Viewing ETC NIU Statistics

The following ACLI commands are NOT supported by the ETC NIU.

  • show security srtp spd
  • show security srtp statistics

The following ACLI commands have been modified when used in conjunction with the ETC NIU.

  • show sa stats

    The srtp option (show sa stats srtp) is not available for the ETC NIU.

  • show security srtp sad

    Only the brief option (show security srtp sad intName brief) is supported for the ETC NIU.

ORACLE# show security srtp sad M00:33 brief 
WARNING: This action might affect system performance and take a long time to finish.
Are you sure [y/n]?: y
SRTP security-association-database for interface 'M00:33':
Displaying SA's that match the following criteria -
        direction                 : both
        src-addr-prefix           : any
        src-port                  : any
        dst-addr-prefix           : any
        dst-port                  : any
        trans-proto               : ALL

        destination-address       :
        destination-port          : 10022
        vlan-id                   : 33
        mode                      : srtp
        encr-algo                 : aes-128-ctr
        auth-algo                 : hmac-sha1
        auth-tag-length           : 80
        mki                       : 0
        mki length                : 0
        roll over count           : 0

        destination-address       :
        destination-port          : 10000
        vlan-id                   : 33
        mode                      : srtp
        encr-algo                 : aes-128-ctr
        auth-algo                 : hmac-sha1
        auth-tag-length           : 80
        mki                       : 0

The following ACLI commands have been augmented for use with the ETC HIU.

show nat flow-info srtp statistics

The show nat flow-info srtp statistics ACLI command displays global statistics for all SRTP flows.

ORACLE# show nat flow-info srtp statistics 
PPX Global Statistics
        alloc_count               : 34768
        dealloc_count             : 34732
        input-packets             : 0
        output-packets            : 0
        sessions-count            : 602
        init-requests             : 1798
        init-success              : 1798
        init-fail                 : 0
        modify-requests           : 600
        modify-success            : 600
        modify-fail               : 0
        delete-requests           : 1796
        delete-success            : 1796
        delete-fail               : 0
        query-requests            : 2
        query-success             : 2
        query-fail                : 0
        resources-error           : 0
        protect-fail              : 0
        unprotect-fail            : 0
        status-err                : 0
        bad-param                 : 0
        alloc-fail                : 0
        dealloc-fail              : 0
        terminus                  : 0
        auth-fail                 : 0
        cipher-fail               : 0
        replay-fail               : 0
        replay-old                : 0
        algo-fail                 : 0
        no-such-op                : 0
        no-ctx                    : 0
        cant-check                : 0
        key-expired               : 0
        nonce-bad                 : 0
        read-failed               : 0
        write-failed              : 0
        parse-err                 : 0
        encode-err                : 0
        pfkey-err                 : 0
        mki-changed               : 0
        srtp-pkt-too-small        : 0
        srtcp-pkt-too-small       : 0
PPX Global Statistics
        alloc_count               : 34768
        dealloc_count             : 34732
        input-packets             : 0
        output-packets            : 0
        sessions-count            : 602
        init-requests             : 2398
        init-success              : 2398
        init-fail                 : 0
        modify-requests           : 600
        modify-success            : 600
        modify-fail               : 0
        delete-requests           : 2396
        delete-success            : 2396
        delete-fail               : 0
        query-requests            : 2
        query-success             : 2
        query-fail                : 0
        resources-error           : 0
        protect-fail              : 0
        unprotect-fail            : 0
        status-err                : 0
        bad-param                 : 0
        alloc-fail                : 0
        dealloc-fail              : 0
        terminus                  : 0
        auth-fail                 : 0
        cipher-fail               : 0
        replay-fail               : 0
        replay-old                : 0
        algo-fail                 : 0
        no-such-op                : 0
        no-ctx                    : 0
        cant-check                : 0
        key-expired               : 0
        nonce-bad                 : 0
        read-failed               : 0
        write-failed              : 0
        parse-err                 : 0
        encode-err                : 0
        pfkey-err                 : 0
        mki-changed               : 0
        srtp-pkt-too-small        : 0
        srtcp-pkt-too-small       : 0

show nat flow-info srtp by-addr

The show nat flow-info srtp by-addr ACLI command displays cryptographic details for a specific SRTP data flow, as identified by an IPv4 address specifying the data flow source.

Alternatively, you can use the all argument in place of a specific IP address to display cryptographic details for all SRTP data flows.

