT_EXIST 604 q850CauseTypeDestUnreachable 3
RESP_STATUS_NOTACCEPT 606 q850CauseTypeInternalError 47

Changing Default Reason Text

You configure the Q850 cause code using the entries configuration in the local-response-map table for SIP Error Codes. You configure Q850 cause codes corresponding to each local error one at a time. The example configuration below sets the Q850 cause code and reason text corresponding to the locally generated SIP error 488.

ORACLE# sh running-config local-response-map
local-error       not-acceptable-here-488
sip-status        488
q850-cause        65
q850-reason       Not Acceptable Here

Assume the SBC generates a 488. Using the entries configuration above, to specify the Q850 cause code. The SBC would construct the SIP Reason Header using the q850-cause and q850-reason.

The resulting message would be:

Reason: Q.850;cause=65;text="Not Acceptable Here"

Similarly, for 5xx, 6xx as per the Q850 cause code and reason text configured in local-response-map, SBC constructs the reason header using these values.

ORACLE# sh running-config local-response-map
local-error       sip-locally-generated-bye
q850-cause        16
q850-reason       Bye Call Terminated

The resulting message would be:

Reason: Q.850;cause=16;text="Bye Call Terminated"

If you do not configure the message, the default resulting message would be:

Reason: Q.850;cause=16;text="Call Terminated"
Configure the System to Add Reason Headers
To enable the SBC to add the Reason header:
  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router and press Enter.
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
  3. Type sip-config and press Enter.
    ORACLE(session-router)# sip-config
  4. add-reason-header—Enable this parameter to add the Reason header(s) to responses and CDRs.
    The default value is disabled. The valid values are:
    • enabled | disabled
  5. Save and activate your configuration for changes to take effect.

Per Realm Accounting Control

You can enable or disable accounting control for specific ingress realms using the accounting-enable parameter. This parameter is enabled by default.

The SBC’s SIP and H.323 tasks check whether this parameter is set to enabled or disabled, and sends records on that basis.


This realm configuration does not trigger accounting of MESSAGE and REGISTER traffic.

Egress Realm Accounting Option

You can also set the force-realm-accounting option in the sip-config to ensure the SBC performs accounting based on this configuration on the egress realm.

For session accounting, the SBC checks the realm accounting configuration on both the ingress and egress realms. If the accounting configuration is enabled on either realm, and you have enabled the sip-config option, the SBC performs accounting for that session. If you have not enabled the sip-config option, the SBC only performs accounting for calls at the ingress realms that have accounting enabled.

This option also causes the SBC to perform accounting for REGISTER and MESSAGE requests. For this purpose, the SBC first checks whether you have configured the sip-config option. If set, the SBC checks the realm accounting configuration on the ingress and egress realms. If you have configured realm accounting configuration on either realm, the SBC performs accounting on these messages.

The syntax for this option follows.

ORACLE(sip-config)# options + force-realm-accounting

Both the force-realm-accounting option and the accounting-enable parameter are RTC supported.

ACLI Instructions

To configure per realm accounting:

  1. Access the realm-config configuration element.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
    ORACLE(configure)# media-manager
    ORACLE(media-manager)# realm-config
  2. Select the realm-config object to edit.
    ORACLE(realm-config)# select
    1: realm01 left-left:0
    selection: 1
  3. accounting-enable—Either leave this parameter set to enabled (default) to generate CDRs for this realm, or change it to disabled.
  4. Type done to save your configuration.

RADIUS CDR Content Control

CDRs can be cusomized to limit their size as generated. The SBC’s RADIUS accounting provides a detailed set of records that can contain, for example, multiple media flow descriptions for forked calls that can contain multiple sets of media and QoS attributes. While the level of detail might be required for some networks, in others the large CDRs generated to reflect that level of granularity can cause issues for the application receiving the records.

You can control the size of the RADIUS CDRs your SBC produces:

  • Duplicate RADIUS attribute prevention—Using this feature, you can configure the SBC to send only one set of RADIUS attributes in CDR for a forked call. (When a forked SIP INVITE contains media information, media and QoS attributes can potentially be duplicated.)
  • RADIUS attribute selection—You can set a list of the Oracle VSAs you want included in a RADIUS CDR, and the SBC will exclude the others from the record; standard attributes are always included. You specify attributes using their unique identifier in a comma-delimited list, and you can list them in any order. However, entering an invalid range disables this feature.

    The SBC excludes attributes from the records in which they are already defined. If an attributes only appears in a Stop record, then it will be deleted from Stop records.

Configuring Duplicate RADIUS Attribute Generation

To enable duplicate RADIUS attribute prevention:

  1. Access the account-config configuration element.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
    ORACLE(session-router)# account-config
  2. Type select to begin configuring this object.
  3. prevent-duplicate-attrs—Enable this parameter to prevent the SBC from duplicating attributes in the accounting records it generates. This duplication can be caused, for example, by multiple media sessions within the context of a call. Retaining the default (disabled) allows the SBC to include duplicate attributes in RADIUS, Diameter and Local accounting records. This can result in attribute placement and counts that are less consistent.
  4. Save and activate your configuration.

