Creating SBC Stack

A SBC stack instantiates a standalone or HA pair on OCI with Day-0 configurations, for example: loading product type and entitlements, configuring cores, setting up HA configuration, SNMP etc.

The Day-0 configurations include:

  • Configuring product type and entitlements.
  • Configuring default REST interface (using self-signed certificates).
  • Configuring network mapping.
  • Configuring disk partitions.
  • Changing user/admin password.
  • Configuring CPU core assignments.
  • Configuring SNMP/NTP service.
  • Redundancy configuration for HA.

To create a SBC stack:

  1. From the Navigation menu, click Oracle Cloud Developer Services .
  2. Under Resource Manager, click Stacks.
  3. In the Create Stack dialog, under Choose the origin of Terraform configuration, select the option My Configuration.
  4. Under Stack Configuration, select Folder option,
    • Drag and drop a folder or click Browse and navigate to the location of the SBC folder.
  5. Upload the SBC folder.
  6. Enter a Name for the stack or accept the default name.
  7. Enter a Description.
  8. Select the Compartment you want to create the stack.
  9. Select the Terraform version.
  10. Apply tags to the stack, if required.
  11. Click Next.


  12. From the Configure Variables panel, select the variables from the Terraform configuration.
    1. Under SBC General Configurations, enter the Resource Label.


      The Resource Label precedes every resource name in the SBC.
    2. Enter the Bucket Name .
    3. Select the Product Type.
    4. Select Enable High Availability to create HA pair.
    5. Optionally, select Enable Rest Interface to enable the SBC ports to serve REST API requests with self-signed certificates.
    6. Select Apply SBC Base Configuration to apply Day-0 configurations while creating the SBC.
    7. Select Create Data Disk Partitions to create default disk partitions.


      The default disk partitions are: /app - 20% of memory and /sys - 80% of memory.
    8. Select the Licenses .
    9. Optionally enter the User Password.
    10. Optionally enter the Admin Password.


  13. Under Instance Configurations ,
    1. Optionally select the SBC Image from the list.
    2. Select Enter SBC Image OCID Manually, if you want to enter an OCID for SBC Image manually.
    3. Select an Instance Shape.


      Instance Shape determines the number of CPUs, amount of memory, and other resources allocated to a new instance. SBC only supports VM Standard 2.x shapes.
    4. Optionally, enter a SSH Public Key
    5. Optionally, enter a Boot Volume Size .
    6. Optionally, enter a Availability Domain that is available based on the OCI region.
    7. Optionally, select a Fault Domain, if you choose to create a standalone SBC.
    SBC Instance Configuration

    When deploying a vSBC on the VM.Optimized3.Flex shapes, be sure to configure the following fields to these values, as displayed in the dialog below:

    1. Set the Instance Shape to VM.Optimized3.Flex.
    2. Set the Number of OCPUs to 4.
    3. Set the Amount of Memory (GB) to 16.
    SBC Instance Configuration for VM Optimized3 Flex shapes
  14. Under vNIC Configurations,
    1. Select the Virtual Cloud Network from the list.
    2. Select the Wancom0 subnet OCID.
    3. Optionally, enter a static IP address for wancom0 interface (standalone or primary node) in theWancom0 Primary Node IP.
    4. Optionally, enter a static IP address for wancom0 interface (secondary node) in theWancom0 Secondary Node IP.
    5. Select Attach HA interface (wancom1) to add a HA interface.
      • Select the Wancom1 subnet OCID.
      • Optionally, enter a static IP address for wancom1 interface (standalone or primary node) in Wancom1 Primary Node IP.
      • Optionally, enter a static IP address for wancom1 interface (secondary node) in Wancom1 Secondary Node IP.


      Similarly for wancom2, add the HA interface.
    6. Select the Attach Media Interfaces (S0p0) to add a media vNIC.
      • Select the S0P0 Subnet OCID.
      • Select Assign Public IP to assign a public IP address to the media interface. This must a public subnet.
      • Optionally, enter a static IP address for S0P0 interface (standalone or primary node) in S0P0 Primary Node IP.
      • Optionally, enter a static IP address for S0P0 interface (secondary node) in S0P0 Secondary Node IP.
      • Optionally, select a value for static IP address in the S0P0 Static Virtual IPs
      • Optionally, enter the S0P0 Count of Virtual IPs for the media interface.


      Similarly for other media interfaces, select the static IP address for primary and secondary nodes.


  15. Under CPU Core Configurations, optionally
    1. Select the number of CPU Forwarding Core dedicated for forwarding frames.
    2. Enter the number of CPU DOS Cores dedicated for Denial-of-Service Protection.
    3. Enter the number of CPU Transcoding Cores dedicated for transcoding media.
    4. Select Use Sibling Cores, if you want to use sibling core for data-path and virtual SBC uses SMT topology.


    The sum of number of Forwarding Core, DOS Cores, Transcoding Core and two Signaling Cores must be less than or equal to the number of virtual CPUs.
  16. Under SNMP Configurations, optionally
    1. Enter the SNMP Community Name used for SNMP management.
    2. Enter the SNMP IP Address.
  17. Under NTP Configurations, optionally
    1. Enter the NTP Server 1 used for time synchronization.
    2. Enter the NTP Server 2.

    CPU Core Configurations Image

  18. Click Next.
    From the Review panel, verify the configuration variables.


    You can only view the variables whose default values have changed.
  19. Select Run Apply to automatically provision the OCI resources, when the SBC stack is created.

    SBC Review image

  20. Click Create to create the SBC stack.

    The new stack details appear. If you click Plan, you can view the resources that will be created based on the configuration variables.

  21. Click Apply to create the OCI resources.