ORACLE# show nat flow-info srtp by-addr 
Crypto Parameters ->

        Collapsed                 : true
        SRTCP Only                : false
Crypto In
        destination-address       :
        destination-port          : 10036
        vlan-id                   : 0
        encr-algo                 : aes-128-ctr
        auth-algo                 : hmac-sha1
        auth-tag-length           : 80
                key index                 : 0
                mki                       : none
                roll-over-count           : 0

Crypto Out
        destination-address       :
        destination-port          : 8000
        vlan-id                   : 0
        encr-algo                 : aes-128-ctr
        auth-algo                 : hmac-sha1
        auth-tag-length           : 80
                key index                 : 0
                mki                       : none
                roll-over-count           : 0

PPX Statistics
Stream #1
        ssrc                      : 3735928559
        rtp-cipher-id             : AES-128-ICM
        rtp-auth-id               : HMAC-SHA1
        rtp-security-level        : Crypto + Auth
        rtp-total-packets         : 9
        rtp-total-bytes           : 178
        rtp-cipher-bytes          : 70
        rtp-auth-bytes            : 178
        rtcp-cipher-id            : AES-128-ICM
        rtcp-auth-id              : HMAC-SHA1
rtcp-security-level       : Crypto + Auth
        rtcp-total-packets        : 0
        rtcp-total-bytes          : 0
        rtcp-cipher-bytes         : 0
        rtcp-auth-bytes           : 0
        key-lifetime              : 4294967295
        direction                 : Sender
PPX Statistics
Stream #1
        ssrc                      : 3735928559
        rtp-cipher-id             : AES-128-ICM
        rtp-auth-id               : HMAC-SHA1
        rtp-security-level        : Crypto + Auth
        rtp-total-packets         : 8
        rtp-total-bytes           : 240
        rtp-cipher-bytes          : 64
        rtp-auth-bytes            : 160
        rtcp-cipher-id            : AES-128-ICM
        rtcp-auth-id              : HMAC-SHA1
        rtcp-security-level       : Crypto + Auth
        rtcp-total-packets        : 0
        rtcp-total-bytes          : 0
        rtcp-cipher-bytes         : 0
        rtcp-auth-bytes           : 0
        key-lifetime              : 4294967295
        direction                 : Receiver   

show mbcd errors

The show mbcd errors ACLI command provides new counters tracking SRTP error conditions.

ORACLE# show mbcd errors
MBC Errors/Events              ---- Lifetime ----
                        Recent      Total  PerMax
Client Errors                0          0       0
Client IPC Errors            0          0       0
Open Streams Failed          0          0       0
Drop Streams Failed          0          0       0
Monitor Streams Failed       0          0       0
Exp Flow Events              0          0       0
Exp Flow Not Found           0          0       0
Transaction Timeouts         0          0       0
Server Errors                0          0       0
Server IPC Errors            0          0       0
Flow Dup Replace Faile       0          0       0
Flow Duplicated              0          0       0
NatFlow install Errors       0          0       0
NatFlow apply Errors         0          0       0
NatFlow destry Errors        0          0       0
Flow Add Failed              0          0       0
Flow Delete Failed           0          0       0
Flow Update Failed           0          0       0
Flow Latch Failed            0          0       0
Pending Flow Expired         0          0       0
ARP Wait Errors              0          0       0
Exp CAM Not Found            0          0       0
Drop Unknown Exp Flow        0          0       0
Drop/Exp Flow Missing        0          0       0
Exp Notify Failed            0          0       0
Unacknowledged Notify        0          0       0
No Flows In Chain            0          0       0
Main Flow Notify Skips       0          0       0
Notify Not Sent (Skip)       0          0       0
Drop Chain Failures          0          0       0
ACL Deletes                  0          0       0
Saved Flows                  0          0       0
NoTimeout on otherFlow       0          0       0
Ignore TimerOn Relatch       0          0       0
Relatching Timeouts          0          0       0
Invalid Realm                0          0       0
No Ports Available           0          0       0
Insufficient Bandwidth       0          0       0
Stale Ports Reclaimed        0          0       0
Stale Flows Replaced         0          0       0
Telephone Events Gen         0          0       0
Media Playback Fails         0          0       0
Playback Exh Resources       0          0       0
Playback Flow Inactive       0          0       0
Playback Mismatch            0          0       0
Pipe Alloc Errors            0          0       0
Pipe Write Errors            0          0       0
Not Found In Flows           0          0       0
MPO Realm Mismatch           0          0       0
XCode Internal Errors        0          0       0
XCode Alloc Errors           0          0       0
XCode Update Errors          0          0       0
XCode Delete Errors          0          0       0
XCode Over Cap Errors        0          0       0
XCode Over License Cap       0          0       0
SRTP Flow Add Failed         0          0       0
SRTP Flow Delete Faile       0          0       0
SRTP Flow Update Faile       0          0       0
SRTP Capacity Exceeded       0          0       0
Adds                         0          0       0
Deletes                      0          0       0
Updates                      0          0       0