Configuring Specific RADIUS Attributes for CDR Inclusion

You enter the list of VSAs that you want included as a comma-delimited list. There are special entry types you can use in the comma-delimited list to set ranges and make entries easier:

  • X- — Where X is a VSA identifier, the SBC will include all attributes with an identifier equal to or greater than X.
  • -X — Where X is a VSA identifier, the SBC will include all attributes with an identifier equal to or less than X.
  • - — Use the minus sign (-) alone when you want to turn off attribute selection, including all VSAs in the CDR.

To enter a list of RADIUS attributes to include in a CDR:

  1. Access the account-config configuration element.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
    ORACLE(session-router)# account-config
  2. Type select to begin configuring this object.
  3. vsa-id-range—Enter a comma-delimited list that represents the VSA you want to appear in the RADIUS CDR. There is no default for this parameter.

    Do not use <Spaces> when typing in your comma-delimited list.

    ORACLE(account-config)# vsa-id-range -5,7,10-

    This entry specifies that CDRs contain VSA with identifiers equal to and less than 5, VSA 7, and VSAs with identifiers equal to and greater than 10.

    Limit this list to accounting VSAs. For example, VSA 254 is an authentication VSA, so it should not be included in the range. The system generates validate-config errors if your range includes VSAs that are not accounting VSAs.

  4. Save and activate your configuration.


This section describes these additions to the SBC’s RADIUS accounting capabilities for customizing your call detail records (CDRs):

  • Generating CDRs with call detail information from a SIP message—The SBC reserves a set of vender-specific attributes (VSAs) and then populates them according to your header manipulation (HMR) configuration
  • Generating CDRs with trunk group information—You can enable your SBC to provide terminating trunk-group and trunk-context data even when the SBC is not performing trunk-group routing.

Both support using the CSV file for RADIUS records, which you can either save locally or push to a defined FTP server.

About User-Defined VSAs for SIP Calls

The SBC reserves VSAs 200-229 for you to define for use with SIP calls. These VSAs should never be used for other purposes, and their use should never conflict with the need to add new VSAs in the future. Because this leaves a significant number of VSAs unused, there is still ample space for any new VSAs that might be required.

Since RADIUS START records are created on session initiation, their content cannot be updated. However, the content for INTERIM and STOP records can be.

To configure user-defined VSAs for a SIP call, you use HMR. For example, when you set up HMR correctly, the SBC reports originating or terminating country codes in CDRs in whatever format they appear in the SIP username field. The HMR rules you configure uses the SIP header name P-Acme-VSA, adding it to the SIP header from any part of the SIP message. Then the SBC searches for the P-Acme-VSA header, generates a VSA for it, and then includes that VSA in the CDR for the call.

You can include multiple custom VSAs per CDR by adding the corresponding number of rules; in essence, you add in the header as many times as required.

HMR Adaptations

The following HMR element rule types support user-defined VSA for SIP calls:

  • uri-user-only—The uri-user-only element rule type represents the URI username without the URI user parameters. You can perform these actions for the uri-user-only type: store, replaces, delete, and add. This means, for example, that you can add a username string to SIP or TEL URI without having any impact on other parameters.
  • uri-phone-number-only—The uri-phone-number-only applies when all rules are met. It refers to the user part of the SIP/TEL URI without the user parameters when the user qualifies for the BNF shown here:
    uri-phone-number-only   =   [+]1*(phone-digit / dtmf-digit / pause-character)
    phone-digit             =   DIGIT / visual-separator
    DIGIT                   =   "0" / "1" / "2" / "3" / "4" / "5" / "6" / "7" / "8" / "9"
    visual-separator        =   "-" / "." / "(" / ")"
    dtnf-digit              =   "*" / "#" / "A" / "B" / "C" / "D"
    pause-character         =   "p" / "w"

    Once the URI user part qualifies as a uri-phone-number-only based on this BNF, the SBC ignores the visual separators when comparing it against a match value. Furthermore, the SBC performs on or using the uri-phone-number-only after the excluding the visual separators.

    But anew value being added as a uri-phone-number-only or replacing a uri-phone-number-only does not have to match the BNF noted above. That is, you can use the uri-phone-number-only type knowing that:

    • The action only occurs if the URI username matches the BNF defined here.
    • Even so, you can also replace the uri-phone-number-only with one that does not match—using the same rule.
HMR String Variable

HMR supports the use of a string variable that you can use to populate headers and elements. You set this value in the manipulation-string parameter for a realm, SIP session agent, or SIP interface. Then, you reference it as the $MANIP_STRING variable.

When a message arrives, the SBC matches the string you provision to the closest session agent, realm, or SIP interface. The precedence for matching is in this order: session agent, realm, and then SIP interface. For example, the SBC populates messages matching a session agent using the $MANIP_STRING variable, but it leaves the value empty for session agents that do not match.

You can use the string variable, for instance, for values specific to realms and session agents such as country code values when the regular expression pattern used to match a country code fails to do so.

Configure User-Defined VSAs

This section shows you how to configure user-defined VSAs for SIP calls. It also contains subsections with configuration examples so you can see how this feature is put to use.

