Prerequisites to Deploying an Azure Instance

You can create some of the objects required during the instance deployment procedure prior to or during that deployment. When created prior to instance deployment, these objects become selectable, typically from drop-down lists in the appropriate deployment dialogs. You may use these objects for a single deployment or for multiple deployments.

Tasks denoted here as SBC instance deployment prerequisites include:

  • You have identified and are deploying to or via the correct Azure:
    • Subscription
    • Region
    • Location
  • You have deployed the SBC VHD.
  • You have created a bootable image using the Create image dialog.
  • You have created the virtual networks you need for media and management interfaces, with the exception of wancom0. Within the context of interface creation, you also need to create:
    • Subnets—The SBC has 3 types of vNICs, including management (wancom0), and Media (s0p0, s1p0 etc). To maintain traffic separation, each of the vNICs should be connected to a separate subnet.
    • Security Groups—These are the equivalent of ACLs, defining the inbound and outbound traffic allowed through that interface.

During the instance interface creation procedure, you must have the appropriate image, subnets and security groups available. You create and attach the wancom0 network (subnet) during instance deployment.

Deploying the SBC VHD File

You acquire the SBC VHD file via your Oracle Support account. You deploy the SBC using the VHD supplied by Oracle, based on the SBC version.

  1. Create a Blob Container under your Storage Accounts .
  2. Upload the VHD using the Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer:
    • To a folder under the Blob Container
    • In the same Region where you plan to create your instance.

After the VHD is uploaded, its URI (URL) is available from the Azure GUI. You use this URI as the import source to create a new disk image. You can create instances manually using the Azure GUI, or via script using the PowerShell command-line. This document presents the GUI procedure.

Create Image

After uploading the file, you create an bootable image from the Create image and specify:

  • An Image Name.
  • An OS disk:
    • Set the OS disk type to Linux.
    • Paste or select your VHD file URI as the Storage blob.
    • Set the Account Type to Standard HDD.
    • Set Host caching to Read/write.

Click the Create button at the bottom of the dialog. Azure creates your boot image. You can review this image from your Azure Home page.

See Azure's Upload a generalized VHD and use it to create new VMs in Azure article for extended instructions on creating your image.

Create Virtual Networks

Virtual networks define the Azure cloud address space within which your interfaces reside. Virtual Subnets divide the virtual networks into segregated subsets in the same way as subnets that are not virtual. You can assign the actual interface address manually or use Azure's DHCP to acquire it.

You select subnets when you create an instances virtual interfaces. You also select security groups during interface creation.

To create a virtual network:

  1. From Azure's navigation list on the left side of the portal, click Create a resource, Networking, Virtual network.
  2. Enter your virtual network's name in the Name field.
  3. Click Address space and configure the space on the subsequent dialog.
  4. Repeat these steps for all distinct networks you need for your instance. interfaces.

Creating a virtual network establishes a single virtual subnet that consists of the entire network's address space. You can divide the network into multiple subnets:

  1. From Azure's navigation list on the left side of the portal, click Virtual networks to display a list of all your
  2. Click the name of your virtual network to access that network's configuration dialog.
  3. Click Subnets (in the SETTINGS section) on the Create virtual network dialog.
  4. Click +Add on the subnet's dialog.
  5. Enter a Name on the Add subnet dialog.
  6. Configure the range in the Subnet address range field.
  7. Repeat these steps for all the interfaces you need for your instance.

If configured correctly, you can review your subnet configuration on Subnets dialog.

See Azure's on line documentation for articles that provide for extended instructions on creating your network elements.