show mbcd statistics

The show mbcd statistics ACLI command displays additional counters enumerating the number of active SRTP/SRTCP flows, as well as the number of SRTP sessions.

The SRTP flow count indicates the number of flows that require either SRTP encryption or decryption on either side of the flow.

The SRTP session count indicates the number of concurrent SRTP/SRTCP sessions on the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller. An SRTP session is counted as a full SRTP plus SRTCP crypto context, including both an encryption and decryption context. Note that a collapsed flow containing SRTP and SRTCP will count as one SRTP Session, and two uncollapsed flows for SRTP and the corresponding SRTCP will also count as one SRTP session.

Note that a hairpin connection counts as two SRTP sessions, one for each SRTP/SRTCP pair on each call leg, and two SRTP collapsed flows.

ORACLE# show mbcd statistics 
MBCD Status                -- Period -- -------- Lifetime --------
                 Active    High   Total      Total  PerMax    High
Client Sessions       1       1       0         18       3       4
Client Trans          0       0       0         75       6       3
Contexts              2       2       0         19       3       5
Flows                 4       4       0         38       6      10
Flow-Port             2       2       0         36       6       8
Flow-NAT              4       4       0         74      12      10
Flow-RTCP             0       0       0          0       0       0
Flow-Hairpin          0       0       0          0       0       0
Flow-Released         0       0       0          0       0       0
MSM-Release           0       0       0          0       0       0
Rel-Port              0       0       0          0       0       0
Rel-Hairpin           0       0       0          0       0       0
NAT Entries           4       4       0         74      12      10
Free Ports         1998    1998       0       2070    2002    2002
Used Ports            4       4       0         72      12      16
Port Sorts            -       -       0          0       0       0
Queued Notify         0       0       0          0       0       0
MBC Trans             0       0       0         75       6       5
MBC Ignored           -       -       0          0       0       0
ARP Trans             0       0       0          0       0       0
Relatch NAT           0       0       0          0       0       0
Media Playback        0       0       0          0       0       0
MSM-SRTP-Passthrough  0       0       0          0       0       0
Flow MSRP             0       0       0          0       0       0
SRTP Only Flows       0       0       0          0       0       0
SRTCP Only Flows      0       0       0          0       0       0
SRTP Collapsed Flows  0       0       0          2       2       2
SRTP Sessions         0       0       0          2       2       2
DTLS-SRTP Sessions    0       0       0          0       0       0
ICE-STUN Sessions     0       0       0          0       0       0

Flow Rate = 0.0
Load Rate = 0.0

show mbcd all

The show mbcd all ACLI command provides new counters tracking SRTP data flow additions, updates, and deletions.

ORACLE# show mbcd statistics 
MBCD Status                -- Period -- -------- Lifetime --------
                 Active    High   Total      Total  PerMax    High
Client Sessions       0       0       0          0       0       0
Client Trans          0       0       0          0       0       0
Contexts              1       1       0          1       1       1
Flows                 2       2       0          2       2       2
Flow-Port             0       0       0          0       0       0
Flow-NAT              2       2       0          2       2       2
Flow-RTCP             0       0       0          0       0       0
Flow-Hairpin          0       0       0          0       0       0
Flow-Released         0       0       0          0       0       0
MSM-Release           0       0       0          0       0       0
Rel-Port              0       0       0          0       0       0
Rel-Hairpin           0       0       0          0       0       0
NAT Entries           2       2       0          2       2       2
Free Ports         2002    2002       0       2002    2002    2002
Used Ports            0       0       0          0       0       0
Port Sorts            -       -       0          0       0
Queued Notify         0       0       0          0       0       0
MBC Trans             0       0       0          0       0       0
MBC Ignored           -       -       0          0       0
ARP Trans             0       0       0          0       0       0
Relatch NAT           0       0       0          0       0       0
Relatch RTCP          0       0       0          0       0       0
SRTP Only Flows       0       0       0          0       0       0
SRTCP Only Flows      0       0       0          0       0       0
SRTP Collapsed Flows  0       0       0          2       2       2
SRTP Sesssions        0       0       0          2       2       2

