Sip-invite Format of HDR Data in CSV File

The HDR data for the sip-invite group displays on multiple lines in the CSV file. The first HDR record displays the list of statistics in column format. The second HDR record also displays statistics in column format, and so on. Both client and server totals are included in the data.

The following shows an example of the sip-invite group CSV file for a client and a server displayed in a Microsoft DOS window format.

C:\AcmePacket> type 130204198.csv
Timestamp,Message/Event,Server Totals,Client Totals
1301702288,INVITE Requests ,0,0
1301702288,100 Trying,0,0
1301702288,180 Ringing,0,0
1301702288,181 Forwarded,0,0
1301702288,183 Progress,0,0
1301702288,1xx Provisional,0,0
1301702288,200 OK,0,0
1301702288,202 Accepted,0,0
1301702288,2xx Success,0,0
1301702288,30x Moved,0,0
1301702288,Transaction Timeouts,,0
1301702288,Locally Throttled,,0
1301702348,INVITE Requests ,0,0
1301702348,100 Trying,0,0
1301702348,180 Ringing,0,0
1301702348,181 Forwarded,0,0
1301702348,183 Progress,0,0
1301702348,1xx Provisonal,0,0
1301702348,200 OK,0,0
1301702348,202 Accepted,0,0
1301702348,2xx Success,0,0
1301702348,30x Moved,0,0
1301702348,Response Retrans,0,0
1301702348,Transaction Timeouts,,0
1301702348,Locally Throttled,,0

The following shows an example of the sip-invite group CSV file for a client and a server displayed in a Microsoft rendering application format.

Timestamp      Message/Event     Server Totals     Client Totals
1301702288     INVITE Requests   0                 0
1301702288     Retransmission    0                 0
1301702288     100 Trying        0                 0
1301702288     180 Ringing       0                 0
1301702288     181 Forwarded     0                 0
1301702288     183 Progress      0                 0
1301702288     1xx Provisional   0                 0
1301702288     200 OK            0                 0
1301702288     202 Accepted      0                 0
1301702288     2xx Success       0                 0
1301702288     30x Moved         0                 0