Methods for Display and Format of CSV File Contents

The HDR collector transmits data to a CSV file in standard format. Each file is formatted as <Unix timestamp>.csv (for example, 1302041977.csv). Within the file, each record also has an associated record timestamp. The filename timestamp is the time that the CSV file was create. The record timestamp is the window of time that the HDR collector used to collect the data. For more information on windows of time, see Windows of Time.

You can display the file in any of the following ways:

  • The Linux command cat <timestamp>.csv
  • The Microsoft command type <timestamp>.csv
  • A spreadsheet application

The following examples show each of these methods.

Example 1 - Using the UNIX Command

The following shows the use of the cat <timestamp>.csv UNIX command to display the contents of a system group CSV file in raw data format.

[AcmePacket]$ cat 1302041977.csv
TimeStamp,CPU Utilization,Memory Utilization,Health 
Score,Redundancy State,Signaling Sessions,
Signaling Rate (CPS),CAM Utilization (NAT),
CAM Utilization (ARP),I2C Bus State,License Capacity,
Current Cached SIP Local Contact Registrations,
Current MGCP Public Endpoint Gateway Registrations,
Current H323 Number of Registrations,
Application Load Rate


Example 2 - Using the DOS Command

The following shows the use of the type <timestamp>.csv Microsoft® Windows DOS command to display the contents of a sip-sessions group CSV file in raw data format.

C:\AcmePacket> type 1301702284.csv
Timestamp,Sessions,Sessions Initial,
Sessions Early,Sessions	Established,Sessions
Terminated,Dialogs,Dialogs Early,
Dialogs Confirmed,Dialogs Terminated


Example 3 - Using a Rendering Agent

The following shows the use of a rendering agent (a Microsoft application) to display the contents of a sip-sessions group CSV file in table format.

Timestamp   Sessions  Sessions Initial  Sessions Early ...
130170228   45        45                28             ...
1301702456  35        35                35             ...

The formats in the examples above pertain to all of the HDR groups specified in HDR Groups and Group Statistics, except the sip-invite Group. For information on the sip-invite HDR data format in the CSV file, see the next section.