
Prerequisites for creating VCN and SBC stacks

  • The minimum supported version of the Terraform is 0.12.
  • The VCN and SBC folder is a part of the Terraform stack builder tar file (For example - SCZ910_tfStackBuilder.tar.gz). Download the Terraform stack builder file and extract to obtain the OCI folder. The OCI folder contains VCN and SBC folders.
  • Refer the below common files in VCN and SBC folder for more information.
    • README.txt - Contains details about prerequisites, installation, usage of variable and running the template.
    • file - Contains variable description and their default value.
    • file - Contains details about the minimal version supported by the Terraform, OCI provider and any other providers used by the templates.
  • OCI Resource Manager does not support setup entitlements while creating an SBC stack. Prior to configuring a SBC stack, navigate to SBC folder > entitlements > <product>.yaml file, edit the entitlement parameters as required and save the <product>.yaml file.


    It is recommended to avoid special characters while editing the entitlement parameters.
  • Choose a unique Resource Label for a deploying a new SBC or VCN stack.
  • Choose an instance shape based on the number of cores, RAM size and vNICs to attach to a SBC stack.
  • The Password for user and admin account must be SHA1 encoded while configuring a SBC.

Prerequisites for creating SBC stack

To deploy a standalone SBC or HA pair on OCI, create the below list of network resources using a VCN stack.

OCI Resources Quantity Notes
Virtual Cloud Network 1 NA
Internet Gateway 1 Create an internet gateway only if management or media subnets are chosen as public subnets.
Service Gateway 1 Create only if wancom0 subnet is defined as private.
Subnets 7
  • 1 – wancom0 (Private or Public)
  • 2 – Private subnets (wancom1 & wancom2)
  • 4 – Media Subnets for media S0P0, S1P0, S0P1 S1P1 (Private or Public)
Route Tables 3
  • Management RT
  • HA RT
  • Media RT
Security Lists 3
  • Management Security List
  • HA Security List
  • Media Security List