Select Upgrade Procedure

Customers have two options for upgrading the SBC.

  1. If you are upgrading from one major or minor release to a different major or minor release, upload a new bootloader and boot file.

    For example, if upgrading from release S-Cz8.4.0 to S-Cz9.0.0 (a new major release), upload a new bootloader and boot file. Or if upgrading from release S-Cz9.2.0 to S-Cz9.3.0 (a new minor release), upload a new bootloader and boot file. See "Update the Stage 3 Bootloader" for details.

  2. If you are upgrading to the latest patch release within your Major.Minor release stream, upload your boot file and update the boot parameters.

    For example, if upgrading from S-Cz9.1.0p5 to S-Cz9.1.0p7, upload your boot file and update the boot parameters. See "Stand-alone Upgrade" for details.

Upload the Stage 3 Boot Loader and System Image

While the boot loader is generally backward compatible with previous releases, Oracle recommends that you install a boot loader from the same Major.Minor release as the system image. Installing a maintenance or patch release within a Major.Minor release does not normally require updating the boot loader. Perform this procedure for stand-alone and HA deployments, ensuring you are bootingall applicable machines using the correct bootlaoder.

System upgrades typically consist of transferring the new system image and Stage3 boot loader to the system and setting boot parameters to the new system software. To ensure compatibility, copy the Stage 3 boot loader to /code/images/ before you update the boot parameters to use the new software image file. The boot loader file must be renamed using the set-boot-loader command on the target system. When upgrading an HA pair, you must perform the upgrade procedure on each HA node. This includes rebooting the systems after setting the bootloader and image. When performing this task, make sure to upgrade and reboot the standby system first.

Follow the steps below to upload the Stage3 boot loader and system image.

  1. SFTP the software image (*.bz) and Stage3 boot loader (*.boot) to /code/images/.
    [Downloads]$ ls -l
    total 163380
    -rw-r--r-- 1 bob src  15591728 Dec  9 14:45 nnSCZ900p1.boot
    -rw-r--r-- 1 bob src 151705904 Dec  9 14:45
    [Downloads]$ sftp admin@
    Connected to admin@
    sftp> cd /code/images/
    sftp> put *
    Uploading nnSCZ900p1.boot to /code/images/nnSCZ900p1.boot
    nnSCZ840p3.boot                 100%   15MB  30.8MB/s   00:00
    Uploading to /code/images/                   100%  145MB  48.3MB/s   00:02 
    sftp> bye
  2. SSH to your target machine.
  3. Run set-boot-loader with the path to the new bootloader.
    ORACLE# set-boot-loader /code/images/nnSCZ900p1.boot
    Verifying signature of /code/images/nnSCZ840p3.boot
    Version: Acme Packet SCZ9.0.0 Patch 3 (Build 188) 202010201742
    Image integrity verification passed
    Successfully copied /code/images/nnSCZ900p1.boot to /boot/bootloader
  4. Run set-boot-file with the path to the new software image.
    ORACLE# set-boot-file /code/images/
    Verifying signature of /code/images/
    Version: Acme Packet SCZ9.0.0 Patch 3 (Build 188) 202010201720
    Image integrity verification passed
    old boot file /boot/bzImage being replaced with /code/images/
  5. Reboot.

Stand-alone Upgrade


A stand-alone upgrade incurs system downtime. Plan your upgrade accordingly.

The following procedure describes how to upgrade an SBC with a new software image.

  1. SFTP your new boot image to the /boot directory of the SBC.
    If your /boot directory uses restricted permissions, upload to the /code/images/ directory.
  2. Change the boot configuration parameters to use the new image.


    Changing the Boot File boot parameter configuration performs the same function as running the set-boot-file command.

    In the ACLI configure terminal menu, type bootparam and press <Enter> to display the list of boot parameters. Stop when you reach the Boot File boot parameter and type the appropriate file name next to the previous file name.

    In the following example, /boot/ is the path of the old release and /boot/ is the path of the new release.

    SBC1# configure terminal
    SBC1(configure)# bootparam
    '.' = clear field;  '-' = go to previous field;  q = quit
    Boot File               : /boot/ /boot/
  3. Press <Enter> to continue scrolling through the boot parameters.
  4. Reboot the SBC using the reboot command.

    The SBC should now be successfully running the new release.