Flow Rate = 0.0
Load Rate = 0.0

NAT Entries             ---- Lifetime ----
                 Recent      Total  PerMax
Adds                  0          2       2
Deletes               0          0       0
Updates               0          0       0
Non-Starts            0          0       0
Stops                 0          0       0
Timeouts              0          0       0

ACL Entries                -- Period -- -------- Lifetime --------
                 Active    High   Total      Total  PerMax    High
Static Trusted        0       0       0          0       0       0
Static Blocked        0       0       0          0       0       0
Dynamic Trusted       0       0       0          0       0       0
Dynamic Blocked       0       0       0          0       0       0

ACL Operations          ---- Lifetime ----
                 Recent      Total  PerMax
App Requests          0          0       0
Added                 0          0       0
Removed               0          0       0
Dropped               0          0       0

MBC Errors/Events              ---- Lifetime ----
                        Recent      Total  PerMax
Client Errors                0          0       0
Client IPC Errors            0          0       0
Open Streams Failed          0          0       0
Drop Streams Failed          0          0       0
Exp Flow Events              0          0       0
Exp Flow Not Found           0          0       0
Transaction Timeouts         0          0       0

Server Errors                0          0       0
Server IPC Errors            0          0       0
Flow Add Failed              0          0       0
Flow Delete Failed           0          0       0
Flow Update Failed           0          0       0
Flow Latch Failed            0          0       0
Pending Flow Expired         0          0       0
ARP Wait Errors              0          0       0
Exp CAM Not Found            0          0       0
Drop Unknown Exp Flow        0          0       0
Drop/Exp Flow Missing        0          0       0
Exp Notify Failed            0          0       0
Unacknowledged Notify        0          0       0
Invalid Realm                0          0       0
No Ports Available           0          0       0
Insufficient Bandwidth       0          0       0
Stale Ports Reclaimed        0          0       0
Stale Flows Replaced         0          0       0
Telephone Events Gen         0          0       0
Pipe Alloc Errors            0          0       0
Pipe Write Errors            0          0       0
Not Found In Flows           0          0       0
SRTP Flow Add Failed         0          0       0
SRTP Flow Delete Failed      0          0       0
SRTP Flow Update Failed      0          0       0
SRTP Capacity Exceeded       0          0       0

SRTP Flows              ---- Lifetime ----
                 Recent      Total  PerMax
Adds                  0          2       2
Deletes               0          0       0
Updates               0          0       0

show sipd errors

The show sipd errors ACLI command provides a counter tracking the number of SIP sessions that failed because of SRTP signaling problems.

ORACLE# show sipd errors 
SIP Errors/Events             ---- Lifetime ----
                       Recent      Total  PerMax
SDP Offer Errors            0          0       0
SDP Answer Errors           0          0       0
Drop Media Errors           0          0       0
Transaction Errors          0          0       0
Application Errors          0          0       0
Media Exp Events            0          2       1
Early Media Exps            0          0       0
Exp Media Drops             0          0       0
Expired Sessions            0          1       1
Multiple OK Drops           0          0       0
Multiple OK Terms           0          0       0
Media Failure Drops         0          0       0
Non-ACK 2xx Drops           0          0       0
Invalid Requests            0          0       0
Invalid Responses           0          0       0
Invalid Messages            0          0       0
CAC Session Drop            0          0       0
Nsep User Exceeded          0          0       0
Nsep SA   Exceeded          0          0       0
CAC BW Drop                 0          0       0
SRTP Errors                 0          0       0
ORACLE# show sipd errors 

show security srtp sessions

The show security srtp sessions ACLI command displays summary information for currently active SRTP sessions.

ORACLE# show security srtp sessions 

16:31:52-199 Capacity=10000
SRTP Session Statistics       -- Period -- -------- Lifetime --------
                    Active    High   Total      Total  PerMax    High
SRTP Sessions          100      55     100      17264     100      75