This section also shows you two configuration examples for this feature.

To create a header manipulation rule that generates user-defined VSAs for SIP calls:

  1. Acces the sip-header-rules configuration element.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
    ORACLE(session-router)# sip-manipulation
    ORACLE(sip-manipulation)# header-rules
  2. name—Enter a meaningful name for the header rule you are creating. For example, if you want to add VSA 200 to your CDRs for SIP calls, you might name your rule generateVSA200. There is no default for this parameter, and it is required.
  3. header-name—Set this parameter to P-Acme-VSA so the SBC will add this accounting information to CDRs for the call.
  4. action—Set this parameter to add.
  5. new-value—Enter the regular expression value for the new value you want to add. For example, to add VSA 200 that contains the value from the SIP From header, you would enter 200:+$storeFrom.$0.
  6. Save and activate your configuration.

The first example shows you how to generate custom VSA for the To and From headers in SIP messages.

  • VSA 200 contains the header value from the SIP From header.
  • VSA 220 contains the header value from the SIP To header.
            namecustom                             VSA1
                    name                           storeFrom
                    header-name                    from
                    action                         store
                    comparison-type                pattern-rule
                    match-value                    .*
                    msg-type                       request
                    methods                        INVITE
                    name                           storeTo
                    header-name                    to
                    action                         store
                    comparison-type                pattern-rule
                    match-value                    .*
                    msg-type                       request
                    methods                        INVITE
                    name                           generateVSA200
                    header-name                    P-Acme-VSA
                    action                         add
                    comparison-type                case-sensitive
    msg-type                       any
                    new-value                      200:+$storeFrom.$0
                    methods                        INVITE
                    name                           generateVSA220
                    header-name                    P-Acme-VSA
                    action                         add
                    comparison-type                case-sensitive
                    msg-type                       any
                    new-value                      220:+$storeTo.$0
                    methods                        INVITE

The second example shows you how to configure HMR to generate VSA 225, which contains the customer P_From header when it is present. When that header is not present, the rule instructs the SBC to include the header value from the SIP From header for VSA 225.

        name                                  customVSA1
                name                          storePfrom
                header-name                   P_From
                action                        store
                comparison-type               pattern-rule
                match-value                   .*
                msg-type                      request
                methods                       INVITE
                name                          storeFrom
                header-name                   from
                action                        store
                comparison-type               pattern-rule
                match-value                   .*
                msg-type                      request
methods                       INVITE
                name                          generateVSA225_1
                header-name                   P-Acme-VSA
                action                        add
                comparison-type               case-sensitive
                msg-type                      request
                new-value                     225:+$storeFrom.$0
                methods                       INVITE
                name                          generateVSA225_2
                header-name                   P-Acme-VSA
                action                        manipulate
                comparison-type               pattern-rule
                match-value                   $storePfrom
                msg-type                      request
                methods                       INVITE
                        name                            one
                        type                            header-value
                        action                          delete-element
                        match-val-type                  any
                        comparison-type                 pattern-rule
                        match-value                     ^225.*
                        name                            two
                        type                            header-value
                        action                          add
                        match-val-type                  any
                        comparison-type                 case-sensitive
                        new-value                       225:+$storePfrom.$0
ACLI Instructions String Variable

To use the HMR string variable, you set the manipulation-string value in the SIP session agent, realm, or SIP interface where you want the feature applied. The following sample shows you how to configure the manipulation-string parameter for SIP session agent.

  1. Access the session-agent configuration element.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
    ORACLE(session-router)# session-agent
  2. manipulation-string—Enter a value that references the $MANIP_STRING variable that will be used to populate SIP headers and elements using HMR. There is no default value for this parameter.
  3. Save and activate your configuration.

Trunk-Group VSA Generation

You can force the SBC to generate VSAs related to trunk groups even when you are not using the trunk group feature. With the force-report-trunk-info parameter turned on in the session router configuration:

  • The SBC reports terminating trunk group and trunk-context information even though it has not perform trunk-group routing.

    The appropriate VSAs report the terminating trunk-group (VSA 65) and trunk context (VSA 67) with the information of the matching ingress session agent and realm of the originator.

  • The SBC reports the terminating trunk-group (VSA 66) and trunk context (VSA 68) as the received trunk group and context from the call’s SIP REQUEST message. If the SIP message has none, then the SBC uses the information from the matching egress session agent (or egress realm, when available) and next-hop realm.

    Note that information is reported after HMR processing—meaning that header manipulation has been performed on the message information reported.

ACLI Instructions and Examples

You enable trunk-group VSA generation on a system-wide basis in the session-router configuration.

To enable forced trunk-group VSA generation:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router and press Enter.
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
  3. Type session-agent and press Enter.
    ORACLE(session-router)# session-router
  4. forced-report-trunk-info—Change this parameter to enabled if you want to turn on the SBC’s ability to generate VSAs for trunk group information even when you are not using trunk-group routing. The SBC uses VSAs 65-68 to report originating and terminating trunk group information as described in the Trunk-Group VSA Generation section above. By default, this parameter is disabled.
  5. Save and activate your configuration.